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متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

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  • #76
    رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

    سؤال خارج الموضوع ماهي اخر اخبار الامرام D


    • #77
      رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

      F-35B Lightning II Completes First Guided Weapon Delivery Against Ground Target

      An F-35B short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) fighter aircraft piloted by Marine Corps Maj. Richard Rusnok, successfully employed a Guided Bomb Unit-12 (GBU-12) Paveway II laser-guided weapon from the F-35′s internal weapons bay against a fixed ground tank test target yesterday.
      The GBU-12 is a 500-pound, Mk-82 general purpose bomb mated with a nose-mounted laser seeker and flight guidance fins for precision strike. The GBU-12 used in this test did not contain explosives.

      Read more: http://www.defencetalk.com/f-35b-lig...#ixzz2jOMcrJbh

      نجحت الاف35 من نوع ستوفل بأطلاق قنبلة موجهة من نوع GBU-12 على هدف ارضي


      • #78
        رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

        الF-35A تنجح في إطلاق صاروخ AMRAAM


        • #79
          رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

          F35 تنجح في اول مرة باطلاق صاروخ جو-جو الشهير AMRAAM وتمت عملية الختبارات العسكرية في منطقه سواحل كلفورنيا بتاريخ 30 اكتوبر , واطلقت فيها F35 صواريخ جو-جو متوسطه المدى الشهيرة AIM-120 AMRAAM وقامت بها F35 النسخة A .

          وتمت العمليه باطلاق طائره بدون طيار وتوجيه الصاروخ عليها وقبل الاصطدام تمت عمليه الحرف للمحافظه على الطائره , وتمت عمليه توجيه الصاروخ بواسطه وحده بينات التوجيه الموجوده بالمقاتله الشبحيه .

          The F-35 Lightning II executed its first live-fire launch of a guided air-to-air missile over a military test range off the California coast on Oct. 30. The AIM-120 advanced medium range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) was fired from an F-35A (AF-6) conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) variant fighter operating from the…


          • #80
            رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

            كيف طائرة ناجحه وهم لم ينم حتى إختبارها بشكل صحيح؟

            الزبده من الأخير هو إذا تم إيقافها بإذن الله تعالى كلموني.


            • #81
              رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

              F-35C تقوم باول اختبار لانفصال الاسلاح

              المملكة العربية السعودية
              "عــمـــلاق الــــشــــرق الاوســــــط"

              سامحوني فالدنيا لاتستاهل ان نكره بعض من اجل وجهات نظر


              • #82
                رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                أمريكا تسمح ببيع الF-35 لدول الخليج !

                أكد مصدر أمريكي مسؤول موافقة بلاده على بيع دول الخليج طائرات F-35 المقاتلة ,, ولكن بعد حصول إسرائيل على هذه الطائرة ب5 سنوات ! وهو ما سيحصل عام 2016 ! هذه الخطوة تؤكد سعي واشنطن الدائم لتفوق إسرائيل على الدول المجاورة لها !

                Fri, 29 November 2013 09:11

                Gulf countries are nearing decisions to buy more current generation fighter jets, but the buzz at last week’s Dubai Airshow was about Lockheed Martin’s radar-evading F-35 fighter - a plane not yet operational and not even on display there.

                For the first time, US government and industry officials also spoke about the process under way to allow the sale of the Lockheed jet to the Gulf - probably about five years after Israel receives its first F-35 fighter jets in 2016.

                US policy guidelines call for Israel to maintain a competitive military edge.

                One Gulf source familiar with the region's defence market said the F-35 was generating a degree of excitement even before any US decision to allow its sale to Gulf buyers.

                The possibility that the F-35 aircraft might become available could explain why Gulf countries are taking their time with decisions on purchases of other fighters, the source said.

                Heidi Grant, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Air Force for International Programs, said Gulf buyers were focused on buying more fourth-generation jets but were clearly interested in the F-35 - a so-called “fifth-generation” warplane designed to be nearly invisible to enemy radar.

                “They're just asking me to monitor it, and when it becomes available let (them) know,” Grant told Reuters in an interview. “They understand that we haven't made a policy decision to open up in this region right now.”

                Grant said she continued to press for a release of the F-35 technology to the Gulf region, but was also at pains to stick to US military policy.

                The US government always reserves certain capabilities for its own use, but it also wants its partners to be ready to help conduct coalition operation, Grant said.

