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متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

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  • #16
    رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

    هل لدى المملكة نية لشراء هذه الطائرة أم لا ؟؟
    ... عساكـــــر المسلـــــمين ...
    ... وعزائـــــم المخلـــــصين ...
    ... وكتـــــائب الموحــــــدين ...
    ... وجـــنود رب الــــعـــالمين ...
    اقتربت ساعة الصفر ...



    • #17
      رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة سليمان... مشاهدة المشاركة
      هل لدى المملكة نية لشراء هذه الطائرة أم لا ؟؟
      لا نوايا حاليا ..كان هناك اقتراح من لوكهيد بفتح التفاوض مع موافقة مبدئية سعودية لمعرفة العرض ..لكن الكونقرس رفض تصديرها للسعودية ..حصلت محاولات ضغط من خالد بن سلطان اوقفها بندر بن سلطان ..ببساطة هذه الطائرة لن نتعاقد عليها قبل 2020


      • #18
        رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

        تايوان تسعى للتعاقد على طائرات F-35


        • #19
          رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة alfaroq مشاهدة المشاركة
          تجري أول عملية هبوط ليلي عمودي في عرض البحر
          وأهم الدروس المستفادة حسب الخبر
          هو الحاجة الى عمل بعض التعديلات على متن الحاملة ونقل بعض المعدات

          USMC F-35B test pilot makes first shipboard night landing

          A US Marine Corps test pilot has performed the first vertical night landing at sea on board the USS Wasp with a Lockheed Martin F-35B Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).
          The F-35B is embarked on board the amphibious assault ship for the short take-off vertical landing variant's second set of sea trials, which started on 12 August.
          "It all went extremely well," says Lt Col C R Clift, the USMC test pilot who performed the 14 August manoeuvre. "Eight successful landings in one night, so we're tracking favourably along the learning curve."

          The sea trials are scheduled to run for 18 days. "Pilots will expand the F-35Bs allowable wind envelope for launch and recovery, conduct its first-ever night operations at sea, conduct initial mission systems evaluations at sea, evaluate the dynamic interface associated with aircraft operations on a moving flight deck, and further evaluate shipboard sustainment of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter," says the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO).
          According to the JPO, this is the second of three planned test series aimed at expanding the F-35B's shipboard operating envelope for the USMC. The first set of sea trials were completed in October 2011.
          Completion of this second round of trials should provide sufficient data to the US Navy and USMC to certificate the F-35B for shipboard operations ahead of its first active deployment in 2015, the JPO says.
          Some of the lessons learned from the first series of sea trials showed that the ship needed a few modifications to accommodate the F-35B. As a result, the USS Wasp now sports a new composite deck coating that offers additional heat protection.
          In addition, some of the ship's lights and sensors had to be moved.


          مقاطع حديثه جداً بتاريخ البوم

          لاقلاع ليلي
          هبوط عمودي ليلي للـ F-35B

          وهذا مقطع نهاري لتدرب على الهبوط نهاري

          المملكة العربية السعودية
          "عــمـــلاق الــــشــــرق الاوســــــط"

          سامحوني فالدنيا لاتستاهل ان نكره بعض من اجل وجهات نظر


          • #20
            رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

            الملاحظ ان التدريب سوى ليلي او نهاري يجري علىUSS WASP

            المملكة العربية السعودية
            "عــمـــلاق الــــشــــرق الاوســــــط"

            سامحوني فالدنيا لاتستاهل ان نكره بعض من اجل وجهات نظر


            • #21
              رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

              إسرائيل تعلن أن منشأة تصنيع الأجنحة المخصصة لطائرات الأف 35 على أراضيها ستكون جاهزة في منتصف 2014 ,, وستتكفل إٍسرائيل بصنع 811 زوج من أجنحة الطائرة لباقي الدول المشاركة بالمشروع ,,,,

              Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) expects to complete construction of its new manufacturing facility to produce wings for the Lockheed Martin F-35 by mid-2014.
              Building work commenced on the factory earlier this year following an agreement between the two companies, although the schedule for completion has been advanced under technical supervision by Lockheed personnel. The site will eventually produce 811 wing pairs for the Joint Strike Fighter.
              Flightglobal visited the site in mid-August, when workers were completing the wing production floors.
              IAI's contribution to the programme is part of an offset deal stemming from Israel's decision to purchase an initial 20 examples of the F-35A for its air force.
              IAI expects to begin production of the wings for the stealthy fighter in 2015, with the first shipsets destined for Israel's fighters.
              The company's contract with Lockheed Martin covers 10-15 years of production and could be worth as much as $2.5 billion.
              Israel has expressed its intention to purchase as many as 75 F-35s.

              Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) expects to complete construction of its new manufacturing facility to produce wings for the Lockheed Martin F-35 by mid-2014. Building...


              • #22
                رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                An F-35B Lightning II assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 (VMFAT-501) is on display in a hanger during a show case for local officials and news agencies aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, Aug. 20, 2013. VMFAT-501 will consist of 20 F-35B Lightning II's and serve as the Fleet Replacement Squadron. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Patrick J. McMahon/ Released)

                Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hedelund, Commanding General of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, introduces the F-35B Lightning II during a showcase aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, Aug. 20, 2013. The F-35B Lightning II's will be assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501 and will consist of 20 F-35B's and serve as the Fleet Replacement Squadron. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Patrick J. McMahon/ Released)



                • #23
                  نجاح أول هبوط ليلي لطائرة F-35B على متنUSS Wasp

                  4:56 PM 2013-08-21
                  فريق التحرير
                  في إطار اختبارات الهبوط على متن حاملة سفن، نفّت مقاتلة F-35B اختبار إثبات قدرتها على الهبوط عمودياً ليلاً على متن حاملة طائرات.
                  فقد نجح روسيل كليفت، مقدّم في سلاح المارينز الأميركية، بتنفيذ أوّل هبوط العمودي أثناء الليل لمقاتلة أف-35 بي F-35B)) على متن حاملة الطائرات يو أس أس واسب (USS Wasp) وذلك في 14 آب/أغسطس .
                  وخلال تجارب الجدارة البحرية للسفينة والمعروفة أيضاً بمرحلة الاختبار التطويرية الثانية (DT-II) ، سيعرض نموذج F-35 B من فئة الإقلاع من مسافة قصيرة والهبوط العمودي STOVL، القدرات الهامة للمقاتلة التي سيستخدمها سلاح المارينز الأميركي وشريكا الولايات المتحدة العالميين وهما المملكة المتحدة وايطاليا.
                  وقد أنجزت المقاتلتان من نوع F-35B اللتان شاركتا في مرحلة الاختبار التطويرية الثانية، أما في 18 آب/أغسطس 40 عملية إقلاع قصير و41 هبوط عمودي.
                  وفي ختام مرحلة الاختبار التطويرية الثانية، من المتوقع أن يحصل سلاح البحرية على معطياتٍ كافية للمصادقة على قدرة المقاتلة المستقبلية F-35B Lighting II على تنفيذ عمليات مستقبلية على متن السفينة في إطار دراسة القدرة العملانية الأساسية للعام 2015.



                  • #24
                    رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                    مقطع حديث نزل قبل ساعتين فقط

                    المملكة العربية السعودية
                    "عــمـــلاق الــــشــــرق الاوســــــط"

                    سامحوني فالدنيا لاتستاهل ان نكره بعض من اجل وجهات نظر


                    • #25
                      رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                      ATLANTIC OCEAN (Aug. 14, 2013) An F-35B Lightning II aircraft lands aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) during the second at-sea F-35 developmental test event. The F-35B is the Marine Corps variant of the joint strike fighter and is undergoing testing aboard Wasp. (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe/Released)



                      • #26
                        رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                        شركة لوكهيد مارتن تؤكد بأن تكاليف صيانة الأف 35 ستنخفض بمقدار 22% مستقبلا !

                        F-35 Support Costs Fall 22%, Pentagon Manager Estimates (excerpt)

                        (Source: Bloomberg; published Aug 21, 2013)

                        (See related analysis in our Features section)

                        The F-35 Joint Program Office is reported to have lowered its estimate of F-35 operating costs by 22%, to $857 billion, but its methodology raises some questions. (USMC photo)A fleet of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 fighters will cost $857 billion over 55 years to operate and support, 22 percent less than previously estimated, according to the head of the Pentagon office developing the plane.

                        The new estimate reflects the aircraft’s performance in 5,000 test flights over 7,000 hours, Air Force Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan, the Defense Department’s program manager for the F-35, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in written answers last month that haven’t been made public until now.

                        “The previous cost estimate did not factor in this new knowledge,” Bogdan said.

