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المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

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  • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

    قامت احدى طائرات التايفون التابعة لسلاح الجو الاسباني في 27 فبراير الماضي باطلاق أول صاروخ IRIS-T بنمط Digital Mode ,, ويأتي هذا كجزء من دمج وادخال هذا النمط والخاصية الجديدة لصواريخ IRIS-T على طائرات ترانش 1

    First Firing by Eurofighter of IRIS-T Missile in Digital Mode

    On 27 February over the waters of the Gulf of Cádiz, at the 'El Arenosillo’ test center, pilots of the Spanish air force’s Centro de Armamento y Experimentación del Ejército del Aire (Air force weapons and trials center, CLAEX) successfully carried out the first firing of an IRIS-T missile as part of its digital integration on the C.16 Eurofighter Tranche 1 aircraft.

    The Spanish air force has become the first operator of the Eurofighter weapon system to have fired an IRIS-T missile with digital integration, which represents a large-scale, quantum leap in that platform’s air-to air capabilities. This leap forward was made ahead of other Eurofighter air forces and of industry.

    This event corresponds to one of the final steps in a process that began more than three years ago, towards which more than 50 people have been working directly or indirectly, and will be concluded by the national certification Eurofighter.

    Achievements like this one demonstrate the commitment of the air force to maintaining independence in an area where only a small group of air forces are capable of working.


    • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon


      • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

        طيب ممكن اعرف وش هي الذخائر اللي تستطيع حملها التايفون الترانش الثاني حاليا ؟ "الدفعة الثانية على حسب كلام الشريطية ههههه"


        • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

          عمان ستبدأ بتسلم اول طائراتها في 2017


          • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Heracles مشاهدة المشاركة
            طيب ممكن اعرف وش هي الذخائر اللي تستطيع حملها التايفون الترانش الثاني حاليا ؟ "الدفعة الثانية على حسب كلام الشريطية ههههه"
            القنابل الموجهة بالليزر\GPS
            GBU-10/16 , EGBU-16 , Paveway IV

            الصواريخ جو - جو
            AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM , IRIS-T , ASRAAM , AIM-9L Sidewinder

            ومستقبلاً ستحمل صواريخ كروز Storm Shadow/Taurus KEPD 350
            وصاروخ جو - جو طويل المدى Meteor
            وصاروخ جو - سطح مضاد للدروع Brimstone


            • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

              قنابل Paveway IV ستدخل الخدمة على التايفون التابعة لسلاح الجو الملكي البريطاني خلال 4 او 5 اشهر

              Paveway IV service entry imminent for RAF Typhoons

              The UK Royal Air Force could be as little as four to five months from having its Paveway IV precision-guided bombs fully qualified through the entire Eurofighter Typhoon flight envelope, for carriage using all six of the aircraft’s under-wing carriage points.

              New work by Raytheon UK has lifted the remaining Typhoon and Panavia Tornado GR4 flight envelope restrictions for a weapon that was originally developed for the less aerobatic BAE Systems Harrier GR7/9.

              Now, Raytheon UK chief weapons engineer T J Marsden says necessary aircraft-level qualification work by Typhoon prime contractor BAE Systems and the Ministry of Defence could be completed within months.

              The Ministry of Defence says: “Raytheon UK has successfully completed a re-qualification programme for Paveway IV, and the results are now being assessed by the MoD and partners.”

              The RAF's Tornado GR4s also have no restrictions on carriage of up to five Paveway IVs, as used during the Libya campaign in 2011. At that time, the strike aircraft faced “a couple of restrictions” on carriage configuration, says Marsden, who adds that Saudi Arabia also is “interested” in adopting Paveway IV for its Typhoon and Tornado fleets.

              Marsden says that while the nimble Typhoon and Tornado put far more stress on carried Paveways than the weapon was designed to withstand, its requalification work showed the bomb to be suitable without modification for even the most extreme manoeuvres by the Typhoon. The work also shows the Paveway IV can be carried without restriction by the Typhoon throughout the weapon’s 20-year storage life.

