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وزارة الدفاع البريطانية توقع صفقة مع بوينق لشراء طائرات scaneagle

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  • وزارة الدفاع البريطانية توقع صفقة مع بوينق لشراء طائرات scaneagle

    إنضمت البحرية الملكية البريطانية كـ أحدث العملاء لـطائرات ScanEagle بدون طيار بعد توقيعها لصفقة مع بوينق لشراء عدد من هذه الطائرات. حيث يريد البريطانيين الطائرة التي تتميز في الكشف عن الأهداف سريعة الحركة مثل الزوارق الهجوم السريعة وزوارق القراصنة صغيرة الحجم خفيفة الحركة.

    هذا وقد أجرت البحرية البريطانية التجارب على الطائرة قبل توقيع الصفقة.

    كما أن مبلغ الصفقة غير معلن


  • #2
    رد: وزارة الدفاع البريطانية توقع صفقة مع بوينق لشراء طائرات scaneagle

    ترجمة موجزة ولمن أراد باقي تفاصيل الخبر

    Boeing has secured Britain’s Royal Navy as the latest customer for its ScanEagle unmanned air vehicle. The British want the machine to improve detection of fast-moving targets like the high speed attack craft operated by the Iranians.

    The British inked a deal with Boeing Defence UK last week for a contractor-owned, contractor-operated service onboard a small number of Royal Navy warships and Royal Fleet Auxiliary support vessels, the Defence Ministry has confirmed.

    The ScanEagle service is an urgent operational requirement normally paid for from a special Treasury reserve fund. The value of the deal is unknown.

    A spokesman for the MoD said they had been in negotiations with a contractor to meet the requirement and would make an announcement soon.

    A contract bidders notice issued by the MoD this year said the service would end March 2015. There are options to extend beyond that date.

    The bidders notice said they wanted a system that could loiter for up to eight hours at an operating range of up to 40 kilometers and be able to track fast-moving targets.

    The UAV could be a first line of defense against the threat posed by high speed swarming attack craft used by the Iranian military or be used in an anti-piracy role.

    The British MoD has already conducted sea trials with the ScanEagle for demonstration purposes.

    The British originally sought a contractor to meet the requirement last year, but abandoned the contest saying none of the bidders had met requirements. The requirements were modified and competition reopened.

    Thales UK, Lockheed Martin, QinetiQ and EADS Cassidian were also invited to bid.

    Cassidian, a leading contender the first time around with the AAI Aerosonde machine, did not bid in the latest competition. It is not known who else submitted proposals.

    The US, Dutch and other navies already operate the Boeing Insitu developed ScanEagle machines


    • #3
      رد: وزارة الدفاع البريطانية توقع صفقة مع بوينق لشراء طائرات scaneagle

      من مواصفات الطائرة مداها الكبير الذي يبلغ 1500 كم بقدرة تشغيلية حتى 28 ساعة

      وتعمل بسرعات مابين 80 إلى 126 كم/س. أما معدل سرعة الطيران فيبلغ 90 كم/س

      ولها قدرة على التسلق تصل إلى 150 م/د إلى أقصى إرتفاع تعمل فيه 4880 م.


      • #4
        رد: وزارة الدفاع البريطانية توقع صفقة مع بوينق لشراء طائرات scaneagle

        A ScanEagle UAV launched from USS Cleveland as part of the US Navy-sponsored joint task force exercise.

        The Boeing / Insitu ScanEagle UAV on its launcher in preparation for an autonomous take off from a UK warship. During the trial, ScanEagle conducted surveillance, force protection, maritime interdiction and naval gunfire support.

        The ScanEagle mini-UAV has completed over 30,000 combat operational flight hours in Iraq, with the US Marine Corps, the US Navy and the Australian Army.

        ScanEagle UAV sits on its launcher prior to a mission in Iraq. The UAV is used to loiter over trouble spots and provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data or communications relay.

        ScanEagle is launched autonomously via a pneumatic wedge catapult launcher.

        ScanEagle approaching a ship for its first autonomous landing. The UAV was recovered using Insitu's Skyhook system, in which ScanEagle catches a rope hanging from a 50ft-high pole.

        An engineer loads ScanEagle's expandable avionics system prior to a demonstration flight. The UAV was designed with a removable avionics bay and two expansion slots allowing seamless payload integration.

        Following a successful net-centric technology demonstration at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, ScanEagle is retrieved with the Skyhook system.

        The ScanEagle UAV making a first autonomous flight at the Boeing Boardman test facility in Oregon. During the 45-minute flight the vehicle reached an altitude of 1,500ft and a speed of 70kt.



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        المتواجدون الآن 0. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 0.

        أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

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