ضمن إحتفالية في مطار بن قوريون أعلنت إسرائيل رسميا تزويد مروحياتها بصواريخ LAHAT المضادة للدروع ..الصاروخ من إنتاج شركة الصناعات الدفاعية الإسرائيلية ,,, ويتميز بخفة وزنه (13كلغم) ومدى يصل ل8 كلم ومزود برأس ترادفي مع القدرة على دمجه على المروحيات الصهيونية بدون الحاجة لتغير الأنظمة العاملة عليها ,,الصاروخ العامل بالتوجيه الليزري الغير نشط سيتم إنتاجه بشكل واسع لصالح القوات الجوية والبرية الإسرائيلية مع وجود 4 زبائن دوليين له
BEN GURION INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Israel, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- Israel Aerospace Industries is equipping the country's combat helicopters with its LAHAT semi-active homing missile system.
The LAHAT, or laser homing attack missile, is a lightweight guided missile with line-of-site and non-line-of-site firing capabilities and a small launch signature. The missiles are fired from a quad-pack launcher that weighs 165 pounds.
Israel Aerospace Industries described the contract for the missile system as "substantial" and said it is for "a large number" of units.
The contract covers installation, integration and testing aboard combat helicopters.
BEN GURION INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Israel, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- Israel Aerospace Industries is equipping the country's combat helicopters with its LAHAT semi-active homing missile system.
The LAHAT, or laser homing attack missile, is a lightweight guided missile with line-of-site and non-line-of-site firing capabilities and a small launch signature. The missiles are fired from a quad-pack launcher that weighs 165 pounds.
Israel Aerospace Industries described the contract for the missile system as "substantial" and said it is for "a large number" of units.
The contract covers installation, integration and testing aboard combat helicopters.