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طائره الانذار المبكر الروسيه Premier A-100

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  • طائره الانذار المبكر الروسيه Premier A-100

    Russian unveils model of new A-100 “Premier” airborne early warning and control aircraft

    كشفت شركه الطيران Beriev Vega عن طائره الانذار المبكر والمراقبة المحمول جوا / اواكس

    المبني على اساس طائره (Il-76MD-90A (Il-476)

    الرادار AESA مثبتة على الدعامات فوق جسم الطائرة

    ستكون رحلتها الاولى عام 2018

    Beriev Aircraft Company with Vega Radio Engineering Corporation has been unveiled model of new A-100 “Premier” airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft at the military-technical forum «Army 2016».
    The new Beriev A-100 “Premier” airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft will be based on the Il-76MD-90A (Il-476) transport aircraft. The Beriev A-100 is an airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft currently being developed by Russia, an upgrade of the A-50.
    The aircraft is based on the improved Il-476, which has new PS-90A-76 turbofans that are 15% more powerful than the D-30KP used by the Il-76. The external shape of the A-100 will be similar to the A-50, with the main radar array housed in a rotating dome mounted on two struts above the fuselage. The new Vega Premier AESA radar in the dome will have electronic steering in elevation while azimuth is control by the rotation of the dome. The array will rotate once every 5 seconds, thus improving the radar’s ability to track fast moving targets.
    The A-100 Premier will make her maiden flight by 2018, a defense source told Russian media.

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المتواجدون الآن 0. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 0.

أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

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