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MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

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  • MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

    التسليم في 2015 بحسب موقع جينز المتخصص

    MBDA starts SIMBAD-RC testing ahead of 2015 deliveries

    European missile house MBDA has started prototype testing of its remotely-controlled SIMBAD-RC ship self-defence system and will begin production deliveries next year, IHS Jane's has learned.

    Developed from the manually-controlled Système Integré de Mistral Bitube d'Auto-Défense (SIMBAD) twin launcher system already in service with the French Navy and over 10 export customers, the new SIMBAD-RC variant is a private venture development intended to address market requirements for a lightweight, automated, close-in defence capability against air and surface threats out to a maximum range of 6.5 km.

    Configured with two 'lock-on before launch' Mistral infrared-homing missiles, the basic SIMBAD-RC set-up comprises one or two lightweight, gyro-stabilised turrets equipped with a Sagem MATIS SP mid-waveband thermal camera and an optional large field-of-view day camera. In addition, the system includes a dedicated compact terminal, known as SMU-RC, which can manage up to two turrets (interfacing with the ship's combat system or surveillance sensors).
    Whereas the legacy SIMBAD requires an operator to man the above-decks weapon mounting, SIMBAD-RC is controlled remotely from a compact below-deck SMU-RC firing terminal. A single operator can control two SIMBAD-RC launcher systems from this station. In addition, SIMBAD-RC can be slaved to the ship's radar or electrical-optical system for early cueing.

    Launcher deck footprint and mechanical interfaces are the same as the earlier SIMBAD firing unit. This allows the existing system to be "easily upgraded" to SIMBAD-RC standard, according to MBDA.

    MBDA had originally partnered with Norwegian firm Vinghøg AS for the design and development of the RC turret. However, the acquisition of Vinghøg by Rheinmetall has now seen Rheinmetall's Defence Electronics business in Bremen assume responsibility for launcher design and development.

    Preliminary design activities for SIMBAD-RC completed at the end of 2011. MBDA commenced full-scale development at the beginning of 2012, with Rheinmetall being brought under contract for development of the production-series turret.

    The first prototype SIMBAD-RC turret was delivered by Rheinmetall in June 2014, and is currently undergoing testing at MBDA's Le Plessis-Robinson site near Paris. According to company officials, qualification activities are due to start early in 2015, with deliveries of series production units to follow from mid-2015.
    MBDA has to date signed two contracts for the SIMBAD-RC system: one order to equip patrol vessels (two turrets per vessel); and a second order for the self-defence of high value support ships (four turrets per ship). While the company declines to identify either customer, IHS Jane's assesses that the two navies in question are Turkmenistan (to equip new P 1200-class patrol vessels) and Saudi Arabia (for retrofit to the Royal Saudi Naval Forces' two Boraida-class auxiliary replenishment ships).

  • #2
    رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة alfaroq مشاهدة المشاركة
    التسليم في 2015 بحسب موقع جينز المتخصص

    MBDA starts SIMBAD-RC testing ahead of 2015 deliveries

    European missile house MBDA has started prototype testing of its remotely-controlled SIMBAD-RC ship self-defence system and will begin production deliveries next year, IHS Jane's has learned.

    Developed from the manually-controlled Système Integré de Mistral Bitube d'Auto-Défense (SIMBAD) twin launcher system already in service with the French Navy and over 10 export customers, the new SIMBAD-RC variant is a private venture development intended to address market requirements for a lightweight, automated, close-in defence capability against air and surface threats out to a maximum range of 6.5 km.

    Configured with two 'lock-on before launch' Mistral infrared-homing missiles, the basic SIMBAD-RC set-up comprises one or two lightweight, gyro-stabilised turrets equipped with a Sagem MATIS SP mid-waveband thermal camera and an optional large field-of-view day camera. In addition, the system includes a dedicated compact terminal, known as SMU-RC, which can manage up to two turrets (interfacing with the ship's combat system or surveillance sensors).
    Whereas the legacy SIMBAD requires an operator to man the above-decks weapon mounting, SIMBAD-RC is controlled remotely from a compact below-deck SMU-RC firing terminal. A single operator can control two SIMBAD-RC launcher systems from this station. In addition, SIMBAD-RC can be slaved to the ship's radar or electrical-optical system for early cueing.