                Boeing Co's F-15 and Lockheed's F-16 were approved for sale to Gulf countries about five years after Israel.

                US military sales are handled on a government-to-government basis, and decisions about releasing sensitive technologies are made by a committee that includes the Pentagon, State Department, Commerce Department and other agencies, depending on the technology in question.

                US officials say the UAE has rapidly evolved to become its most capable and reliable partner in the Gulf region. Washington recently approved the sale of $4 billion worth of munitions to the UAE, as well as an advanced missile defense system built by Lockheed.

                The $392 billion F-35 JSF, the Pentagon's biggest arms program, has seen a 70% increase in costs over initial estimates and repeated schedule delays, but US officials say the program has made progress in recent years. The US Marines Corps says it is on track to start using he plane in mid-2015.

                Lockheed is building three models of the F-35 for the US military and eight countries that helped fund its development: Britain, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Australia, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands.

                Israel has ordered 19 jets that will be equipped with Israeli electronic warfare equipment as part of a deal that includes options for up to 75 jets.

                Japan has also ordered the plane, and South Korea announced its plans to buy F-35s.

                Patrick Dewar, Executive Vice President of Lockheed's international unit, said the US government had provided publicly available information to potential Gulf buyers but no classified briefs had yet been provided to his knowledge.

                He said the F-35 is a multi-role fighter that was designed to replace the F-16, the F/A-18 and many other warplanes.

                “Any air force that currently flies those jets has an expectation - and should have an expectation - that in the future at some time, the United States would release the F-35 to replace those jets,” Dewar said.

                He said Lockheed was working with the US government to ensure its release policy was in synch with the planning process required by each of the governments for big arms deals.

                One US source familiar with the world fighter market said countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia that currently operate several types of fighters were more likely to buy other currently available jets in the interim. But countries with single-fighter fleets like Kuwait could decide to wait for the F-35 to become available, said the source.

                Advanced as it is, the F-35 Lightning must contend with competition from European manufacturers and Boeing Co, which tout the benefits of their jets compared with the F-35, and raise questions about the schedule for the Lockheed jet.

                French firm Dassault's Rafale jets and the BAE Systems-backed Eurofighter Typhoon are in a tight race to win a deal for at least 60 new aircraft to replace the UAE's Mirage fleet. UAE is also looking at buying 25 more Lockheed F-16s as well as upgrades for its existing jets.

                The Eurofighter, built by Britain's BAE, EADS and Italy's Finmeccanica, is being marketed by BAE, which is chasing deals in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain.

                Douglas Barrie of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London said Lockheed could be trying to stall any European purchase to buy time to complete development of the F-35, and get through the U.S. approval process.

                Source: Reuters


                • #83
                  رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة
                  أمريكا تسمح ببيع الF-35 لدول الخليج !

                  أكد مصدر أمريكي مسؤول موافقة بلاده على بيع دول الخليج طائرات F-35 المقاتلة ,, ولكن بعد حصول إسرائيل على هذه الطائرة ب5 سنوات ! وهو ما سيحصل عام 2016 ! هذه الخطوة تؤكد سعي واشنطن الدائم لتفوق إسرائيل على الدول المجاورة لها !

                  Fri, 29 November 2013 09:11

                  Gulf countries are nearing decisions to buy more current generation fighter jets, but the buzz at last week’s Dubai Airshow was about Lockheed Martin’s radar-evading F-35 fighter - a plane not yet operational and not even on display there.

                  For the first time, US government and industry officials also spoke about the process under way to allow the sale of the Lockheed jet to the Gulf - probably about five years after Israel receives its first F-35 fighter jets in 2016.

                  US policy guidelines call for Israel to maintain a competitive military edge.

                  One Gulf source familiar with the region's defence market said the F-35 was generating a degree of excitement even before any US decision to allow its sale to Gulf buyers.

                  The possibility that the F-35 aircraft might become available could explain why Gulf countries are taking their time with decisions on purchases of other fighters, the source said.

                  Heidi Grant, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the US Air Force for International Programs, said Gulf buyers were focused on buying more fourth-generation jets but were clearly interested in the F-35 - a so-called “fifth-generation” warplane designed to be nearly invisible to enemy radar.

                  “They're just asking me to monitor it, and when it becomes available let (them) know,” Grant told Reuters in an interview. “They understand that we haven't made a policy decision to open up in this region right now.”

                  Grant said she continued to press for a release of the F-35 technology to the Gulf region, but was also at pains to stick to US military policy.

