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  • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات


    حصلنا عليها عام 2002 والبريطانيين للتو ادخلوها للخدمة ^_^


    • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات


      • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

        الوصول للمشاركة في معرض دبي للطيران


        • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

          Israeli Drone Leased to German Army in Afghanistan Hacked and Crashed

          The German army has operated three Israeli-leased Heron drones in Afghanistan for reconnaissance purposes. Two of the drones crashed in 2010. One, on its first flight, when it crashed into a military transport plane on landing. The second drone had engine failure. The most recent drone failure occurred (Google translation from German) at Mazar i Sharif. This time the UAV crashed into a mountain. Because the area was so remote, a U.S. F-16 was dispatched to destroy the vehicle so that it didn’t fall into enemy hands.
          The overall value of the lease with Israel Aircraft Industries, maker of the Heron, was over $150-million; and the value of the lost drone was about $7.5-million.
          My Israeli source reports that the most recent loss was the result of the navigation system being hacked. He tells me hacking is “strongly suspected” as the cause. He doesn’t know who hacked the controls, but it would seem most likely to be the Taliban or whatever insurgent forces operate in northern Afghanistan. The expertise for hacking the Israeli drones appears most likely to derive from Iran. Though that country has been much more involved in affairs in Iraq than Afghanistan, Iran does share a border with northwestern Afghanistan. It is conceivable that the technical know-how for the hack was conveyed to a Taliban group in the north of the country (where Mazar i Sharif is located).


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            تهكير للgps !! لهذه الدرجة صناعة اليهود يمكن اختراقها


            • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة berkut_su مشاهدة المشاركة
              Israeli Drone Leased to German Army in Afghanistan Hacked and Crashed

              The German army has operated three Israeli-leased Heron drones in Afghanistan for reconnaissance purposes. Two of the drones crashed in 2010. One, on its first flight, when it crashed into a military transport plane on landing. The second drone had engine failure. The most recent drone failure occurred (Google translation from German) at Mazar i Sharif. This time the UAV crashed into a mountain. Because the area was so remote, a U.S. F-16 was dispatched to destroy the vehicle so that it didn’t fall into enemy hands.
              The overall value of the lease with Israel Aircraft Industries, maker of the Heron, was over $150-million; and the value of the lost drone was about $7.5-million.
              My Israeli source reports that the most recent loss was the result of the navigation system being hacked. He tells me hacking is “strongly suspected” as the cause. He doesn’t know who hacked the controls, but it would seem most likely to be the Taliban or whatever insurgent forces operate in northern Afghanistan. The expertise for hacking the Israeli drones appears most likely to derive from Iran. Though that country has been much more involved in affairs in Iraq than Afghanistan, Iran does share a border with northwestern Afghanistan. It is conceivable that the technical know-how for the hack was conveyed to a Taliban group in the north of the country (where Mazar i Sharif is located).

              اخوي اشرف اتمنى تترجم الكلام هذا


              • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة F15SA RSAF مشاهدة المشاركة
                اخوي اشرف اتمنى تترجم الكلام هذا
                المقالة تتحدث على ان سقوط الطائرات بدون طيار نوع هيرون (صنع اسرائيلي) التي تستخدمها القوات الالمانية في افانستان تم اسقاطها عن طريق اختراق انظمة التوجيه فيها ولم تتحطم نتيجة حادث عرضي ويعتقد ان طالبان مسؤولة عن هذا الاختراق لانظمة الملاحة


                • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                  صحيفة "Wen Wei Po" الصينية بأن وفدا صينيا زار مؤسسة "ساليوت"الروسية للمحركات لبحث التعاون في مجال تصنيع محرك يصلح لأول مقاتلة شبح صينية تصنع باستخدام تكنولوجيا "ستيلث". وقال مدير عام الشركة فلاديسلاف ماسلوف إن الجانب الصيني كان قد وقع عام 2005 اتفاقية لشراء 100 محرك روسي الصنع من طراز " أل – 31 أف" *بمبلغ 100 مليون دولار. وأشار إلى أن الصين لا تمتلك إلى حد الآن*محركا ذا مواصفات لازمة لمقاتلتها المتخفية. ويعتقد غالبية الخبراء الروس أن مقاتلة " G - 20 " المصنوعة باستخدام تكنولوجيا "ستيلث"*ستزود بمحرك روسي من طراز "تي أر دي دي أف آ ل- 31 أف أم 1". وقالت الصحيفة الصينية إن التعاون الروسي الصيني في هذا المجال والاستثمارات الصينية في تطوير شركة "ساليوت" ستؤدي إلى حصول الجانب الصيني على تكنولوجيا صنع المحرك الفعال.*http://arabic.rt.com/news/633786/*:روسيا اليوم


                  • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                    China’s first stealth combat drone takes maiden flight - reports: The first Chinese stealth unmanned combat dr... http://bit.ly/17Solte


                    • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات


                      • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                        The first Chinese stealth unmanned combat drone conducted a successful maiden flight Thursday, according to accounts by Chinese media and photos taken from a popular Chinese military website.


