أعلنت شركة سيروسكي لصناعة المروحيات عن فوزها بعقد قيمته 105 مليون دولار لتطوير 8 مروحيات بلاك هوك UH-60 لصاحل الحرس الوطني السعودي ضمن 24 مروحية سيقتنيها الحرس الوطني من أصل 72 مروحية بلاك هوك تم الإتفاق عليها
المروحيات المعدلة ستحمل حمولة خارجية تستطيع من خلالها حمل أسلحة أو خزانات وقود إضافية مما يجعلها مناسبة لمهام الهجوم بعيد المدى,,,,ستنتهي أعمال التطوير في 13 مارس 2013
وسيتم بمعدات للرؤية تحت الحمراء ,, مشابهه لهذه المروحية بالضبط
Sikorsky has been awarded a USD105.3 million contract to modify eight UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters for the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG), the US Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 23 December.The contract, which was awarded on 20 December, will see Sikorsky modify the UH-60Ms to a 'General Service Configuration' for the SANG, with work to be completed by 31 March 2016. Saudi Arabia has a total requirement for 72 UH-60M helicopters (with 24 earmarked for the SANG).
In addition, eight helicopters will be fitted with External Stores Support System stub-wings for external fuel tanks and/or munitions; forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensors; additional searchlights; and two palletised environmental control systems (heating and air conditioning). The configuration of these platforms suggests they will be used for covert long-range missions, including ground assault. Four of the 24 helicopters will be equipped with an external electric hoist and litter system, most likely for the medical evacuation role, while an undisclosed number of helicopters to be assigned to the 16 Assault Company will be decked out for fast rope insertion. Fast rope insertion is a method of quickly infiltrating troops into confined areas where there is the risk of ground fire, such
as towns and cities.
المروحيات المعدلة ستحمل حمولة خارجية تستطيع من خلالها حمل أسلحة أو خزانات وقود إضافية مما يجعلها مناسبة لمهام الهجوم بعيد المدى,,,,ستنتهي أعمال التطوير في 13 مارس 2013
وسيتم بمعدات للرؤية تحت الحمراء ,, مشابهه لهذه المروحية بالضبط
Sikorsky has been awarded a USD105.3 million contract to modify eight UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters for the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG), the US Department of Defense (DoD) announced on 23 December.The contract, which was awarded on 20 December, will see Sikorsky modify the UH-60Ms to a 'General Service Configuration' for the SANG, with work to be completed by 31 March 2016. Saudi Arabia has a total requirement for 72 UH-60M helicopters (with 24 earmarked for the SANG).
In addition, eight helicopters will be fitted with External Stores Support System stub-wings for external fuel tanks and/or munitions; forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensors; additional searchlights; and two palletised environmental control systems (heating and air conditioning). The configuration of these platforms suggests they will be used for covert long-range missions, including ground assault. Four of the 24 helicopters will be equipped with an external electric hoist and litter system, most likely for the medical evacuation role, while an undisclosed number of helicopters to be assigned to the 16 Assault Company will be decked out for fast rope insertion. Fast rope insertion is a method of quickly infiltrating troops into confined areas where there is the risk of ground fire, such
as towns and cities.