                  The US government always reserves certain capabilities for its own use, but it also wants its partners to be ready to help conduct coalition operation, Grant said.

                  Boeing Co's F-15 and Lockheed's F-16 were approved for sale to Gulf countries about five years after Israel.

                  US military sales are handled on a government-to-government basis, and decisions about releasing sensitive technologies are made by a committee that includes the Pentagon, State Department, Commerce Department and other agencies, depending on the technology in question.

                  US officials say the UAE has rapidly evolved to become its most capable and reliable partner in the Gulf region. Washington recently approved the sale of $4 billion worth of munitions to the UAE, as well as an advanced missile defense system built by Lockheed.

                  The $392 billion F-35 JSF, the Pentagon's biggest arms program, has seen a 70% increase in costs over initial estimates and repeated schedule delays, but US officials say the program has made progress in recent years. The US Marines Corps says it is on track to start using he plane in mid-2015.

                  Lockheed is building three models of the F-35 for the US military and eight countries that helped fund its development: Britain, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Australia, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands.

                  Israel has ordered 19 jets that will be equipped with Israeli electronic warfare equipment as part of a deal that includes options for up to 75 jets.

                  Japan has also ordered the plane, and South Korea announced its plans to buy F-35s.

                  Patrick Dewar, Executive Vice President of Lockheed's international unit, said the US government had provided publicly available information to potential Gulf buyers but no classified briefs had yet been provided to his knowledge.

                  He said the F-35 is a multi-role fighter that was designed to replace the F-16, the F/A-18 and many other warplanes.

                  “Any air force that currently flies those jets has an expectation - and should have an expectation - that in the future at some time, the United States would release the F-35 to replace those jets,” Dewar said.

                  He said Lockheed was working with the US government to ensure its release policy was in synch with the planning process required by each of the governments for big arms deals.

                  One US source familiar with the world fighter market said countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia that currently operate several types of fighters were more likely to buy other currently available jets in the interim. But countries with single-fighter fleets like Kuwait could decide to wait for the F-35 to become available, said the source.

                  Advanced as it is, the F-35 Lightning must contend with competition from European manufacturers and Boeing Co, which tout the benefits of their jets compared with the F-35, and raise questions about the schedule for the Lockheed jet.

                  French firm Dassault's Rafale jets and the BAE Systems-backed Eurofighter Typhoon are in a tight race to win a deal for at least 60 new aircraft to replace the UAE's Mirage fleet. UAE is also looking at buying 25 more Lockheed F-16s as well as upgrades for its existing jets.

                  The Eurofighter, built by Britain's BAE, EADS and Italy's Finmeccanica, is being marketed by BAE, which is chasing deals in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain.

                  Douglas Barrie of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London said Lockheed could be trying to stall any European purchase to buy time to complete development of the F-35, and get through the U.S. approval process.

                  Source: Reuters
                  فرصه لنا أن نقتني الf-16 أو الSAAB GRIPON ونسلحها من بأسلحه متطوره وخلصنا


                  • #84
                    رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                    تجارب على مقعد القذف الخاص ب ف35 ..... الافضل ان يكون اداؤه جيد لانهم سيحتاجونه لو واجهت الباك فا


                    • #85
                      رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                      Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Stealth Fighter Cockpit Demonstrator Hands-On



                      • #86
                        رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                        Vermont Air Guard to Fly F-35s



                        • #87
                          رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة berkut_su مشاهدة المشاركة
                          تجارب على مقعد القذف الخاص ب ف35 ..... الافضل ان يكون اداؤه جيد لانهم سيحتاجونه لو واجهت الباك فا

                          لألألألأ عليكم بااستخدامه انتم اولأ الأف 35 ليست هدف سهل مثل الباك فا !!!
                          فعلى الأقل الأف 35 متميزة بالشبحية والأكترونيات مثل منظومة das التى قد شرحت التفوق الرهيب للاف 35
                          بمنظومة das !!!! والأف 22 عموما على الخردة الروسية .... فيظل التفوق امريكى فموعد 2014 دمج الطاقة الموجهة على الطائرات الأمريكية اما الرووس كالعادة التمويل السبب فى التاخر التقنى !!!!
                          وكما شرحت سابقا رادار الأف 22 اقوى من رادار الباك فا !!! فهل ستتحدث من جديد عن l-band
                          التى قد طلبت مصدر على تغير المقطع الرادارى للاف 22 مع رادارات l-band ولم تثبت اى شئ !!!!
                          او قدرة كشف l-band على الباك فا للكشف عن المقطع الرادارى للطائرة مثل الأف 35 والأف 22 !!!
                          طبعا رادارات الأرضية العاملة على l-band فضيحة روسية للكشف عن مقطع الرادارى للأف 22 رابتور !!!!
                          فماهى قدرة l-band على الباك فا للكشف عن الرابتور .... هههههههههههه
                          ( فضيحة اخرى ) ستكون فى المستقبل !!!!

