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وصول عدد من دبابات Oplot لتايلاند

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  • وصول عدد من دبابات Oplot لتايلاند

    Ukraine to transfer new batch of Oplot main battle tanks to Thailand

    تسلمت تايلاند عدد 5 دبابات Oplot-T اوكرانية الصنع
    وتخطط شركة Ukrspecexport لأتمام العقد المبرم بينها وبين تايلاند
    وتعمل مع الوفد التايلندي لتلقي دفعة جديدة

    وقعت تايلاند عقدا لشراء49 دبابه من طرازOplot-T

    يواجه مصنع ماليشيف عدة مشاكل خطيرة، من بينها عدم وجود موظفين مؤهلين.

    The State Company “Ukrspecexport”, part of concern UkrOboronProm, has announced that it is preparing for the transfer of a new batch of five Oplot-T main battle tanks to Thailand.

    “The contract is being implemented in line with the approved schedule. Soon the customer would accept the new batch of tanks. It is planned to complete the contract in full amount this year,” the Ukrspecexport press service said.

    “Works with the Thai delegation receiving a new batch of Oplot-T main battle tanks will start on Monday. Customers also examine the rest of the tanks, the production of which is in various stages of readiness, “- said in Ukrspecexport.
    Thailand has signed a contract to buy 49 Oplot-T main battle tanks developed by Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (KMDB) and builts at the Malyshev Factory in Kharkiv. Royal Thai Army has now taken delivery from Ukraine of 25 Oplot MBTs.

    Malyshev Factory faces several serious problems, among them the lack of qualified personnel. In 2015, the plant did not produce a single Oplot MBTs. At that time, Kyiv asked the Thai side to postpone the delivery until October 2017.

    The Oplot main battle tank can destroy ground-based and low-flying, low-speed aerial targets, while offering superior protection and high mobility for troops.

    State company “Ukrspecexport” is authorized by the state as a mediator in conduction of foreign economic activity in the sphere of export and import of goods and services of military and special purpose.

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