ذكر المدير العام لمركز الملك عبدالله للتصميم والتطوير KAADB بأن صاروخ ( نشاب ) أو الRPG-32 نال إهتمام دولي واسع خاصة من دولتين خليجيتين وبعض دول شمال أفريقيا ....كما تم تجربته من قبل الجيش الباكستاني لإحتمال عقد صفقة لشرائه
The 105 mm Nash-Shab (RPG-32) rocket launcher is attracting interest from potential customers less than a year after the start of production, according to Shadi Majali, the CEO of the King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KAADB).Majali told IHS Jane's that two Arab Gulf states and some North African countries had expressed interest in purchasing the Nash-Shab, while the Pakistani military has tested the system in Jordan pending a procurement decision.The Nash-Shab project is a joint venture by KAADB and Russia's state arms export agency, Rosoboronexport. The Jadara Equipment & Defence Systems Company (JRESCO), a KADDB subsidiary, began producing the system from parts supplied by Rosoboronexport in May 2013.
The 105 mm Nash-Shab (RPG-32) rocket launcher is attracting interest from potential customers less than a year after the start of production, according to Shadi Majali, the CEO of the King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KAADB).Majali told IHS Jane's that two Arab Gulf states and some North African countries had expressed interest in purchasing the Nash-Shab, while the Pakistani military has tested the system in Jordan pending a procurement decision.The Nash-Shab project is a joint venture by KAADB and Russia's state arms export agency, Rosoboronexport. The Jadara Equipment & Defence Systems Company (JRESCO), a KADDB subsidiary, began producing the system from parts supplied by Rosoboronexport in May 2013.