كما قلنا من قبل ان مركبة الفضاء Orion هى المركبة الفضائية الأمريكية المخصصة لحمل رواد الفضاء
الى وجهات يتم تحديدها فى الفضاء السحيق مثل كوكب المريخ والكويكبات وطبعا تستطيع المركبة الوصول الى الكويكبات وكوكب المريخ ببساطة شديدة ولذلك مركبة Orion هى افضل منصة اطلأق لحمل رواد الفضاء على الاطلأق للوصول الى اماكن فى الفضاء السحيق وطبعا الرحلة ستكون امنة على رواد الفضاء فى العودة لكوكب الأرض وطبعا تلك المركبة بجانب عنصر الأمان لرواد الفضاء يدخل عنصر مهم وهو ان هذه المركبة تقلل بشكل ملحوظ للتكاليف واول مهمة لمركبة Orion هو اختبار بسيط لأارسال المركبة الفضائية على بعد 3600 ميل فى مدار كوكب الأرض كجزء من رحلة تجريبية وبعد ذلك تدخل مركبة الفضاء الى الغلأف الجوى بسرعة 20000 ميل في الساعة تقريبا وبعد ذلك تهبط فى الماء بااستخدام المظلة فيما يعرف بطريقة Splashdown ومقرر اختبار المركبة الفضائية فى عام 2014 .... والموضوع الحالى يتحدث عن الأختبار الذى حدث للمركبة Orion فى 21 / 2 / 2014 وكان الهدف منه اجراء اختبارعلى قبالة سواحل كاليفورنيا مماثل للأختبار الرسمى لمرحلة رجوع مركبة الفضاء Orion من الغلأف الجوى والهبوط بطريقة Splashdown وهى طريقة الهبوط بالمظلة فى الماء
Orion Testing Provides Lessons And Data For Splashdown Recovery Operations February 21, 2014
The first full joint testing between NASA and the U.S. Navy of Orion recovery procedures off the coast of California was suspended after the team experienced issues with handling lines securing a test version of Orion inside the well deck of the USS San Diego. NASA and the Navy were conducting tests to prepare for recovery of Orion after it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean at the end of its first space flight, Exploration Flight Test-1, in September. The testing was planned to allow teams to demonstrate and evaluate the processes, procedures, hardware and personnel that will be needed for recovery operations. The lines were unable to support the tension caused by crew module motion that was driven by wave turbulence in the well deck of the ship. The team called off the week's remaining testing to allow engineers to evaluate next steps. The challenges that arose demonstrate why it is important to subject Orion to tests in the actual environments that the spacecraft will encounter. "Even though the testing didn't go as we had planned, we're learning lessons that will help us be better prepared to retrieve Orion after it travels more than 3,600 miles into space and comes home," said Bill Hill, assistant deputy associate administrator for exploration systems development at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "The Orion testing work we do is helping us work toward sending humans to deep space." The testing has provided important data that is being used to improve recovery procedures and hardware ahead of Orion’s first flight test this fall. Several of the test objectives were accomplished before the remaining tests were called off, including successful recoveries of the forward bay cover, parachute and demonstrations of the coordination required between the team onboard the ship and mission control in Houston. Orion is America's new spacecraft that will take astronauts to destinations not yet explored by humans, including an asteroid and Mars. It will have an emergency abort capability, sustain the crew during space travel and provide safe re-entry from deep space. During Exploration Flight Test-1, an uncrewed spacecraft will travel 15 times farther than the International Space Station before returning to Earth at speeds as fast as 20,000 mph and temperatures above 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit to evaluate the spacecraft’s heat shield and other systems.
الى وجهات يتم تحديدها فى الفضاء السحيق مثل كوكب المريخ والكويكبات وطبعا تستطيع المركبة الوصول الى الكويكبات وكوكب المريخ ببساطة شديدة ولذلك مركبة Orion هى افضل منصة اطلأق لحمل رواد الفضاء على الاطلأق للوصول الى اماكن فى الفضاء السحيق وطبعا الرحلة ستكون امنة على رواد الفضاء فى العودة لكوكب الأرض وطبعا تلك المركبة بجانب عنصر الأمان لرواد الفضاء يدخل عنصر مهم وهو ان هذه المركبة تقلل بشكل ملحوظ للتكاليف واول مهمة لمركبة Orion هو اختبار بسيط لأارسال المركبة الفضائية على بعد 3600 ميل فى مدار كوكب الأرض كجزء من رحلة تجريبية وبعد ذلك تدخل مركبة الفضاء الى الغلأف الجوى بسرعة 20000 ميل في الساعة تقريبا وبعد ذلك تهبط فى الماء بااستخدام المظلة فيما يعرف بطريقة Splashdown ومقرر اختبار المركبة الفضائية فى عام 2014 .... والموضوع الحالى يتحدث عن الأختبار الذى حدث للمركبة Orion فى 21 / 2 / 2014 وكان الهدف منه اجراء اختبارعلى قبالة سواحل كاليفورنيا مماثل للأختبار الرسمى لمرحلة رجوع مركبة الفضاء Orion من الغلأف الجوى والهبوط بطريقة Splashdown وهى طريقة الهبوط بالمظلة فى الماء
Orion Testing Provides Lessons And Data For Splashdown Recovery Operations February 21, 2014
The first full joint testing between NASA and the U.S. Navy of Orion recovery procedures off the coast of California was suspended after the team experienced issues with handling lines securing a test version of Orion inside the well deck of the USS San Diego. NASA and the Navy were conducting tests to prepare for recovery of Orion after it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean at the end of its first space flight, Exploration Flight Test-1, in September. The testing was planned to allow teams to demonstrate and evaluate the processes, procedures, hardware and personnel that will be needed for recovery operations. The lines were unable to support the tension caused by crew module motion that was driven by wave turbulence in the well deck of the ship. The team called off the week's remaining testing to allow engineers to evaluate next steps. The challenges that arose demonstrate why it is important to subject Orion to tests in the actual environments that the spacecraft will encounter. "Even though the testing didn't go as we had planned, we're learning lessons that will help us be better prepared to retrieve Orion after it travels more than 3,600 miles into space and comes home," said Bill Hill, assistant deputy associate administrator for exploration systems development at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "The Orion testing work we do is helping us work toward sending humans to deep space." The testing has provided important data that is being used to improve recovery procedures and hardware ahead of Orion’s first flight test this fall. Several of the test objectives were accomplished before the remaining tests were called off, including successful recoveries of the forward bay cover, parachute and demonstrations of the coordination required between the team onboard the ship and mission control in Houston. Orion is America's new spacecraft that will take astronauts to destinations not yet explored by humans, including an asteroid and Mars. It will have an emergency abort capability, sustain the crew during space travel and provide safe re-entry from deep space. During Exploration Flight Test-1, an uncrewed spacecraft will travel 15 times farther than the International Space Station before returning to Earth at speeds as fast as 20,000 mph and temperatures above 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit to evaluate the spacecraft’s heat shield and other systems.