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  • #91
    رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

    كما توقعت النظام لم يشير للحادث الايراني

    Something the regime won’t publicize: a deadly crash of an Iranian F-4E Phantom

    Sep 27 2013*-*2 CommentsIran has recently unveiled some*new missiles*(including the Fakour-90,*a reviewed AIM-54 Phoenix),*air defense systems, it has announced to have reverse engineered the RQ-170 Sentinel etc.However, in the same hours such achievements were advertised, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force suffered a loss that was not made public nor mentioned by any local media outlet.According to eye witness accounts, an Iranian ‘F-4E Phantom II‘ of the 61st Tactical Fighter Squadron crashed on Bushehr air base’s runway 31L on Sept. 23.The cause of the accident according to such sources was “a violent tire burst” that forced the aircraft off the runway. As a result, the crew attempted to eject which resulted in the unfortunate death of the F-4 pilot Major Rezaee and injuring WSO Capt. Salimi (shown in the above photo).Bushehr is home to two squadrons of F-4E Phantom IIs, and one permanent detachment of F-14A Tomcats originally out of the 8th Isfahan Tactical Air Base. Bushehr is also the same base where the drone harassing F-4E had flown from, which was later*intercepted*by a USAF F-22 Raptor.This is the second such incident at this air base. Back in January 2012, an F-14A*crashed*at night*immediately*after take-off killing the pilot and RIO. Needless to say, the port city of Bushehr is also home to the Iranian regime’s sole nuclear power reactor built by the Russians.The ‘Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force‘ was the second largest operator of the F-4 and RF-4E Phantoms after Germany. The service has managed to keep the US built type fly-worthy by obtaining spare parts from the global black markets, or through indigenous aircraft industries. It is said to have around 65 flyable F-4E Phantom II aircraft mainly based at 3rd Hamedan, 6th Bushehr and 9th Bandar Abbas tactical fighter bases, with a few aging F-4D aircraft based in Chahbahar 10th AB.As said, this*deadly incident*did not receive any media coverage inside of Iran as it coincided with the regime’s “Sacred Defense Week” festivities commemorating the beginning of the 8 year long Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s.Winston Smith*for TheAviationist.comImage credit: Shahram Sharifi


    • #92
      رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة berkut_su مشاهدة المشاركة
      كما توقعت النظام لم يشير للحادث الايراني

      Something the regime won’t publicize: a deadly crash of an Iranian F-4E Phantom

      Sep 27 2013*-*2 CommentsIran has recently unveiled some*new missiles*(including the Fakour-90,*a reviewed AIM-54 Phoenix),*air defense systems, it has announced to have reverse engineered the RQ-170 Sentinel etc.However, in the same hours such achievements were advertised, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force suffered a loss that was not made public nor mentioned by any local media outlet.According to eye witness accounts, an Iranian ‘F-4E Phantom II‘ of the 61st Tactical Fighter Squadron crashed on Bushehr air base’s runway 31L on Sept. 23.The cause of the accident according to such sources was “a violent tire burst” that forced the aircraft off the runway. As a result, the crew attempted to eject which resulted in the unfortunate death of the F-4 pilot Major Rezaee and injuring WSO Capt. Salimi (shown in the above photo).Bushehr is home to two squadrons of F-4E Phantom IIs, and one permanent detachment of F-14A Tomcats originally out of the 8th Isfahan Tactical Air Base. Bushehr is also the same base where the drone harassing F-4E had flown from, which was later*intercepted*by a USAF F-22 Raptor.This is the second such incident at this air base. Back in January 2012, an F-14A*crashed*at night*immediately*after take-off killing the pilot and RIO. Needless to say, the port city of Bushehr is also home to the Iranian regime’s sole nuclear power reactor built by the Russians.The ‘Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force‘ was the second largest operator of the F-4 and RF-4E Phantoms after Germany. The service has managed to keep the US built type fly-worthy by obtaining spare parts from the global black markets, or through indigenous aircraft industries. It is said to have around 65 flyable F-4E Phantom II aircraft mainly based at 3rd Hamedan, 6th Bushehr and 9th Bandar Abbas tactical fighter bases, with a few aging F-4D aircraft based in Chahbahar 10th AB.As said, this*deadly incident*did not receive any media coverage inside of Iran as it coincided with the regime’s “Sacred Defense Week” festivities commemorating the beginning of the 8 year long Iraq-Iran war of the 1980s.Winston Smith*for TheAviationist.comImage credit: Shahram Sharifi
      صورة الطيارين الإيرانيين الذين قضوا في الحادث


