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قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

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  • #91
    رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

    Future of the Qatari Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2019


    Reportstack has announced a new market research publication on
    Future of the Qatari Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2019 which provides detailed analysis of both historic and forecast defense industry values including key growth stimulators, analysis of the leading companies in the industry, and key news. The Future of the Qatari Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape, and Forecasts to 2019offers the reader an insight into the market opportunities and entry strategies adopted by foreign original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to gain market share in the Qatari defense industry.Being one of the most attractive markets in the Middle East due to its robust financial position and aggressive procurement strategies, Qatar is closing its gap with historical regional strongholds such as Saudi Arabia and UAE. For the moment, the country's procurements are focused on missile defense systems and associated radars, a trend that is being witnessed throughout the Middle East. With a collective expenditure of over US$13 billion, the primary reason for such expenditure is the need to build up defense against Iranian ballistic missiles and long-range rockets. Qatari defense expenditure stands at US$3 billion in 2014 and is estimated to increase at a strong CAGR of 16.48% to reach US$6.4 billion by 2019. Qatari defense expenditure is primarily driven by participating in peacekeeping initiatives, the upgrade of military equipment such as Terminal High Altitude Defense Systems(THAADS) and PAC missile defense systems, multi-mission and attack helicopters, fighter aircraft main battle tanks and the procurement of advanced technology equipment. The country's cumulative expenditure on the procurement of advanced military hardware is projected to be US$5.0 billion over the next five years. With an underdeveloped domestic defense sector, the country is reliant on foreign manufacturers and this will provide numerous opportunities for suppliers and OEMs to access the Qatari market. The country's defense industry is expected to focus its expenditure on Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), artillery systems, missile defense systems, radar systems, utility helicopters, training and fighter aircraft, and night-vision goggles.The key drivers behind recent market changes are Arms race in the Middle East and strong cash reserves. The Future of the Qatari Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape, and Forecasts to 2019provides detailed analysis of the current industry size and growth expectations from 2015 to 2019, including highlights of key growth stimulators. It also benchmarks the industry against key global markets and provides a detailed understanding of emerging opportunities in specific areas.

    Key Features and Benefits
    The report provides detailed analysis of the current industry size and growth expectations from 2015 to 2019, including highlights of key growth stimulators, and also benchmarks the industry against key global markets and provides a detailed understanding of emerging opportunities in specific areas.

    The report includes trend analysis of imports and exports, together with their implications and impact on the Qatari defense industry.

    The report covers five forces analysis to identify various power centers in the industry and how these are expected to develop in the future.

    The report allows readers to identify possible ways to enter the market, together with detailed de******ions of how existing companies have entered the market, including key contracts, alliances, and strategic initiatives.

    The report helps the reader to understand the competitive landscape of the defense industry in Qatar. It provides an overview of key defense companies, both domestic and foreign, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a brief financial analysis.

    Key Market Issues
    With its small territory and narrow population base, Qatar relies primarily on external cooperation and support for its security. Since 2009, there has been a shift in the country's procurement strategy towards the use of US made weapons, with 87% of defense imports coming from companies based in the US. The acquisition of attack and transport helicopters and other weapons systems, including air defense and missile defense, points to the country's increasing reliance on US made systems. Furthermore, the Defense Cooperation Agreement signed by both countries in 2013 will allow US military troops to operate at Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base through at least 2024. Qatar also imports from Italy and France and efforts are set to continue in the forecast period so as to reduce dependency from a single nation. However, during the forecast period, the country will largely depend on the US for its military equipment procurements and support services.

    Foreign investors may be deterred from entering the Saudi Arabian defense market because of a scarcity of skilled labor, induced by the lack of industrial capabilities within the country. Moreover, the country's labor market is anticipated to feel the pressure created by neighboring countries such as the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia, who are set to launch large development projects and are offering better pay scales to skilled and semi-skilled laborers.