              The Typhoon requalification is an important step in the RAF’s ongoing push to have the aircraft ready to take on the complete range of Tornado air-to-ground mission capabilities, by the time that the venerable type is retired in 2019.

              Briefing journalists at Raytheon UK’s Glenrothes, Scotland facility, which is at the end of a 12-month transition period during which it has taken on manufacturing work previously done at Harlow, Essex, the company’s chief weapons engineer added that the MoD has also “expressed a lot of interest” in Paveway IV for its General Atomics Aeronautical Systems MQ-9 Reaper fleet. The remotely piloted air system may also get the smaller, MBDA-made Brimstone ground-attack weapon.

              Speaking at Glenrothes, Wg Cdr Dicky Patounas, who led the RAF's 3 Sqn during the Libya campaign and flew numerous missions in one of its 10 deployed Typhoons, said flying mixed ships with Tornados proved hugely valuable. In many cases, he said, a Typhoon’s Paveway II laser-guided bombs would have caused unacceptable collateral damage, but flying alongside a Brimstone-equipped Tornado allowed the delivery of a smaller weapon.

              ​The UK Royal Air Force could be as little as four to five months from having its Paveway IV precision-guided bombs fully qualified through the entire Eurofighter Typhoon flight envelope.


              • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon


                • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                  BAE Systems begins new round of CFT trials for Typhoon

                  23 April 2014

                  Wind tunnel trials of the twin 'shoulder-mounted' blister tanks on the Eurofighter Typho
                  BAE Systems is currently assessing the aerodynamic characteristics of conformal fuel tanks (CFTs) for the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft, the company announced on 22 April.
                  Wind tunnel trials of the twin 'shoulder-mounted' blister tanks are now being held to accelerate the clearance processes for their eventual use on the Typhoon.
                  The CFTs, which can be fitted to any Tranche 2/3 aircraft, can carry 1,500 litres each to increase the Typhoon's combat radius by a factor of 25% to 1,500 n miles (2,778 km).
                  The CFT fit for the Typhoon is not new, with the concept dating back to at least 1998 and wind tunnel trials known to have already taken place as long ago as 2002. The original plan was that they would form the baseline configuration for the Tranche 3, Batch 5, Block 20 aircraft, along with other enhancements such as an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, high-speed datalinks, and additional computing power.
                  In 2011 BAE Systems offered the CFTs as part of a navalised Typhoon design for the Indian Navy, and in the same year they featured as part of the Typhoon 2020 advanced export concept, along with thrust vectoring, an AESA radar, enhanced defensive-aid decoys and warners, updated autopilot, network capability, satellite communications, advanced targeting pod, and an advanced computer.
                  A lack of customer interest meant that the CFTs did not progress beyond the mock-up stage. However, the commencement of MBDA Storm Shadow and Taurus KEPD 350 stand-off cruise missile tests in late 2013 have given added impetus to the concept.
                  Both of these missiles are large and 'boxy' weapon systems that impart a great deal of drag on the host aircraft, reducing range. This is compounded by the fact that their size means they can be carried only on the two underwing pylons that normally accommodate drop tanks.
                  These performance drawbacks of the Storm Shadow and Taurus should be more than offset by fitting the CFTs.
                  BAE Systems did not disclose when the latest round of trials might be complete or whether they are being conducted in response to a specific customer requirement.



                  • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                    دمج الخزانات الكتفيه على التايفون ستكون اضافه جيده للطائره


                    • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                      Typhoon starts windtunnel tests with conformal fuel tanks

                      The Eurofighter Typhoon’s proposed conformal fuel tank (CFT) configuration has entered windtunnel testing in the UK, partner company BAE Systems has revealed.

                      BAE says it is “currently assessing the aerodynamic characteristics of carrying two fuselage-mounted conformal fuel tanks on the Typhoon aircraft”, using a high-speed windtunnel at its Warton site in Lancashire. “This testing will help to accelerate the clearance process for such tanks to be integrated on to Typhoon, offering increased range and flexibility to the aircraft,” the company adds.