      • #93
        رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

        لو تدفع لي ١٠٠ الف ما طرت بفانتوم ايرانية


        • #94
          رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

          سقوط F-4 تركية

          A McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II combat aircraft operated by the Turkish Air Force (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri - THK) crashed in the country's central Sivas Province, national media reported on 30 September.

          The two-seat aircraft is reported to have come down about 5 km from the town of Kangal. Both crew members are said to have ejected.

          The THK operates 40 F-4E fighters that were introduced into service in 1973, and 47 F-4E 2020 platforms that were upgraded by Israel Aerospace Industries in 2002. It also fields 20 RF-4E reconnaissance jets which it acquired in 1977.

          While the reports do not specify which variant aircraft was lost in this accident, the location indicates that it was either an F-4E 2020 operated by 171 Squadron, or an RF-4E flown by 173 Squadron (operational conversion unit).


          • #95
            رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

            ياخسارة قيمة التطوير ،،


            • #96
              رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

              j-31 ستكون معروضه للتصدير

              The J-31, China's second prototype fifth-generation stealth fighter, designed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, will be produced for the export market instead of for China's air force and navy, according to Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong of the PLA Navy in a People's Daily report.
              While the Washington-based Strategy Page said the J-31 has the potential to become a future carrier-based stealth fighter for the PLA Navy, Zhang said it is unlikely the plane will serve aboard Chinese aircraft carriers. Unlike the J-20 designed by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group, the J-31 was never a development program intended for the Chinese military, Zhang said
              المقاتله الصينيه الجديده j-31 والتي بنت الصين نموذجها الثاني والتي تعتبر مقاتله شبحيه من الجيل الخامس ويتم صناعتها من قبل شركة شانغيانغ سيتم صناعتها لاغراض التصدير بدلا من تزويد القوات الجويه والبحريه الصينيه بها كما قال الادميرال زهانغ زازونك من البحريه الصينيه
              وعلى الرغم من ان موقع الستراتيجيه الامريكي ذكر ان ال j-31 ستكون الطائره الشبحيه التي تقلع من حاملات الطائرات التابعه للبحريه الصينيه
              الا ان الادميرال زهانغ يقول انه من غير المرجح ان تخدم على حاملات الطائرات الصينيه
              وعلى عكس المقاتله j-20 والمصممه بواسطة شركة شينكدو
              ويقول زهانغ ايضا ان برنامج ال j-31 لم يكن ابدا ضمن خطة التطوير للجيش الصيني



              • #97
                رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                The J-10, China's domestically made third-generation jet fighter, has not been exported due to the lack of license issued by Chinese authorities, Ma Zhiping, vice president of the State-owned China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation, said Wednesday.

                In a response to overseas media reports and public speculation that the J-10 has been exported to Pakistan, Ma was quoted by the news portal huanqiu.com as saying that he can state that not a single J-10 has been shipped to Pakistan.

                lمقاتلة j-10 الصينيه المحلية الصنع وتعتبر من مقاتلات الجيل الثالث لم تصدر بعد الى الخارج بسبب عدم وجود موافقة من السلطات الصينيه !!
                وكما يقول " ما زهيبنك " نائب رئيس شركة الصادرات والواردات الصينيه لتكنلوجيا الطيران المملوكه للدوله
                وجوابا على تقارير صحفيه بخصوص تصدير الطائره الى باكستان
                قال زهيبنك : لاتوجد ولااي طائره واحده من نوع j-10 صدرت الى باكستان

                "Obtaining a national permit in advance of exporting it is top priority," Ma said on the sidelines of the ongoing 15th Aviation Expo/China 2013 in Beijing.