                        • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                          40 مقاتلة F-35A لكوريا الجنوبية

                          South Korea to obtain 40 F-35As

                          South Korea will obtain 40 Lockheed Martin F-35A fighters under its F-X III requirement.
                          A report by state news agency Yonhap quotes the country’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) as saying that Seoul will obtain 40 F-35s starting in 2018, with an option to buy 20 more aircraft.
                          The deal will be conducted through the US government’s Foreign Military Sales mechanism.
                          "The F-35A will be used as a strategic weapon to gain a competitive edge and defeat the enemy in the early stage of war," Yonhap quotes the JCS as saying. "The South Korean military will also use the aircraft to effectively deal with provocations."

                          Deliveries will begin in 2018, says Yonhap.
                          Seoul will also obtain an additional 20 fighter aircraft of unspecified type, but the timeframe and details of this acquisition are not clear.
                          This additional requirement would appear to leave room for Boeing and Eurofighter, which pitched the F-15 Silent Eagle and Typhoon in the original 60 aircraft F-X III competition, to make a significant sale in South Korea.

                          At a recent defence exhibition in South Korea, Boeing dropped its F-15SE proposal in favour of an aircraft it dubs the “Advanced F-15” (above). Eurofighter continued pitching the Typhoon

                          An industry source familiar with South Korean defence requirements says today’s F-35A announcement stems from a 30-man team recently established by the air force to push its case with the country’s JCS, which has ultimate authority over force improvement decisions.
                          The JCS will submit this recommendation to the Defence Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), which will negotiate the final contract. The air force team will also play a role in the acquisition of South Korea’s indigenous KFX fighter and a four-aircraft tanker requirement.
                          This should have the effect of reducing DAPA’s say over platform capabilities and relegate it to a contract negotiation role.
                          The original F-X III requirement called for Seoul to obtain 60 new fighters. The only aircraft to come in under the DAPA’s budget of won (W) 8.3 trillion ($7.7 billion) was Boeing’s proposed F-15SE, an upgraded version of the venerable type with low observable features and other improvements.
                          In September, however, Seoul decided to re-tender the competition following the air force’s reiteration that it wants a stealth aircraft to fill the requirement, and a public relations backlash in South Korean media against the selection of the F-15SE.


                          • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات


                            كوريا ستشتري 40 طائرة F-35 بالاضافة ل20 طائرة اخرى ..اما تايفون او F-15 ADVANCED ..وواضح ان ال 20 ستكون من نصيب الاف 15 ...هذه الخلطة أوصى بها جنرال امريكي متقاعد من سلاح الجو الامريكي لسلاح الجو الكوري


                            • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة

                              كوريا ستشتري 40 طائرة F-35 بالاضافة ل20 طائرة اخرى ..اما تايفون او F-15 ADVANCED ..وواضح ان ال 20 ستكون من نصيب الاف 15 ...هذه الخلطة أوصى بها جنرال امريكي متقاعد من سلاح الجو الامريكي لسلاح الجو الكوري
                              خليط رائع
                              وفي حالة كوريا وحرصهم على دراسة تكاليف التشغيل والصيانة
                              فالـ 20 طائرة الاخرى فعلا ستكون اقرب لبوينغ من اليوروفايتر


                              • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                                بوينغ تؤكد اتمام صفقة بيع مروحيات مسلحة من طراز AH-6I
                                لعميل شرق اوسطي رفضت تسميته

                                Boeing confirms launch deal for armed AH-6i

                                Boeing has received the green light to start building AH-6i light attack helicopters for an undisclosed customer. “Boeing has recently signed an FMS [Foreign Military Sales] agreement with the US Army that will lead to production of the AH-6i for a first international customer,” Leanne Caret, the company’s vice-president, vertical lift, revealed at the Dubai air show on 18 November.
                                Derived from the MD Helicopters AH-6 Little Bird platform, the i-model has been the subject of previous FMS requests from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. While Boeing declines to name its launch buyer, or to disclose how many aircraft will be supplied, Flightglobal’s Ascend Online Fleets database suggests that Riyadh will acquire 36 examples.

                                The aircraft will be produced at Boeing’s Mesa plant in Arizona, under the terms of an existing agreement with MD Helicopters. Meanwhile, Caret says Boeing sees “a number of export opportunities” for its CH-47F Chinook, and cites the success of the type’s introduction by operators including the US Army, Canada and the UK. Potential additional buyers exist “in this region, and elsewhere around the world,” she adds.
                                The United Arab Emirates has now received seven F-model examples from a 16-unit order, says Ascend.


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                المتواجدون الآن 1. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

