أطلقت الصين بنجاح صاروخها العابر للقارات الجديد من نوع DF-41 والذي يصل مداه ل12000 كلم وتصل سرعته ل25 ماخ مع تزويده برؤوس حربية عديدة ومستقلة , ويصل وزن هذا المرعب ل30 طن
Last week Chinese army carried out its second test-launch of its new InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Dongfeng 41 (DF-41), which could have the ability to fire multiple warheads. The missile was fired Friday, December 13, 2013, from the Wuzhai rocket-firing complex in Shanxi province.
Last week Chinese army carried out its second test-launch of its new InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Dongfeng 41 (DF-41), which could have the ability to fire multiple warheads. The missile was fired Friday, December 13, 2013, from the Wuzhai rocket-firing complex in Shanxi province.