                      A new configuration item for the Tranche 3 production standard Typhoon, the conformal structures would free up under-wing pylons frequently used to carry external fuel tanks, but recently employed in testing to carry the MBDA Storm Shadow and Taurus Systems KEPD 350 cruise missiles (below). All Tranche 3 aircraft are being manufactured with the required structural and fuel system modifications to carry the CFTs.

                      The four-nation Eurofighter consortium exhibited a full-size model of the Typhoon with the conformal tanks fitted at the Dubai air show last November, with the adaptation having been on offer to the United Arab Emirates, which subsequently halted talks linked to a potential Typhoon acquisition.


                      • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                        في تصريح جديد لوزير الدفاع البريطاني
                        وبعد ان الغت المانيا كامل طلبيتها من الطراز 3 بي
                        وبعد تردد ايطاليا والأزمة المالية في اسبانيا

                        قال ان تكلفة الرادار الجديدة باهظة جدا
                        وان بريطانيا لن تمضي بمشروع تطوير التايفون لوحدها
                        مما يعني الغاء مشروع الترانش 3B بالكامل في حال عدم وجود طلبات جديدة

                        GRIMSBY workers at Brough-based BAE systems were yesterday offered hope by Defence Secretary Philip Hammond that jobs at the site will be safeguarded.

                        Mr Hammond told the staff the Government is working to secure a deal for new radar technology.

                        Reviving expectations of what he described as an "eye-wateringly expensive" investment, Mr Hammond said that the UK was "clearly supportive", acknowledging that it would represent a substantial upgrade in the Typhoon aircraft, but warned that it would not go it alone.

                        Mr Hammond acknowledged there was significant international demand for the high-specification models of the aircraft.

                        He said negotiations were ongoing with BAE Systems, prospective buyers and its European partners Germany, Italy and Spain.

                        "We are in the middle of a negotiation. Typhoon is a consortium-built aircraft: four nations, four separate industrial partners.

                        "We are in the middle of a discussion between the industrial partners and some export customers about the funding of an e-scan radar development project; it is eye-wateringly expensive."

                        However, he said there were no plans to replace the ageing Hawk jets of the Red Arrows, which could have offered staff at Brough further prospects of long-term work to carry them over beyond 2016, the date for completion of orders from Saudi Arabia and Oman at BAE Systems.

                        Squadron leader Jim Turner said in February: "The current aeroplanes can go on until 2020, but I am desperately hopefully that the RAF and the UK can decide to get a replacement for this aeroplane.

                        "There is a new Hawk model out there and I am sure a deal can be done with BAE Systems.

                        "I would like to think there is scope for at least looking at it here."


                        • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon


                          • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة alfaroq مشاهدة المشاركة
                            في تصريح جديد لوزير الدفاع البريطاني
                            وبعد ان الغت المانيا كامل طلبيتها من الطراز 3 بي
                            وبعد تردد ايطاليا والأزمة المالية في اسبانيا

                            قال ان تكلفة الرادار الجديدة باهظة جدا
                            وان بريطانيا لن تمضي بمشروع تطوير التايفون لوحدها
                            مما يعني الغاء مشروع الترانش 3B بالكامل في حال عدم وجود طلبات جديدة
                            يعني برايك توهقنا .. ؟!

                            إن شاء الله ما راح نتوهق ولو اضطرينا لشراء المشروع بأكمله وهو ما كان ضمن الخطة الأولى للصفقة ..


                            • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة فتى الحرة مشاهدة المشاركة
                              يعني برايك توهقنا .. ؟!

                              إن شاء الله ما راح نتوهق ولو اضطرينا لشراء المشروع بأكمله وهو ما كان ضمن الخطة الأولى للصفقة ..
                              برنامج ترانش 3A بدأ الانتاج فعليا
                              واحتمال التوقف يختص ببرنامج ترانش 3B فقط


                              • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة alfaroq مشاهدة المشاركة
                                برنامج ترانش 3A بدأ الانتاج فعليا
                                واحتمال التوقف يختص ببرنامج ترانش 3B فقط
                                أولاً : شكراً على المعلومة ..

                                ثانياً الترانش 3B هل هو التايفون ذات المقعدين أم التي تهبط على حاملة الطائرات .. ؟!


                                ما الذي يحدث


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