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نظام RAPIDFire
رد: نظام RAPIDFire
RAPIDFire combines the CONTROLMaster 60 surveillance radar with the CONTROLView command and control module. These are integrated with the multi-sensor stabilised optronic sighting system and the CT40 gun from CTAI, an international subsidiary of Nexter and BAe Systems. This mobile, multi-role weapon system is designed to respond to the new threats being encountered by armed forces today and in particular the low cost targets which can attack in swarms and can saturate conventional missile defences. With its powerful antiaircraft gun, high performace 3D radar and versatile C2 module, RAPIDFire is optimized to defeat all types of air threats including Fighter Ground Attack (FGA), helicopters or Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) and cruise missiles or precision guided munitions.
The RAPIDFire system has also been designed to enable firing of the STARStreak missile system, a Very Short Range Air Defence missile system with a speed in excess of Mach 3 and a range of around 7km. The combination of six STARStreak missiles and the latest generation 40mm cased telescope ammunition ensure both precision attack and high firepower. Optronic sensors have been integrated directly into the turret thereby ensuring that the RAPIDFire can operate autonomously if required. Using various types of ammunitions, RAPIDFire can also be used against ground targets, including armoured platforms, to ensure the self protection of the system.
Army Recognition learned during the Paris Air Show 2013 that several customers already showed interest for this new Air Defence system.
رد: نظام RAPIDFire
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أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.