    Key Highlights
    One of the major factors driving Qatari military expenditure is the sheer meteoric rise in the country's GDP over the past four decades, with growth of 18.8% in 2011 according to the World Bank. While growth is projected to slow in the next few years, largely due to a slowdown in the global petroleum markets, GDP is still estimated to grow between 5% and 6%. The volume of the country's cash reserves can be gauged by the fact that Greece, Italy, Malaysia, Egypt and other Arab Spring countries have been among the recipients of Qatari aid over the last few years and this comes at a time when most of the developed world is reeling from the after effects of the economic slowdown. A country's defense expenditure is often intrinsically related to its economic health and the robust growth of Qatar's defense expenditure further highlights this relationship. Its defense budget more than doubled in 2013 compared to 2011 and is expected to double again in 2015 to value US$3.5 billion. The majority of expenditure has been directed towards the missile defense segment with the purchases of the PATRIOT missile systems and THAAD systems, at US$9.9 billion and US$6.5 billion respectively. Despite the high value of the contracts, the increase in expenditure is only a reflection of Qatar's continuing national growth and a new-found ability to afford a comprehensive purchase of the systems to fulfill a relevant national security requirement. Additionally, they don't have to follow the usual defense procurement policy of making incremental purchases but can eliminate the entire requirement at once. With the country's cash reserves only expected to get a boost in the coming years thanks to robust energy, manufacturing and construction sectors, defense expenditure is also expected to witness a strong increase.

    Maritime Security: The Qatari Ministry of Interior has overall responsibility for public security and law and order. The country has the world's third largest natural gas reserve, which is the primary contributor to its economy; therefore it plans to enhance its maritime security to protect its infrastructure. Furthermore, the government plans to set up a new port facility outside the capital city of Doha for its Maritime security providing landing to its naval vessels and it will also be used for commercial purposes. The Gulf countries have also enhanced efforts to protect territorial waters due to the tensions with Iran and threats from Al-Qaeda. Qatar's offshore oil exploration infrastructure is threatened by various militant groups and therefore it has increased its surveillance and procured radars systems to detect insurgents and drug peddlers. The country is expected to create market opportunities for access control, surveillance, information technology security, and command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) markets during the forecast period.

    Qatari defense imports started to gain momentum from 2009 onwards due to the country's growing defense expenditure and modernization strategy. Qatar spent robustly on defense imports during 2008-2012, apart from 2010 due to the economic slowdown, and is anticipated to grow its imports in the future. Qatari aircraft imports account for almost 96.8% of its total arms procurements, and involves the import of utility helicopters and training aircraft, and also plans to procure advanced fighter jets. Moreover, the government is increasing efforts to modernize its air defense missile systems and is currently contracting with US partners in this regard. During 2010-2014, defense imports from the US, the largest importer in the region, stood at US$86.7 million.


    • #92
      رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

      هالجماعة مساكين كل مارحنا لمكان قاموا يطردون ورانا رحنا لالمانيا لحقونا رحنا للامريكان لقينهم ورانا رحنا للفرنسين خذوا الرافال كل ذا عشان يضربون سوقنا يا جماعة ذولا وش مشكلتهم ؟!!


      • #93
        رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

        من 12 ميراج الى 72 رافال اي رفع عدد الطائرات المقاتله بنسبه 600% هذا غير الحديث عن طائرات التزود بالوقود والاواكس...


        • #94
          رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

          شركة نافاتتيا الاسبانية تعلن ,,,,,

          قطر تتفاوض على اربعه كورفيتتا من نوع

          مواصفاتة :

          طولة.. 90 متر
          وزنة..1900 طن
          مداة..3000 ميل
          السرعه..25 عقدة
          الطاقم..82 بحار



          • #95
            رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alrougi مشاهدة المشاركة
            شركة نافاتتيا الاسبانية تعلن ,,,,,

            قطر تتفاوض على اربعه كورفيتتا من نوع

            مواصفاتة :

            طولة.. 90 متر
            وزنة..1900 طن
            مداة..3000 ميل
            السرعه..25 عقدة
            الطاقم..82 بحار


            مع خيار الزيادة


            • #96
              رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

              كان الحديث يدور حول تشكيل من اف 18 بعدد 36 و اف 35 بعدد 36

              لكن شكل الحكومة الامريكية كانت تقديم نسخة من الاف 16 متطوره بدل الاف 36

              وجداول التسليم لا تتسق مع طموح قطر 2022


              • #97
                رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                هذه الإسلحة أرى بأنهآ موجهه لإبناء العم الخليجيين .. وليست موجهه لإيران أو أي عدو أخر

