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تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

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  • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

    The Chinese air force yesterday scrambled Su-30 and J-11 fighter jets after a dozen American and Japanese military aircraft entered the air defence identification zone (ADIZ) proclaimed by Beijing last weekend in the East China Sea. The incident is the first direct Chinese reaction to a US or Japanese incursion and heightens the danger of a miscalculation leading to a clash and conflict.
    Having declared the ADIZ, which overlaps with Japan’s own ADIZ and provocatively includes the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, the Chinese government has come under pressure from hawkish sections of the ruling elite not to back away. The Obama administration immediately challenged the ADIZ by flying nuclear-capable B-52 bombers into the area on Tuesday without abiding by Chinese rules to provide flight plans, identification and maintain radio contact. Japan and South Korea followed suit on Wednesday, sending military aircraft to the zone.
    According to the Chinese Defence Ministry, the Chinese fighters identified two US reconnaissance planes and 10 Japanese military aircraft, including early warning, reconnaissance and fighter aircraft. The statement explained that the Chinese aircraft monitored their American and Japanese counterparts throughout their flights in the ADIZ.
    Asked about the Chinese statement, Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren acknowledged the US flights but provided no details. “The US will continue to partner our allies and will operate in the area as normal,” he said. Japan’s Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera also played down the incident, saying: “We are simply conducting our ordinary warning and surveillance activity like before.”
    Far from operating “normally,” the US and Japan have seized upon the Chinese ADIZ to justify their closer military collaboration and build-up in areas adjacent to the Chinese mainland. An American defence official told Bloomberg.com yesterday that the US military was conducting daily flights through the zone without notifying Chinese authorities in advance.
    The US and Japanese navies are conducting a major joint exercise, AnnualEx 2013, in waters off Okinawa in Japan’s southern island chain near the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. The war games involve the aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, as well as dozens of American and Japanese warships, submarines and aircraft.
    US 7th fleet commander, Vice Admiral Robert Thomas, reaffirmed that American warplanes would ignore Chinese rules for its ADIZ. “So for us it’s ‘steady as you go.’ Our operations in the East China Sea will continue as they always have.” US air force activities, which include regular reconnaissance flights off the Chinese coast, have in the past led to dangerous incidents, including a mid-air collision near China’s Hainan Island in 2001 that resulted in the downing of a Chinese aircraft and the death of the pilot.
    Tensions in the East China Sea have greatly heightened as a result of the Obama administration’s “pivot to Asia” over the past four years. The US has encouraged Japan to remilitarise and take a more aggressive stance in its Senkaku/Diaoyu islands dispute with China.
    Japan’s military build-up has accelerated since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a rightwing nationalist, came to power last December. The Abe government has increased defence spending for the first time in a decade and proclaimed its determination to change the constitution to allow Japan to collaborate more closely with the US military and conduct “pre-emptive” actions.
    The latest navy exercises near Okinawa are part of Japan’s strategic shift from the defence of the country’s north against the former Soviet Union, to boosting military forces in the southern island chain—opposite China. Abe has made clear his government’s intention of enforcing Japan’s own ADIZ around the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, threatening to order the shooting down of unmanned Chinese surveillance drones. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan plans to station E-2C early warning aircraft at the Naha base in the Okinawa region and deploy long-range Global Hawk drones to monitor the area.
    Abe has exploited the standoff over the China’s air defence zone to ram through legislation this week to establish a US-style National Security Council and controversial new secrecy laws. The National Security Council, which will concentrate foreign and defence policy under the prime minister, is slated to begin operations as early as next week. The secrecy laws, which have passed the lower house, give the state bureaucracy sweeping powers to proclaim “state secrets” and impose harsh penalties on whistleblowers and the media. (See: “Japan’s new state secrecy law”)
    The new Chinese leadership of President Xi Jinping has been under internal pressure to respond to Abe’s more aggressive stance, especially over the disputed islets. Like the Japanese government, the Chinese regime is whipping up nationalism, which is particularly directed against its neighbour across the East China Sea, to divert mounting social tensions at home.
    In declaring China’s ADIZ, the Xi leadership apparently counted on being able to put pressure on the US-Japan alliance and isolate Japan. An editorial in the hawkish state-run Global Times on Thursday urged the government to pursue this strategy and make Japan the “prime target” of Chinese pressure. The newspaper dismissed criticisms from South Korea and Australia, and opined: “Washington is expected to refrain from confronting Beijing directly in the East China Sea, at least for now.”
    In fact, the real driving force behind the confrontation in the East China Sea is Washington, not Tokyo. The Obama administration’s “pivot” or “rebalance” has sought to consolidate a network of alliances, strategic partnerships and military bases throughout Asia, stretching from South Korea and Japan to South East Asia and Australia, and on to South and Central Asia.
    Far from driving a wedge between Japan and the US, Washington has leapt on the Chinese ADIZ to forge closer military ties with Japan and ratchet up the pressure on Beijing. South Korea, which China was courting, has swung sharply against Beijing and opposed the Chinese ADIZ, which includes a submerged rock (known as Ieodo in Korea and Suyan in China) claimed by Seoul.
    South East Asian countries have largely been silent over the East China Sea dispute, but there are concerns that China will proclaim a similar ADIZ over the South China Sea, where it has territorial disputes with the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia. In a TV interview on Thursday, Philippine Foreign Secretary Alberto del Rosario warned: “There’s this threat that China will control the air space [in the South China Sea].”
    The danger is that political miscalculations and misjudgments by one or more governments can rapidly lead to an escalating confrontation, in which an apparently minor incident can trigger a wider conflict.


    • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

      الصين "تفرض القوه بطريقة مثلى"


      لايغيب عن المتتبع والقارىء الكريم مايحدث من ضجه مؤخرا بخصوص فرض الصين احدى المناطق الاستراتجيه والهامه منطقة دفاع جوي لاتعبرها اي طائره سواء كانت مدنيه او حربيه الا باذن واطلاع الدفاع الجوي الصيني على كافة المعلومات مثل مكان توجه تلك الطائره والغرض من ذلك وان تبقى على اتصال لاسلكي مع تلك القوات حتى تصل الى المكان المطلوب .. هاذه الخطوه التي تندد بها اليابان كثيرا وترفضها والتي تحث ايضا الولايات المتحده وكوريا الى الوقوف معها في سبيل الغاء تلك الخطوة الصينيه .. لكن الحقيقه بصورة او بأخرى الصين لن تتنازل عن هاذا القرار وستظل تصمم عليه وعلى المجتمع الدولي ان يتقبل بالتدرج عطش التنين الصيني الى فرض الهينمه على تلك البقاع من العالم. فالعالم الان عليه ان يتقبل هاذا القرار ومع مرور الوقت سيصبح للامر طابع تقليدي للغايه وسيتجلى مانراه من صخب الان حول الامر رغم ان تبعاته خطره على المستوى القومي والامني لليابان وكوريا . هاذه المنطقة التي اعلنتها الصين كمنطقة دفاع جوي تفصل بين اليابان وكوريا الجنوبيه من جهه وتايوان من جهة اخرى ، اي ان تايوان ستصبح بين فكي الصين. وبالرغم من ان الولايات المتحده ارسلت قاذفات لتخترق اجواء تلك المنطقة وتلتها اليابان وكوريا الجنوبيه الا ان هاذا لم يهز من صلابة الموقف الصيني او ثقة الصينين من انفسهم فرأينا ان الصين دفعة بالمقاتلات مرفقه بطائرات الانذار المبكر وستعزز القوات المتواجده في تلك المنطقه . وعلى صعيد اخر تواجد منظومة راداريه وصاروخيه في تلك المنطقة سيعزز من قدرات الصين الدفاعيه وستتيح للصينين قدرات كشف مبكره وهائلة اضافة الى شبكة الرادارات الصينيه التي تغطي أجواء الصين وتؤمنها بالكامل . العبقريه الصينيه في استخدام القوة وفرضها تختلف عن نظيرتها الامريكيه او الروسيه التي تستخدم الحل العسكري والذي عادة له تبعات ليست جيده مطلقا .. الصين تبسط نفوذها وتعززة بصوره بسيطه لكنها شديدة اللهجة .. الصين تفرض القوه بطريقة مثلى


      • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

        بحرية الولايات المتحدة توظف احدث طائراتها في منطقة النزاع هذا استعداد لحرب وليس اختبار لدفاعات الصين

        U.S. Navy VP-16 has just begun the first deployment with the new Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft.
        The first aircraft departed from Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida, on Nov. 29. Destination, Kadena, Okinawa, one the largest U.S. airbases in the Asia-Pacific region, located about 400 chilometers East of the disputed Senkaku islands (Diaoyu for China).The deployment was planned months ago and officially announced on Oct. 3, when US Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida and Minister of Defense Itsunori Onodera, agreed to base two US Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey squadrons in Okinawa, as well as detach US Navy P-8 maritime patrol aircraft beginning in December.However, the situation in the region, with the growing tensions following the establishment of a Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and an incresing amount of aircraft and warships operating around the disputed islands, give a different meaning to the first deployment of the Poseidon, a derivative of the Boeing 737, capable to carry the Mk-54 airborne torpedo and the Harpoon anti-ship missile, and to perform ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) missions as well as ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) tasks.Poseidons belonging to the VP-16 War Eagles squadron will not only keep an eye on Chinese submarines or perform intelligence missions, but will probably assist rescue efforts in the Philippines, supporting Operation Damayan.


        • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين


          • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين


            • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

              هذا يعني ان ف22 متواجدة في مكان ما


              • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                j-11 موجودة مع سو-30


                • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                  More Chinese Air ID Zones Predicted توقع ان تقوم الصين بانشاء مزيد من مناطق ID


                  • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                    Sources indicate China’s ADIZ could be part of its larger anti-access/area-denial strategy designed to force the US military to operate farther from China’s shorelines.
                    China might also be planning additional identification zones in the South China Sea and near contested areas along India’s border, US and local sources say.
                    China’s ADIZ might be an attempt by Beijing to improve its claim to disputed islands in the East China Sea also claimed by Japan, sources said. These islands — known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China — are under the administrative control of Japan.
                    Mike Green, senior vice president for Asia and Japan chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), said this is part of a larger Chinese strategy beyond disputes over islands.
                    “This should be viewed as a part of a Chinese effort to assert greater denial capacity and eventual pre-eminence over the First Island Chain” off the coast, he said.
                    Green, who served on the US National Security Council from 2001 to 2005, said China’s Central Military Commission in 2008 “promulgated the ‘Near Sea Doctrine,’ and is following it to the letter, testing the US, Japan, Philippines and others to see how far they can push.”
                    June Teufel Dreyer, a veteran China watcher at the University of Miami, Fla., said “salami slicing” is a large part of China’s strategic policy. “The salami tactic has been stunningly successful, so incremental that it’s hard to decide what Japan, or any other country, should respond forcefully to. No clear ‘red line’ seems to have been established,” Dreyer said.
                    The Chinese refer to it as “ling chi” or “death from a thousand cuts.”
                    For example, China’s new ADIZ overlaps not only Japan’s zone to encompass disputed islands, but South Korea’s zone by 20 kilometers in width and 115 kilometers in length to cover the Socotra Rock (Ieodo or Parangdo). Socotra is under South Korean control but claimed by China as the Suyan Rock.
                    Seoul decided to expand its ADIZ after China refused to redraw its declared zone covering the islands. Seoul’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) and related government agencies are consulting on how to expand the South Korean ADIZ, drawn in 1951 by the US military, officials said.
                    “We’re considering ways of expanding [South] Korea’s air defense identification zone to include Ieodo,” said Wi Yong-seop, vice spokesman for the MND.
                    During annual high-level defense talks between Seoul and Beijing on Nov. 28, South Korean Vice Defense Minister Baek Seung-joo demanded that Wang Guanzhong, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army, modify China’s ADIZ.
                    “We expressed regret over China’s air defense identification zone that overlaps our zone and even includes Ieodo,” Wi said after the bilateral meeting. “We made it clear that we can’t recognize China’s move and jurisdiction over Ieodo waters.”
                    Amid these growing tensions, South Korea’s arms procurement agency announced Nov. 27 it would push forward on procurement of four aerial refueling planes. Currently, South Korea’s F-15 fighter jets are limited to flying missions over Ieodo for 20 minutes. New tankers will extend that time to 80 minutes.
                    “With midair refueling, the operational range and flight hours of our fighter jets will be extended to a greater extent, and we will be able to respond to potential territorial disputes with neighboring countries,” a spokesman for South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration said.
                    In the southern part of China’s ADIZ, which overlaps Taiwan’s ADIZ, Beijing was careful not to cover Taiwan’s Pengjia Island, which is manned by a Taiwan Coast Guard unit.
                    “The exclusion of the Pengjia Islet indicates that mainland China respects our stance,” said Chinese Nationalist Party legislator Ting Shou-chung. Relations across the Taiwan Strait have been improving over the past several years.
                    “We’re all waiting for the other shoe to drop,” said Peter Dutton, an ADIZ expert and director of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College.
                    “We’re looking to see how China will now behave,” he said. “Hopefully, they will not try to fly inside the airspace over the Senkaku Islands, since that is under Japanese sovereign administration and would therefore be a highly provocative act.”
                    Dutton downplayed fears of another civilian airliner being shot down, as was the case in 1983, when a Soviet Su-15 fighter shot down a South Korean airliner that strayed into Soviet airspace, killing 269.
                    In 1988, a US Navy Ticonderoga-class cruiser, the USS Vincennes, shot down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Arabian Gulf, killing 290. The Vincennes mistook the airliner for an Iranian F-14 Tomcat fighter jet.
                    “For civilian aircraft, this is really not a major issue,” he said. “Those aircraft almost always file flight plans in advance and follow the directions of ground controllers. This means that their route through the ADIZ would already by pre-approved, and this is not a problem for the Chinese.”
                    Dutton said the real concern is the freedom of military flights.
                    “But both the US and Japan have said they do not intend to alter their behavior or to abide by the ADIZ procedures, no matter what they are, for military flights,” he said.
                    In 2001, a Chinese J-8 fighter collided with a US Navy EP-3 Aries signals intelligence aircraft near Hainan Island. Bonnie Glaser, a China specialist at CSIS, said she does not expect China to “back down” from its ADIZ policy, and anticipates more intercepts by Chinese fighters of US reconnaissance aircraft.
                    “The risk of accident will undoubtedly increase, especially [with] fighters [flown at] Mach 1 by young, inexperienced pilots,” she said.
                    Alessio Patalano, a lecturer in the Department of War Studies, King’s College, London, said the Chinese move might have been prompted by the current tensions in the East China Sea, and recent discussions in Japan about how the military can deal with Chinese drones and manned patrol aircraft that intrude into Japan’s air defense space.
                    “Chinese authorities are seeking to force Japan to accept the existence of the dispute challenging Japanese control of the islands,” Patalano said. “The problem with this is that Chinese authorities are using military and paramilitary tools to force a change of status quo to what is a political issue.
                    “Of course, a more robust response could see the US and Japan deploy air assets in the overlapping areas of the ADIZ to challenge the Chinese position,” Patalano said. “US and Japanese aircraft flying together in the Chinese ADIZ would present a serious dilemma to Chinese authority.”
                    Green said the US should at least send a “joint US-Japan patrol into the area to prove the point that coercion does not work.”
                    The announcement of the ADIZ also affects the Chinese military, likely adding to the Air Force’s status over the traditional role the Army has played as national defender