                وقال ايضا : ان الحصول على الموافقه للتصدير هي من الاولويات . حديثه كان اثناء لقاء على هامش معرض اكسبو الصين 2013

                "We can anticipate good export prospects, as many potential customers have shown great interest in it and have made enquiries on the price. Many Asian, African and Latin American countries, which include users of Chinese, ex-Soviet and French fighters, form a huge clientele," said Ma.

                واضاف ما زهيبنك ايضا : نحن نتوقع صادرات جيده لهذه الطائره الكثير من الزبائن المحتملين ابدوا اهتماما بها وسألوا عن سعرها

                والكثير من الاسيويين والافارقه ومن امريكا اللاتينيه والتي تضم دولا مستعمله للسلاح الصيني او السلاح السوفيتي



                • #98
                  رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                  Angola Orders 18 Su-30K Fighters, Mi-17 Helicopters and Tanks from Russia


                  • #99
                    رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                    هل من المؤكد حصول انغولا على هذه الطائرات التي ارجعتها الهند ؟

                    بالامس قرات خبر عن تسابق اثيوبيا والسودان على شراء هذه الطائرات


                    • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة
                      هل من المؤكد حصول انغولا على هذه الطائرات التي ارجعتها الهند ؟

                      بالامس قرات خبر عن تسابق اثيوبيا والسودان على شراء هذه الطائرات
                      والله شكله مؤكد دفعوا مليار للصفقة .....السودان بذكائهم راحوا اشتروا سو-24 !!!!

                      The Su-30K fighters in question are a batch of aircraft that were initially supplied to India in the late 1990s, prior to Delhi receiving the more advanced multirole Su-30MKI variant. They were returned to Russia in 2007, Vedomosti said, and have since lain idle in a Belarusian repair plant.


                      • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                        اثيوبيا اشتروا 6 او 8 سو-30 من هذا النوع قبل فترة


                        • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                          المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة berkut_su مشاهدة المشاركة
                          والله شكله مؤكد دفعوا مليار للصفقة .....السودان بذكائهم راحوا اشتروا سو-24 !!!!
                          Russia’s state arms export monopoly has signed a $1 billion deal package with Angola to deliver military equipment, build an ammunition plant and provide maintenance services, Vedomosti business daily reported Wednesday.


                          • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة berkut_su مشاهدة المشاركة
                            والله شكله مؤكد دفعوا مليار للصفقة .....السودان بذكائهم راحوا اشتروا سو-24 !!!!

                            The Su-30K fighters in question are a batch of aircraft that were initially supplied to India in the late 1990s, prior to Delhi receiving the more advanced multirole Su-30MKI variant. They were returned to Russia in 2007, Vedomosti said, and have since lain idle in a Belarusian repair plant.

                            According to the Vedomosti daily via RIA Novosti external link, the 18 Su-30K interim fighters returned by India will be re-sold to Angola. Vietnam said months ago they were not interested, and African countries including Sudan and Ethiopia were rumored to be considering buying these jets. Angola has reportedly inked a $1B armament package that also includes Mi-17 transport helos and various land weapons.


                            • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                              BAE تبدأ تجارب الطيران لطائرتها الجديدة بدون طيار TARANIS



                              • رد: اخبار سريعة عن الطائرات

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركة
                                BAE تبدأ تجارب الطيران لطائرتها الجديدة بدون طيار TARANIS


                                الطائرة حسب وزارة الدفاع البريطاني لن تدخل خط الإنتاج رغم أن المشروع كلف حوالي 300 مليون دولار هي فقط نموذج تقني ليساعد وزارة الدفاع البريطانية على تحديد المميزات الأفضل لدمج عمل الطائرات بدون طيار مع الطائرات المأهولة ,,

                                الفرنسيين والبريطانيين أتفقوا على التعاون وتبادل الخبرات المكتسبة في برنامج NEURON , TARANIS للوصول لقدرات كبيرة لقصف عمق العدو بإستخدام طائرات بدون طيار


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                المتواجدون الآن 0. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 0.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

