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# البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

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  • #46
    رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #



    • #47
      رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #


      • #48
        رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

        LCS-3 الأكبر


        • #49
          رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

          برنامج سفن القتال الساحلي الأمريكي
          يواجه مشاكل عديدة واستمرار البرنامج من عدمه اصبح محل شك
          هذا تحليل نشر هذا الأسبوع يتناول هذا الموضوع

          After 32 Ships, Future of LCS Program Unclear

          WASHINGTON — Hardly anything is clear in Washington about
          what’s happening with the US Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program. Details
          are embryonic, discussions are just beginning, the whys and wherefores still
          unclear, memos and specific directions yet to be issued, and sensitivities still

          A memo issued Feb. 24 by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the Navy’s
          leadership clarified his press conference remarks that day directing that “no
          new contract negotiations beyond 32 ships will go forward.” Hagel’s
          artfully-written dictum, however, has enough holes in every sentence to drive a
          battleship through, allowing for plausible deniability about a host of

          Navy officials, pressed for facts about a new “small surface combatant,” are
          offering virtually no details. Many admit they are waiting for further

          Out of the churn, however, several things are becoming clearer:

          ■- LCS is not being cancelled, despite the tenor and tone of Hagel’s press
          conference, numerous statements by acting deputy defense secretary Christine
          Fox, and dozens of media reports;

          - The LCS program could continue beyond 32 ships, either with existing
          designs or with modified versions of one or both designs;

          - The Navy will continue to build some sort of small surface combatant,
          whether or not it’s an LCS;

          - There is no specific crisis driving these developments, other than Fox’s
          insistence on instigating action before she’s replaced in the permanent job by
          former Navy undersecretary Robert Work, a long-time champion of the LCS.

          Hagel and Fox — who began the re-examination of the LCS program with a Jan. 6
          classified memo to the services directing action on a number of Pentagon
          programs — are, however, giving the Navy an opportunity to re-evaluate the LCS
          program and fleet requirements roughly midway through the planned 52-ship buy.
          Responding to multiple critics of the LCS concept, Hagel directed the Navy to
          give him “alternative proposals to procure a capable and lethal small surface
          combatant, generally consistent with the capabilities of a frigate.”

          Options for the ship, Hagel said, “should include a completely new design,
          existing ship designs (including the LCS), and a modified LCS.”

          Hagel wants proposals relatively soon, “in time to inform 2016 budget
          deliberations.” That points to sometime in the fall, probably not beyond
          November at the latest, for options to be presented.

          Hagel’s remarks sent a number of planning and design teams into action,
          trying to divine what the Navy and the Pentagon want and come up with viable
          options — no small task, given there is no official set of requirements for a
          new ship. The new effort doesn’t yet have a formal name, although some are
          calling it a “frigate study” or a “new small surface combatant study.”

          It appears, however, that several assumptions might be made about the new

          - It will have more installed weapons and sensors and less modularity than
          current LCS designs;

          - It may be bigger, to support better sea keeping and carry more fuel for
          greater at-sea time;

          - Unit cost should be something close to the current ships, plus mission
          modules. That could come out to perhaps $530 million to $650 million — perhaps
          up to $750 million for more capability. Anything beyond that would likely be
          rejected. Lead ships will cost more.

          The Navy is not starting completely from scratch. Vice Adm. Tom Copeman,
          commander of naval surface forces, recommended in a November 2012 classified
          memo that the Navy begin development of a new combatant between the capability
          of an LCS and the much-larger DDG 51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. A small
          surface combatant study group has been working within the staff of CNO Adm.
          Jonathan Greenert to develop concepts of what might be needed.

          The group, led by director of surface warfare Rear Adm. Tom Rowden, could
          lead the new effort, with strong input from Copeman and other commands.

          While nothing has yet publicly been spelled out, there have been growing
          calls within the Navy for a ship able to handle escort duties, a role for which
          the LCS is ill-suited. Such a ship would need an area air-defense missile system
          - likely using the Standard missile that arms all US cruisers and destroyers —
          and an effective anti-submarine warfare system, including sonars. The new ship
          would also need more range than the littoral ships — which need refueling every
          three or four days — to enable it to operate for extended periods at sea.