                    • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                      Sources indicate China’s ADIZ could be part of its larger anti-access/area-denial strategy designed to force the US military to operate farther from China’s shorelines.


                      • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                        هذه الاستراتيجية " الدفاعية " كارثية بحيث تقوم دوله باستقطاع "مربعات محظوره "تحت بربغندا دفع خصم ما

                        تخيل روسيا او امريكا او اسبانيا اوحتى اسرائيل و يران تطبق

                        مربعات محظوره !!

                        ههه من حدود الصين حتى حدود اندونيسيا !! والفلبيين مرعوبه


                        • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                          الخريطة توضح عدد النزاعات بين دول شرق أسيا بسبب الخلافات الحدودية ,, حجم الدائرة التي تحيط إسم الدولة يرتبط بعلاقة طردية بحجم النزاعات التي خاضتها ,,

                          الصين بطلت النزاعات في جنوب شرق أسيا :21:


                          • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                            كل الخطوات التي تتخذها الصين حاليا هدفها تايوان بعد تايوان ستبتلع الصين بروناي الغنية بالبترول والمشغول حكامها بمتع الدنيا وزخرفة قصورهم وسياراتهم بالذهب والمجوهرات !


                            • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة
                              كل الخطوات التي تتخذها الصين حاليا هدفها تايوان بعد تايوان ستبتلع الصين بروناي الغنية بالبترول والمشغول حكامها بمتع الدنيا وزخرفة قصورهم وسياراتهم بالذهب والمجوهرات !
                              حاكم بروناي مسلم وهي قبل ذلك دوله اغلبيه مسلمه ,,لكن السلطان البروناوي باذخ بشكل يذكرني بالقذافي لكنه راكد وغير مجنون


                              • رد: تحليق قاذفات امريكية في المنطقة المحظورة من قبل الصين

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة القائـد في الظل مشاهدة المشاركة
                                حاكم بروناي مسلم وهي قبل ذلك دوله اغلبيه مسلمه ,,لكن السلطان البروناوي باذخ بشكل يذكرني بالقذافي لكنه راكد وغير مجنون
                                بروناي دولة صغيرة غنية بالبترول ,,, صدقني الصين تنظر لها بنظرة تختلف عن باقي الدول ,,,, خاصة في ظل شره الصين للبترول ,,,, من الأفضل لبروناي الإتحاد مع ماليزيا ,,,,,

                                وضع بروناي يذكرني بالدول الخليجية الصغيرة وهو ما يذكرني بالدويلات في تاريخ الأندلس ! فدول الخليج الصغيرة إما أن تتحد وإلا ستجتاحها قشتاله !


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                المتواجدون الآن 1. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

