رد: جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية
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جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية
رد: جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية
The Visualization Laboratory Showcase is a unique facility. It is an open space with state-of-the-art tiled display walls and cutting-edge 3D stereoscopic displays and wireless tablets. A student, professor, researcher, or research collaborator can walk into the Showcase, grab a wireless tablet, connect a USB drive and project files and/or data on any of the high-tech walls at the touch of a button.
The Visualization Lab Showcase provides a platform for demonstrating the technological capabilities of the Visualization Lab and the new discoveries of research across campus. It also serves as an active laboratory for various visualization projects initiated by faculty and students.
The Visualization Laboratory Showcase concept was developed by Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego in collaboration with the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Chicago. The systems were prototyped and tested (as a whole or in part) by Calit2 in San Diego, and then installed at KAUST by the very own staff from the KAUST Visualization Lab, CalIT2 and EVL. It comprises five separate visualization environments, all sharing one large open space in a glass-enclosed lobby area, visible from the outside so users can showcase their new ideas and share them with the university.
Showcase Audio Capabilities:
A versatile 48-channel audio system can be utilized fully or in any number of subgroups. In addition to rendering audio from two custom audio Mac Pros ( 64 channels each, running Max 6, ProTools, Supercollider, Tahakum, and other software ), users can easily access the audio system through in-room auxiliary patch bays (12/8-I/O). For more details ->
The Showcase facility consists of the following:
NexCave is a scalable, modular 3D environment. As implemented at KAUST, it is configured as a 21-tile system using JVC X-pol LCD displays. Sound is provided by Meyer Sound MM-4XP loudspeakers and a UMS-1P subwoofer.
NexCave Audio Capabilities:
Sound is provided by 5 Meyer Sound MM-4XP loudspeakers and 1 UMS-1P subwoofer. For more details ->
The AESOP is a 40-tile display wall featuring 46” NEC ultra-narrow bezel panels, each having a resolution of 1360×768 pixels, that enable large scale, near-seamless HD images without use of projection.
AESOP Audio Capabilities:
AESOP features two sound systems: a 12-channel Meyer Sound audio system with 11 MM-4XPD speakers and 1 UMS-1P subwoofer, and a 16-channel Zvonar Digital speaker array for the delivery of highly directional sound. For more details ->
The OptiPortal is a scalable tiled display that serves as the visual interface to the OptiPortal, a global-scale computing system tied together by tens of gigabits of networking. Two OptiPortals are featured in the KAUST Showcase.
OptiPortal Audio Capabilities:
Sound is delivered by a 6-channel Meyer Sound audio system with 5 MM-4XPD speakers and 1 UMS-1P subwoofer. For more details ->
REVE ( Rapidly Expandable Visual Environment ) is an 18-tile system employing the French-developed Alioscopy technology, which displays 3D visuals without requiring the viewer to wear special glasses.
REVE Audio Capabilities:
Sound is delivered by an 8-channel audio system consisting of 3 Yamaha YSP speaker arrays and 2 Meyer Sound MM4-XPD speakers. For more ->
Rapidly Expandable Visual Environment
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أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.