                          هذا طبعا غير فضيحة الروسية على الرادارات الرصد السلبى !!!! التى اعلناها خبراء !!!
                          Since becoming publicly known following the Cassette Scandal, the capabilities of Kolchuga have been the source of many rumours and uninformed speculation in forums such as . Many observers have a tendency to credit it with magical owers of detection. Many of these do not stand up to detailed engineering analysis, or have not been confirmed, but are recorded in this section for completeness, ogether with reasons for doubting the claim. Note that the material in this ection should not be regarded as accurate. Claims include: That Kolchuga has a range of 800 km. It will certainly have the sensitivity to see high power sources at such a range. However, basic line-of-sight arguments outlined in the sections above show that this would require aircraft to be flying at impractically high altitudes and/or for the Kolchuga stations to be deployed on very high mountains. The claim is thus technically possible but operationally very unlikely. That Kolchuga can detect US stealth aircraft by their radio and radar emissions. Whilst echnically possible, stealth aircraft do not radiate when in battle, so this mode of operation is militarily irrelevant. Kolchuga is sufficiently sensitive to detect US stealth aircraft from unconventional sources of RF emissions, including radiation from exhaust trails and electromagnetic interference from the engine. Technically the power levels of these sources are likely to be so small, if at all, that there would be insufficient energy for Kolchuga to measure these effects at one site, let alone the two or more required for triangulation. They would also be almost impossible to distinguish for normal background RF noise and would not appear like the conventional emissions types Kolchuga is designed to receive and analyse). Kolchuga is sufficiently sensitive to operate as a bistatic radar receiver and hence exploit other transmitters in the environment. (This is likely to be true for the specific case of forward scatter in which the radar cross section of even a stealth aircraft can become very large for a few moments. However, achieving forward scatter simultaneously in two or more receivers is geometrically mpossible, so triangulation would not work. Secondly, unless Kolchuga has been specifically designed to work as a bistatic radar receiver with a certain radar type—and there's no evidence of Kolchuga being deployed in conjunction with specific radar types—then it will lack the essential matched filter required to reliably detect reflected pulses in the presence of noise. Therefore, if this effect works at all, it is likely to be unreliable and fleeting). Ukrainian sources often make claims such as "[Kolchuga] is head and shoulders above all American, Russian, French, Czech, or Brazilian developments in this field". Such claims are unsubstantiated and pure speculation, as the performance and even existence of many ESM systems are highly classified and not deducible by ELINT. It may or may not be true, but must be regarded with caution, particularly as those making the claims are often either journalists or those with an interest in exporting the system.
                          Nevertheless the U.S. State Department was frightened of the possibility of Iraqi acquisition of the system in 2002, and was selfdisgraced.