          Hagel made no mention of providing funding to conduct a surface combatant
          study, and has offered no commitment of money to develop a new ship. It is not
          clear if the Navy would develop the new design or, as is more likely, depend on
          industry to come up with ideas.

          There is also no word on whether this would result in a design competition,
          or what a specific time period would be needed to develop, approve, create
          detail designs, and procure the new ships.

          The development effort will certainly require millions of dollars, whether or
          not it’s based on existing designs. Creating a new design would be far more
          expensive and time-consuming, and while Hagel included consideration of such a
          ship in his direction, there is no indication of what funding level he would

          Each of the LCS program teams, however, have long been at work coming up with
          variations of their designs, all with an eye on foreign sales. While no overseas
          deals have been concluded, ironically the US Navy now is perhaps the most
          interested to see what Lockheed Martin and Austal USA can offer.

          “We’re definitely going to take a look at those,” Greenert said Feb. 25 about
          the LCS export designs.

          Some years ago, both teams prepared design variants fitted with lightweight
          versions of Aegis, the Lockheed-produced combat system fitted on all US cruisers
          and destroyers and on a growing number of allied ships. The Aegis LCSs, created
          with Saudi customers in mind, largely dispensed with the modular concept that
          distinguishes US LCSs, replaced by built-in missiles, sensors and guns.

          It is highly doubtful that the US Navy would be interested in an LCS fitted
          with Aegis, since it already operates more than 80 larger Aegis warships, and
          the system could drive the cost over $1 billion per unit.

          Minus the Aegis system, however, the export designs could prove quite
          attractive. An added bonus would be that procuring even heavily-modified LCSs
          would make use of the growing support network being created for the ships.

          “I’m learning as I look at all of our platforms that sustainment is the big
          cost,” Greenert said. “And we are building quite an infrastructure for the

          Lockheed has done the most work on its export designs, under the
          “International LCS” and “Surface Combat Ship” banners. Displays featuring a
          family of Lockheed LCS-based designs are regular features of defense shows
          around the world.

          Austal USA worked up its “Multi-mission combatant” LCS variant but had slowed
          its marketing campaign. Design work, however, may be revived after the Hagel and
          Fox memos.

          Other US designs could form the basis of a LCS follow-on. Some groups have
          proposed new ships built to the Oliver Hazard Perry design, a 1970s effort that
          produced the last US frigate class, now being retired. A repeat Perry, the
          Congressional Budget Office has said, would cost about $700 million, although
          improvements would likely run that up to $800 million. Lead ships could top $1.2

          Other groups have suggested modifying the Coast Guard’s National Security
          Cutter, but the Navy has shown no enthusiasm for that approach.

          While the Navy may consider a multiplicity of designs, it is more likely the
          new ships will be variants of the current LCSs.

          “Building off existing designs solves a lot of political problems if they can
          do that,” commented one naval analyst.

          Also remaining to be seen will be the Navy’s acquisition strategy for buying
          the new ships. The final four ships of the current block buy contracts – up to
          LCS 24 - were to be requested in the 2015 budget, but a new scheme is likely to
          appear, along with a plan to purchase the additional eight ships.

          It is also not clear whether any decisions have been made about continuing
          with both designs for the additional eight ships, and it would seem most likely
          that only one design will be chosen for the follow-on ships. That could also
          produce an intense competition for the new ship’s combat system, likely to be
          derived from the Lockheed Martin COMBATSS-21 system on Freedom-class ships, or
          the General Dynamics system installed in the Austal USA Independence-class.

          “We owe the Secretary of Defense our best assessment on what the LCS can and
          can’t do in accordance with the attributes in the design and in the requirements
          in DOD testing to bring it into the fleet,” Greenert said.

          “We have thirty-two ships and they have got to be delivered right and they
          have got to do the best they can. And so that is where I am headed.”