                هناك شيئاً ما ، يحصل في الخفى ربمآ تريد قطر أخذ جزء من الارضي السعودية بالقوة الجبرية

                وربمآ هذه الإسلحة رسالة إلى جيرآنهآ الخليجيين بأن الحلف الخليجي القطري إنتهى

                وأرى ايضاً بأن الخاسر الاكبر ، هي قطر .. قطر لم تقتنع إلى الآن بطبيعتهآ الجغرافيه لذلك تأتي بسياسة لآ تمثل وضعهآ على النطاق الجغرافي .. بل طموحآت المراهقين الذين هم في قيادة قطر


                • #98
                  رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                  قطر تاخذ جزء من السعودية وبالقوة الجبرية بعد
                  افضل نكتة سمعتها في حياتي وبتقطع من الضحك
                  فلا تعيدها مرة ثانية عشان ما اموت من الضحك


                  • #99
                    رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة F15SA RSAF مشاهدة المشاركة
                    قطر تاخذ جزء من السعودية وبالقوة الجبرية بعد
                    افضل نكتة سمعتها في حياتي وبتقطع من الضحك
                    فلا تعيدها مرة ثانية عشان ما اموت من الضحك
                    قطر تريد أخذ جزء من الاراضي السعودية بالقوة الجبرية ,,
                    هآاه مت وإلا بعد .. متى الدفن ..؟!
                    الرجال يتكلم بجد وأنت تضحك ... نسيتوا القطري إلي في تويتر يقول الإمبراطورية القطرية قادمة ^_^
                    قطر لها الحق في التسلح كيف ما تشاء تماما مثلنا في النهاية هم أشقاء ونتمنى لهم التوفيق .


                    • رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                      يا اخ من جدك كيف قطر تاخذ جزء من السعودية


                      • رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                        لا تستغربون يا أخوان ... المناهج الدراسية القطرية تدرس طلابها على أن الأحساء إمتداد لقطر بينما العكس هو الصحيح .. واللي يعرف قطريين يناقشهم في هذا الموضوع


                        • رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alrougi مشاهدة المشاركة
                          شركة نافاتتيا الاسبانية تعلن ,,,,,

                          قطر تتفاوض على اربعه كورفيتتا من نوع

                          مواصفاتة :

                          طولة.. 90 متر
                          وزنة..1900 طن
                          مداة..3000 ميل
                          السرعه..25 عقدة
                          الطاقم..82 بحار

                          AVANTE 1800

                          العيب الوحيد - السرعة الضئيلة


                          • رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة NaVaL مشاهدة المشاركة
                            AVANTE 1800

                            العيب الوحيد - السرعة الضئيلة

                            هم لا يريدون سرعة كبيرة لصغر سواحلهم

                            الشيء الثاني لا تحرق علينا المنتدى


                            • رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة
                              هم لا يريدون سرعة كبيرة لصغر سواحلهم

                              الشيء الثاني لا تحرق علينا المنتدى
                              هههههههههههه لأن نظام الدفع هجين يعني ديزل وكهرباء ويستطيع الكورفيت أن يسير بسرعة 8 عقد بصمت تام على المحرك الكهربي فى مهام مكافحة الغواصات أو لتجنب الكشف الصوتي من الغواصات
                              هذا النظام موجود فى التايب 45 وهو من أهم سماتها ويتميز بمعدل إستهلاك وقود منخفض وسلاسة فى التسارع
                              التقدم الرهيب فى الموصلات الفائقة(لم تعد تحتاج لدرجات حرارة منخفضة جدا) أدي لصنع محركات كهربية عملاقة صالحة للسفن


                              • رد: قطر تتفاوض على ,,MRTT ,,+,, NH90

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة
                                هم لا يريدون سرعة كبيرة لصغر سواحلهم

                                الشيء الثاني لا تحرق علينا المنتدى
                                التسليح الكبير اللذي تقوم به قطر يوحي انهم يريدون التوسع

                                ربما سنشهد قريبآ مناورات مع البحرية العمانية او الايرانية


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                الأعضاء المتواجدون الآن 85. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 85.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