                          اما عندما نتكلم عن عاشق ومحب السلأح الشرقى !!!!
                          The Kolchuga, Vega/Orion and Avtobaza are more conventional Direction Finding (DF) systems, with two or more stations they use multiple bearing measurements to fix the target emitter. The widely propagated public claims that DTOA Emitter Locating Systems are 'passive anti-stealth radars' is difficult to fathom. All DTOA ELS systems are most effective at detecting and tracking omnidirectional emitters. For the DTOA ELS to function, at least three of the widely spaced antenna/receiver systems must detect the very same emission from the target. This is why the Warsaw Pact's Ramona/Tamara family of DTOA systems was used primarily to track IFF, SSR, VOR/DME, Tacan, JTIDS/Link-16 and other omni emission sources from NATO aircraft. A narrow and low sidelobe pencil beam emission from an X/Ku-band radar is even under the most favourable geometrical conditions not going to concurrently illuminate three or more DTOA ELS stations, spaced tens of miles apart, so the DTOA system cannot perform its geolocating function. With low gain antennas needed to properly cover the required angular extent, the notion that DTOA systems can lock on to and track sidelobes from X/Ku-band AESAs is simply not supportable from a basic radio physics perspective. The only possible scenario in which such a DTOA ELS could track a VLO aircraft is where the aircraft is transmitting via an omni antenna JTIDS/Link-16 terminal while penetrating hostile airspace. This is so unlikely that it cannot be considered seriously. The only other possible scenario which might be contemplated by those arguing 'anti-stealth' capabilities for DTOA or DF ELS equipment is their use as the receiver component in a multi-static radar system, which assumes the volume of airspace in which the VLO aircraft is operating is also being floodlit by a very high power pulsed emitter in the UHF/VHF/L-bands. The difficulty then confronted, especially by a DTOA ELS network, is the power-aperture problem. As the angular coverage of the DTOA ELS stations must be large, this is at the expense of antenna gain. To achieve a given power-aperture product in the multi-static system, the gain and emitted power at the floodlighting emitter end of the system must be exceptionally large, to compensate for the low gain of the receiver components. Claims that conventional DF systems like the Kolchuga can readily detect and track VLO aircraft also defy analysis. While they have higher gain antennas compared to the DTOA ELS designs, they are confronting the probability of intercept problem against a very low sidelobe AESA, which is power managed, and highly frequency agile. They can only detect and track the emitter if the station is sitting inside the mainlobe of the AESA, and pointing at it when it is emitting. The only scenario where this is feasible is if three or more such DF systems are closely clustered around the target to be attacked, and all are pointed along the threat axis. Were this true, the DF systems then confront a geometrical dilution of precision (GDOP) problem, which will severely impair range accuracy. The claimed use of DTOA techniques in the Kolchuga is unlikely to correct this problem due to the very short DTOA baseline. The claim that DTOA or conventional DF Emitter Locating Systems provide a useful capability against VLO aircraft is simply not credible. Its continuing popularity appears to fit in the same category as claims that the B-2A's stealth paint washes off in the rain.

                          Counter-Stealth, Electronic Support Measures, Emitter Locating System, ELINT, Electronic Intelligence

                          فيجب ان تعلم ان دخول الولأيات اى معركة جوية مع الرووس لأتدخل الأف 35 فقط
                          بل تدخل اعظم طائرة سيادة جوية فى العالم الملكة الأف 22 فمافرصة الباك فا
                          مع منظومات الأف 22 مثلأ !!!!
                          1 - منظومة الأنذار البعيدة المدى AN/AAR-56
                          لأاى تهديد للطائرة سواء كان صواريخ او طائرات ... الخ !!!
                          2 - منظومة الرصد السلبى AN/ALR-94
                          ويستطيع هذا النظام رصد اى طاقة من الرادارات على مسافة 400 كلم
                          3 - رادار الرابتور AN/APG-77الذى يحمل أكثر من 2000 ارسال / استقبال

                          ويستطيع تغيير تردده 1000 مرة في الثانية !!!!
                          4 - منظومة AN/ALE-52
                          منظومة مخصصة لتضليل الصواريخ يمكن ان تطلق
                          من نظام AN/AAR-56 او نظام AN/ALR-94
                          فلذلك كل منظومات الأف 22 مكملة لبعضها البعض فلذلك الرابتور اقوى طائرة سيادة جوية فى العالم !!!!
                          توفر حماية للاف 35 المتعددة المهام !!!!
                          هذا طبعا غير دخول الطاقة الموجهة كتوفير حماية للطائرات والقاذفات .... هههههههههه
                          فى 2014 يبدا الأختبار !!!! طبعا الرووس حتى الأن لم تدخل لديهم اى طائرة جيل خامس
                          او قاذفة استراتيجية منخفضة المقطع الرادارى !!!!!

                          هل اتضح الجميع الفرق بين الولأيات وروسيا


                          • #88
                            رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35


                            • #89
                              رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                              شركة الصناعات الجوية الفضائية التركية تسلم نورثروب قرومان أول هيكل لطائرة F-35 مصنوع في تركيا

                              Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has delivered its first F-35 Lightning II centre fuselage to Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin at a ceremony held at TAI's facilities in Ankara, Turkey today. - See more at: http://www.arabianaerospace.aero/tai....0AvGphFg.dpuf


                              • #90
                                رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                                الروس أول من صنع هذه الطائرة التي تستطيع تقلع بشكل أفقي و قادره على خرق سرعت الصوت في عام 1989م.

                                طبعاً لا ننسى بأن الحواسب الآلية في ذلك العام ليست مثل اليوم.


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                المتواجدون الآن 1. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