          • #50
            رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

            في جناح بوينغ بمهرجان الجنادرية
            عرضوا نموذج لطائرة الدورية البحرية P-8A وعليها اسم وشعار (القوات البحرية الملكية السعودية)

            وايضاً عرضوا نموذج لطائرة الانذار المبكر 737 AEW&C عليها اسم وشعار (القوات الجوية الملكية السعودية)


            • #51
              رد: # البحرية السعودية ....حري. تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

              رب ضارة نافعه ، بما أن المدمرات تحمل الايجبس ولها قدرات أعلى فلما الاتجاه للسفن الساحليه ؟!


              • #52
                رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Dr:mamdouh مشاهدة المشاركة

                شرط السعودية يكون نظام ايجيس على السفينة وبحسب تصريحات الشركة المصنعة لـ lcs2 تقول ان البحرية السعودية معجبة في lcs2
                وليس lcs1 للعلم (هناك نوعين من السفينة lcs وكل نوع تصنعة شركة) بس فيه مشكلة واجهتهم هي ان نظام الايجيس صعب يركب على السفينة lcs2 وسهل يركب على السفينة lcs1 , وتوجد الان منافسة بين الشركتين الشركة الي تصنع lcs2 تحاول تجد حل لنظام الايجيس , والشركة الي تصنع lcs1 تقدم عروض لاقناع السعودية في lcs1 .



                lcs-1 من شركة Lockheed Martin
                lcs-2 من شركة General Dynamics

                البحرية السعودية تريد lcs-1 ببعض المواصفات

                1- رادار SPY-1F
                2- MK 41 لتحميل نظام Aegis

                ويجب ان تفرق بين الايجبس و lcs-2

                lcs-2 - General Dynamics

                aegis system - Lockheed Martin


                • #53
                  رد: # البحرية السعودية ....حري. تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Prince مشاهدة المشاركة
                  رب ضارة نافعه ، بما أن المدمرات تحمل الايجبس ولها قدرات أعلى فلما الاتجاه للسفن الساحليه ؟!

                  تفضل هاذي lcs-3 تحمل نظام الايجبس

                  والسفن الساحلية لديها سرعة عالية في المياة الضاحلة


                  • #54
                    رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                    هل توجد عيوب في البدن ؟


                    • #55
                      رد: # البحرية السعودية ....حري. تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة NaVaL مشاهدة المشاركة
                      تفضل هاذي lcs-3 تحمل نظام الايجبس

                      والسفن الساحلية لديها سرعة عالية في المياة الضاحلة

                      هذة السرعه ستتضأل بلاشك عندما يتم تركيب تلك الانظمة ,,
                      ولاكن تعتبر سرعتها افضل بكثير من باقي القطع الاخرى


                      • #56
                        رد: # البحرية السعودية ....حري. تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alrougi مشاهدة المشاركة

                        هذة السرعه ستتضأل بلاشك عندما يتم تركيب تلك الانظمة ,,
                        ولاكن تعتبر سرعتها افضل بكثير من باقي القطع الاخرى
                        ستقل السرعة نسبيآ ولكن ستبقى اسرع من المدمرة


                        • #57
                          رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Hawk 205 مشاهدة المشاركة
                          في جناح بوينغ بمهرجان الجنادرية
                          عرضوا نموذج لطائرة الدورية البحرية P-8A وعليها اسم وشعار (القوات البحرية الملكية السعودية)

                          هل تحمل الجدام ؟؟؟


                          • #58
                            رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                            الا تتوقعن ان نشتري مدمرات+سفن قتال ساحليlcs


                            • #59
                              رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                              اخ HAWk 25 هل سألت عن سبب عرضه بشعار القوات الجويه


                              • #60
                                رد: # البحرية السعودية ..... تخطط لشراء مدمرات #

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة NaVaL مشاهدة المشاركة
                                هل تحمل الجدام ؟؟؟
                                بصراحة لا اعلم ,, اذا كان قصدك عن نموذج الجيدام خلف الطائرة فكانت عبارة عن عرض لجميع منتجات بوينغ ولا اعرف اذا الطائرة اصلاً تحمل الجيدام ولا لأ


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                الأعضاء المتواجدون الآن 4. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 4.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