    Launcher deck footprint and mechanical interfaces are the same as the earlier SIMBAD firing unit. This allows the existing system to be "easily upgraded" to SIMBAD-RC standard, according to MBDA.

    MBDA had originally partnered with Norwegian firm Vinghøg AS for the design and development of the RC turret. However, the acquisition of Vinghøg by Rheinmetall has now seen Rheinmetall's Defence Electronics business in Bremen assume responsibility for launcher design and development.

    Preliminary design activities for SIMBAD-RC completed at the end of 2011. MBDA commenced full-scale development at the beginning of 2012, with Rheinmetall being brought under contract for development of the production-series turret.

    The first prototype SIMBAD-RC turret was delivered by Rheinmetall in June 2014, and is currently undergoing testing at MBDA's Le Plessis-Robinson site near Paris. According to company officials, qualification activities are due to start early in 2015, with deliveries of series production units to follow from mid-2015.
    MBDA has to date signed two contracts for the SIMBAD-RC system: one order to equip patrol vessels (two turrets per vessel); and a second order for the self-defence of high value support ships (four turrets per ship). While the company declines to identify either customer, IHS Jane's assesses that the two navies in question are Turkmenistan (to equip new P 1200-class patrol vessels) and Saudi Arabia (for retrofit to the Royal Saudi Naval Forces' two Boraida-class auxiliary replenishment ships).
    ممكن تترجم الموضوع


    • #3
      رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة درع وسيف مشاهدة المشاركة
      ممكن تترجم الموضوع
      الشركة المنتجة تقوم بتجارب على المنظومة (مرفق صورتها )
      وهي منظومة دفاع ضد التهديدات الجوية والبحرية بمدى 6.5 كم
      وستبدأ التسليم في 2015


      • #4
        رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

        طيب القطع المستهدفة لدينا ما هي .. ؟!

        هل هي الفريم أو اللافاييت أو الزوارق التي تنوي السعودية شراءها من فرنسا .. ؟!


        • #5
          رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة فتى الحرة مشاهدة المشاركة
          طيب القطع المستهدفة لدينا ما هي .. ؟!

          هل هي الفريم أو اللافاييت أو الزوارق التي تنوي السعودية شراءها من فرنسا .. ؟!
          سفن الدعم من طراز بريده


          • #6
            رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة alfaroq مشاهدة المشاركة
            الشركة المنتجة تقوم بتجارب على المنظومة (مرفق صورتها )
            وهي منظومة دفاع ضد التهديدات الجوية والبحرية بمدى 6.5 كم
            وستبدأ التسليم في 2015
            يعطيك العافيه


            • #7
              رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

              SIMBAD-RC هو نظام بحري للدفاع الجوي ذو مدى قصير يتم التحكم به عن بعد، وقد اثبت فعاليته ضد عدد كبير من التهديدات، ان كانت المقاتلات جوية، او الصواريخ المضادة للسفن الصغيرة او المركبات الجوية غير المأهولة. كما انه سهل التركيب ويمنح زوارق الدوريات ومراكب الدعم قدرات دفاعية ممتازة.
              يحتوي كل مدفع على صاروخين جاهزين للاطلاق، ويمكن تشغيلهما عن بعد ويسمح ذلك للمشغل ان يبقى محتميا، وبالتالي ضمان توافر النظام في حالات التأهب للقتال.
              يستخدم النظام صواريخ Mistral .


              • #8
                رد: MBDA ستبدأ تسليم السعودية SIMBAD-RC

                ونقل التقنيه مالها نصيب بالصفقه


                ما الذي يحدث


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                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

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