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تهريب المدرعات !!

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  • تهريب المدرعات !!

    Hong Kong customs officials seized 9 Terrex AV81 wheeled armored personnel carriers

    ضبطت الجمارك بهونغ كونغ عدد لا يقل عن 9 مدرعات من نوعTerrex AV81 8 × 8
    على متن سفينه شحن متوجه من تايون لسنغافوره
    وقال المصدر أنه من الممكن أنه قد تم تفريغها عن طريق الخطأ.
    ومدرعهTerrex AV81 8 × 8 ايرلنديه الصنع وتمتلكها القوات المسلحه السنغفوريه بعدد 135عربه

    The nine Terrex AV81 wheeled armored personnel carriers was spotted in the Port of Hong Kong.

    According to shanghaiist.com, Hong Kong customs officials have seized at least 9 armored military vehicles that were on board a cargo ship from Taiwan that was bound for Singapore.

    A source told SCMP that this is likely one of the biggest seizures of strategic commodities in the two decades since Hong Kong was handed back over to China. The exact details of the shipment are still under investigation and it’s not clear why the cargo was unloaded in Hong Kong since that was not its final destination. The source said that it is possible it had been unloaded by mistake. Meanwhile, a Fact Wire report claims that customs officers were tipped off.

    Investigators are still trying to determine the owner, sender and consignee of the cargo. Apple Daily reports that the containers had been shipped from Kaohsiung. Obviously, a license is needed to ship strategic commodities like military equipment overseas. Not having one could result in an unlimited fine and seven years in prison.

    The Terrex AV81 8×8 wheeled armored personnel carrier was originally developed in Ireland by Timoney for Singapore Technologies Kinetics. Vehicle underwent initial trials in Ireland and United Kingdom and was shipped to Singapore for evaluation in late 2000. Production commenced in 2006. The Singapore Armed Forces acquired at least 135 Terrex armored personnel carriers.

    The Terrex is one of the latest and most advanced APCs. Vehicle has a modular protection system. All-round protection of the steel armor is against 7.62 mm NATO rounds and artillery shell splinters. The front arc withstands 12.7 mm armor piercing-rounds. Add on ceramic-composite armor plates can be added for a higher level of protection. Maximum level of all-round protection is against 14.5 mm armor-piercing rounds. Vehicle has a double V-shaped hull, which deflects mine blasts. It can withstand up to 12 kg TNT explosion under the hull and the vehicle still keep on moving. Vehicle is fitted with NBC protection system.

  • #2
    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة boys-speed
    انا مفهمت المقصد لكن هذا زي الي يبون يهربون جمل

    المدرعات لم يعلم سبب انزلها في الصين
    يقال انه خطأ في افراغ الشحنه
    او تهريب
    لاتستغرب من ان الصين لها يد في هذا في تريد الاطلاع على اي تكنولوجيا متوفره فالسوق


    • #3
      هل عرف من هو صاحب الشحنة و البلد المصدر و البلد المستورد ؟

      ســأحمل روحــي عـلى راحـتي وألقــي بهـا فـي مهـاوي الـردى

      فإمــا حيــاة تســر الصــديق وإمــا ممــات يغيــظ العــدى


      • #4
        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة bob1 مشاهدة المشاركة
        هل عرف من هو صاحب الشحنة و البلد المصدر و البلد المستورد ؟
        حسب المصدر انها متجه من سانغفوره لتايون


        • #5
          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة bob1 مشاهدة المشاركة
          هل عرف من هو صاحب الشحنة و البلد المصدر و البلد المستورد ؟
          هذا الخبر بتاريخ 11/1/2017

          اتظح انها مملوكه لسنغافوره وكانت عائده من تايوان بعد تمارين

          China’s Foreign Ministry on Monday said they hope Singapore can respect the “One China Policy” after Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong sent a letter to Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, demanding the nine Singaporean Terrex AV81 8×8 wheeled armored personnel carriers the city detained six weeks ago to be returned immediately.

          The military equipment was seized en route back home after finishing a routine training in Taiwan on November 23, 2016.
          Carried by the commercial shipping company of APL, the nine cars were scheduled to arrive in Singapore on November 29.

          Lu Kang, spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, said the “One China Policy” is the basic prerequisite for the country to develop relations with any other countries.

          He also said Singapore is expected to comply with the law in Hong Kong.

          The Hong Kong government said their investigation is underway and it will take some time.

          Singapore’s Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen said the military equipment belongs to the Singaporean government and thus enjoys the sovereign immunity under international law. He said Hong Kong customs’ action went against both its indigenous law and the international law, and the city is due to return the armored personnel carriers.

          The Terrex AV81 8×8 wheeled armored personnel carrier was originally developed in Ireland by Timoney for Singapore Technologies Kinetics. Vehicle underwent initial trials in Ireland and United Kingdom and was shipped to Singapore for evaluation in late 2000. Production commenced in 2006. The Singapore Armed Forces acquired at least 135 Terrex armored personnel carriers.


          ما الذي يحدث


          المتواجدون الآن 0. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 0.

          أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

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