                        Operating costs include expenses from spare parts to repairs and fuel. Officially, the Pentagon’s estimate remains $1.1 trillion, a two-year-old projection developed by the Pentagon’s independent cost-assessment office. (end of excerpt)


                        • #27
                          رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35


                          • #28
                            رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                            F-35C تنهي أولى عمليات التزود بالوقود جوا و تثبت قدرتها على ذلك على غرار الطرازات A و B
                            و قد كان التزود بالوقود من الطائرة الأمريكية KC-135
                            NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, Md., Aug. 23, 2013 – On Aug. 20, an F-35 Lightning II carrier variant (CV) refueled from a U.S. Air Force KC-135 for the first time. With the completion of this test, the F-35C joins the A and B models in proving that all three variants of the F-35 can be refueled from a common tanker platform, despite different methods. The aircraft, known as CF-1, was piloted by Lt. Col. Patrick Moran. Earlier this month, the Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 101, the Navy's first F-35C Lightning II carrier variant aircraft squadron, completed its first flight at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
                            Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 116,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.


                            • #29
                              رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                              شركة لوكهيد مارتن وشركة براند أند ويتني ,, يوقعان إتفاق تصنيع الدفعة السادسة من محركات الأف 35 ضمن برنامج low rate initial production (LRIP) والذي يشمل تصنيع 38 محرك ,, بإنخفاض واضح في التكاليف

                              WASHINGTON D.C. --- The U.S. Department of Defense and Pratt & Whitney have reached an agreement in principle for a production contract for the sixth lot of F135 propulsion systems to power the F-35 Lightning II, which continues a reduction in costs associated with engine production.

                              The low rate initial production (LRIP) contract covers 38 total engines, including program management, engineering support, production non-recurring effort, sustainment and spare parts.

                              Cost details will be released when the LRIP 6 contract is finalized; however, in general, the unit prices for the 32 common configuration engines which are used to power both the conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) aircraft and the aircraft-carrier variant (CV) aircraft reduced in LRIP 6 by roughly 2.5 percent compared to the previous LRIP 5 contract for 35 engines. The unit prices for the 6 short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft engines reduced in LRIP 6 by roughly 9.6 percent compared to the previous LRIP 5 contract for 3 STOVL engines.

                              "This agreement represents a fair deal for Government and Pratt & Whitney," said Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, F-35 Program Executive Officer. "Driving down cost is critical to the success of this program and we are working together – in each successive contract – to lower costs for the propulsion system."

                              The 38 total engines in the sixth lot contract include 36 install engines and two CTOL whole spare engines. The new contract will also include the first propulsion systems for Italy and Australia.

                              “We took on 100 percent overrun risk in LRIP 5 ahead of the government’s requirement to do so, and the progress we made in finalizing that contract allowed us to come to an agreement on this sixth lot of engines only four months later. We continue to be laser-focused on reducing costs, meeting our delivery schedule commitments, and increasing the tempo of contracting for LRIP 7 and LRIP 8,” said Chris Flynn, vice president, Pratt & Whitney F135/F119 Engine Programs. “We share the JPO’s commitment to ensuring the Services are ready for Initial Operational Capability and making the overall F-35 program a success.”

                              To date, Pratt & Whitney has delivered 107 production engines. Deliveries of LRIP 6 engines will begin in the fourth quarter of this year. The F135 engine has powered 3,548 flights and 5,432 flight test hours, with 27,243 development and flight test hours completed. The F-35B STOVL aircraft have accomplished more than 600 vertical landings.

                              (EDITOR’S NOTE: The object line of the e-mailed statement reads “LRIP 6 Handshake Agreement Reached,” while the statement itself mentions a “principle agreement.”
                              It is still not clear why both sides feel the need to announce these “agreements in principle” when, clearly, they have not agreed a final price and/or contract details.
                              JPO and Pratt also claim this is a “Lower Cost F135 Engine Contract,” but are unable to back up this claim in the release.
                              The statement does say that “Cost details will be released when the LRIP 6 contract is finalized,” but this did not happen for the previous Lot 5 “principle agreement,” announced Feb. 5, 2013. It was simply followed on May 27 by a statement in which Pratt said it had signed a “$1B production contract” for Lot 5.
                              Clearly, the only reason for this statement is to generate favorable media coverage, especially by the wire services. This approach also insures that signature of the definitive contract, when it finally occurs, will attract very little media coverage because it is, by then, “old news.”)


                              • #30
                                رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35

                                المملكة العربية السعودية
                                "عــمـــلاق الــــشــــرق الاوســــــط"

                                سامحوني فالدنيا لاتستاهل ان نكره بعض من اجل وجهات نظر


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                الأعضاء المتواجدون الآن 3. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 3.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

