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متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة F15D مشاهدة المشاركةأليه عسكرية اردنية الصنع
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة berkut_su مشاهدة المشاركةاتوقع هدا هاون محمول ..يبدو تصميم جميل وواضح انه مختلف عن الهاونات السابقة الاصغرمدفع هاوتزر 105 ملم ,, شبيه جدا بالمدفع الكوري الجنوبي EVO-105 SAMSUNG
هل هو مشروع مشترك مع كوريا الجنوبية أم مشروع صناعي أردني خالص ,, هذا سؤال يجاوبونه الأردنيين أنفسهم يا أخ أشرف
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركةمدفع هاوتزر 105 ملم ,, شبيه جدا بالمدفع الكوري الجنوبي EVO-105 SAMSUNG
هل هو مشروع مشترك مع كوريا الجنوبية أم مشروع صناعي أردني خالص ,, هذا سؤال يجاوبونه الأردنيين أنفسهم يا أخ أشرف
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
The International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) has is participating at the ongoing Special Operations Forces Exhibition & Conference (SOFEX) taking place this week (6-8 May) at the King Abdullah I Airbase in Amman in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
IDEX is leading the official United Arab Emirates (UAE) delegation at the event and is organizing the ‘UAE Pavilion’ on the ground which supports the promotion of products and services of a select group of UAE based organizations.
SOFEX is held under the Patronage of HRM King Abdullah II, the Chairmanship of HRH Prince Feisal Bin Al Hussein and the full support of the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF).
Commenting on the event, Saleh Al Marzooqi, IDEX Director said: “SOFEX is without doubt an event that captures the attention of the entire regional defense and security industry. SOFEX throughout its decade long history has enjoyed a fantastic level of participation of companies from right across the world and the opportunity to for IDEX to engage with its stakeholders right here in the Middle East necessitates our participation.”
“It is with a great deal of pride that IDEX will once more lead the UAE’s participation at this truly global event and we look forward to showcasing the cutting edge technology and services that are being developed in the UAE. Absorbing the insights that will emerge from the high level industry discussion at SOFEX 2014 will be an invaluable exercise and we hope to leverage the knowledge gained in Jordan to enhance our own efforts here in the UAE,” he added.
IDEX, an ADNEC Group company, in January 2014 announced that it was experiencing the highest level of demand from industry for exhibition space in the event’s two decade history. Over 90 per cent of available exhibition space has been reserved by exhibitors for the 2015 edition which will take place on 22-26 February 2015.
IDEX 2013 hosted 1,112 exhibiting companies from 59 countries and over 80,000 visitors. It was the largest IDEX since the exhibition began two decades ago. Running alongside IDEX 2013 was the Naval Defense Exhibition (NAVDEX), which doubled in size since its inception with over 80 exhibitors participating in 2013.
First held in 1993, IDEX (International Defense Exhibition & Conference) is the largest joint defense exhibition in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. IDEX takes place biennially under the patronage of HH Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, and is organized by ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company) in association with the UAE Armed Forces GHQ.
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
الأردن تتعاون مع سيليكس في تطوير الطائرة بدون طيار FALCO
Selex ES to work up Falco UAS development plan with Jordan
Posted 8 May 2014 · Add Comment
Selex ES has been highlighting its extensive work with Jordan while also promoting key technologies for surveillance and situational awareness during the SOFEX 2014 show being held in Amman.
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة abo.hmeed مشاهدة المشاركة
رد: متابعة معرض سوفكس 2014
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة DOOM مشاهدة المشاركةتقصد مثل الـــAC-130 ؟؟
سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
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