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نيجيريا تتسلم 12 عربه من طراز Honker بولنديه متعدده الاغراض

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  • نيجيريا تتسلم 12 عربه من طراز Honker بولنديه متعدده الاغراض

    Nigeria to receive 12 Polish Honker multi-purpose all-terrain vehicles

    تسلمت نيجيريا 12 عربه من طراز Honker بولنديه متعدده الاغراض

    he Nigerian Armed Forces would receive 12 new Honker multi-purpose all-terrain vehicles developed by FSC Lublin Automotive Factory.
    That was reported by www.kurierlubelski.pl.
    The Nigerian Armed Forces signed a contract with Polish FSC Lublin Automotive Factory for the delivery of 12 Honker multi-purpose all-terrain vehicles. Vehicles will drive the cadets who are preparing to serve in the Nigerian army. Earlier, the government of this West African country bought 10 similar vehicles for combat tasks.
    This is the new honker version having three axes. Will be used to carry 20 people on tonneau and two people in the cab. The vehicles have a Polish engine producing 150 hp.
    This Honker vehicle has been produced for many years in Poland. It has been approved in many environments. It is stable on roads, insuperable in terrain; it operates easily and is adaptable to be used in several purposes. It passed difficult army tests.

ما الذي يحدث


المتواجدون الآن 1. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1.

أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

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