رد: عاااااجل توقيع عقد للبحرية السعودية مع فرنسا
صورة لنظام الدفاع الجوي قصير المدى SIMBAD-RC والذي سيتم دمجه على سفن الإمداد السعودية من فئة بريدة ,, والذي يستخدم صواريخ MISTRAL
أنا شخصيا قرأت خبر شراء هذا النظام شهر 1 بداية العام الميلادي 2013 لزبون من الشرق الأوسط لم تحدد الشركة إسمه .. لكي يتم دمجه على سفن الدورية والإمداد الخاصة به ...وكنت على قناعة بأن صفقة الشراء مخصصة لصفقة تطوير ( صواري 1) .. مما يؤكد أن العمل على الصفقة بدأ من نهايات 2012 ..خاصة بعد زيارة هولاند للسعودية في نوفمبر 2012 ..... وقد لمحت بالفعل قبل عدة أشهر بأن أعمال البناء والتطوير بدأت بالفعل عكس ما يشاع في الصحافة والمواقع العالمية ,,,,,,,,
MBDA has signed its first export contract for the SIMBAD-RC remote-control short-range naval anti-air defence system, the company announced at the IDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi.
Prototypes of the SIMBAD-RC system are in production and system qualification is expected in 2014. Deliveries to the un-named customer are due to begin in 2015 and they will be fitted to the country’s patrol ships. Two systems will be fitted to each vessel.
The contract was signed earlier in January and the customer is not thought to be from the Middle East region. The number of systems procured and the value of the contract could not be disclosed.
The SIMBAD-RC gyro-stabilised automatic launcher turret holds two Mistral 2 fire-and-forget missiles and can be fitted with a thermal and large field of view camera. The SMU-RC operator terminal located inside the ship can manage two turrets and can be integrated with the ship’s combat system, radar and electro-optical sensors.
With a weight of 350kg the turret has a bearing of +/- 160 degrees and an elevation -15 degrees to +65 degrees and can be fired in less than five seconds after preparation.
The SIMBAD-RC system is designed to provide defence against anti-ship missiles; combat aircraft; UAVs; helicopters; and small fast moving surface targets and is suited for ships with low crew numbers and with stealthy or fast craft capabilities.
أنا شخصيا قرأت خبر شراء هذا النظام شهر 1 بداية العام الميلادي 2013 لزبون من الشرق الأوسط لم تحدد الشركة إسمه .. لكي يتم دمجه على سفن الدورية والإمداد الخاصة به ...وكنت على قناعة بأن صفقة الشراء مخصصة لصفقة تطوير ( صواري 1) .. مما يؤكد أن العمل على الصفقة بدأ من نهايات 2012 ..خاصة بعد زيارة هولاند للسعودية في نوفمبر 2012 ..... وقد لمحت بالفعل قبل عدة أشهر بأن أعمال البناء والتطوير بدأت بالفعل عكس ما يشاع في الصحافة والمواقع العالمية ,,,,,,,,
MBDA has signed its first export contract for the SIMBAD-RC remote-control short-range naval anti-air defence system, the company announced at the IDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi.
Prototypes of the SIMBAD-RC system are in production and system qualification is expected in 2014. Deliveries to the un-named customer are due to begin in 2015 and they will be fitted to the country’s patrol ships. Two systems will be fitted to each vessel.
The contract was signed earlier in January and the customer is not thought to be from the Middle East region. The number of systems procured and the value of the contract could not be disclosed.
The SIMBAD-RC gyro-stabilised automatic launcher turret holds two Mistral 2 fire-and-forget missiles and can be fitted with a thermal and large field of view camera. The SMU-RC operator terminal located inside the ship can manage two turrets and can be integrated with the ship’s combat system, radar and electro-optical sensors.
With a weight of 350kg the turret has a bearing of +/- 160 degrees and an elevation -15 degrees to +65 degrees and can be fired in less than five seconds after preparation.
The SIMBAD-RC system is designed to provide defence against anti-ship missiles; combat aircraft; UAVs; helicopters; and small fast moving surface targets and is suited for ships with low crew numbers and with stealthy or fast craft capabilities.