خبر إن صح فهو مصيبة بصراحة
ويعتبر أقوى رد فعل روسي على الدعم السعودي للشعب السوري في قضيته العادلة
أعتقد انه حرب نفسية ورد على الدعم السعودي بالأسلحة والمال للشعب السوري
خصوصاً بعد تطور الدعم لأسلحة نوعية تعيد بعض التوازن مع ميليشيات بشار وحزب اللات وأيران وشيعة العراق المسيرين لظلم الشعب السوري وغيرهم من داعمين الطاغية بشار وزمرته
وكذلك بعد الجهود الدبلوماسية الحثيثة من السعودية والضغط على الرأي الغربي للسماح بوصول أسلحة نوعية للدفاع عن الشعب السوري ورفع الظلم عنهم
الأخبار الآن بأن روسيا تعرض على أيران نظام Antey-2500 النسخة المحسنة والمعززة عن النظام الأقدم S-300 PMU1 مقابل التنازل عن الدعوى المقدمة ضد روسيا
وأن هذا النظام لايخالف قرار الأمم المتحدة الذي منع تصدير نظام S-300 PMU1 لأيران من قبل كعقوبات على برنامج أيران النووي
وهذا نص الخبر كاملاً مع وجود أكثر من موقع ومصدر تتحدث عن مثل هذا الكلام وهذا أحدها
The Russian authorities considered possibility of sale to Iran of the Antey-2500 complexes. It isn't excluded that this transaction will allow Tehran to withdraw the multi-billion claim about failure of deliveries of the surface-to-air missile S-300 missile systems. About it on June 22 writes the "Kommersant" with reference to the sources close to the Russian system of military and technical
The edition notes that the Antey-2500 complexes (the modified version of C-300B system) didn’t get under Dmitry Medvedev’s decree about restriction of military and technical cooperation with Iran, signed in 2010. If Tehran accepts the proposal of the Russian colleagues, positions of Moscow as reliable partner will become stronger. “Iran will have all preconditions to withdraw the claim from court and to put an end to it to nobody to the necessary dispute”, - told a source close to “Rosoboronexport”.
As experts consider, Tehran can quite agree on such offer as “Antey-2500” will allow to strengthen country defense. “Considering that fact that Iran is under constant pressure from the third countries, his desire to strengthen the potential quite naturally” — the head of the Center of the analysis of strategy and technologies Ruslan Pukhov assumed.
According to the interlocutor close to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, the question of deliveries of new missile systems can become one of key at a meeting of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin with his Iranian colleague Mahmoud Akhmadinedzhad. As expected, negotiations of leaders will take place on July 1.
Let’s remind, the contract for delivery of S-300 systems worth about 800 million dollars was concluded in 2007, however three years later the UN Security Council entered new sanctions among which there was a ban on transfer of modern arms concerning Iran. Then Dmitry Medvedev holding in 2010 a post of the president, approved the decree, forbidding to deliver to Iran the ships, armored machinery, planes, helicopters and the S-300 complexes. Tehran, in turn, gave the arbitration court of Geneva the claim on 4 billion dollars to “Rosoboronexport”. Earlier Moscow offered Middle Eastern colleagues of system of air defense of “Tor-M1E” instead of S-300, however this Tehran option didn’t arrange.