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متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
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رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
النرويج توقع مع بريطانيا اتفاقية الدعم و التدريب للنرويج على F35
Britain, Norway Working on F-35 Support, Training Collaboration Agreement
Britain and Norway are investigating possible collaboration in the support and training for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The two sides said they are looking at cooperation opportunities in maintenance, sustainment and training of crew and technicians.The collaboration announcement followed a Sept. 5 meeting in London between British defense procurement minister Philip Dunne and his Norwegian counterpart, Eirik-Owre Thorshaug. A spokesman for the Norwegian Ministry of Defence said exploratory discussions between officials were continuing today in London.The talks come against a background of wider European efforts to collaborate on F-35 support, but the spokesman said that with similar delivery timelines and their geographical proximity it was natural the British and Norwegians would consider bilateral opportunities.“This will be the first time in nearly 60 years that Norway and the UK will operate a similar type of fighter aircraft [the last time was the Vampire] and this naturally opens up new possibilities for co-operation,” said Thorshaug.“The pooling and sharing of resources and maintenance capabilities is already at the heart of the support strategy for operating the F-35 [in Europe], and the UK and Norwegian MoD are looking to see where further national synergies may exist. In this context, both governments are encouraging UK and Norwegian industry to explore collaborative opportunities for cooperation in support and sustainment of our common F-35 fleet,” the two sides said in a statement.The Norwegians said it would like to see a role in the maintenance of the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine for companies like the state-owned AIM Norway.Aside from support options, the two sides are looking at possible cooperation in training crews and maintenance technicians. The Norwegian spokesman said sharing simulation capabilities was one option. Oslo would also be running its eye over a planned UK training center, he said.Dunne said that a number of decisions had yet to be made on the “totality of the UK’s JSF program, but it is clear that coordination and cooperation with like-minded allies such as Norway will offer many advantages in terms of shared knowledge, best practice and efficiencies. The UK looks forward to exploring possibilities for collaboration on our approach to through life support and capability development with Norway over the coming years.”Norway already has parliamentary authorization to purchase the first 10 of what is expected to be a 52-aircraft requirement. Oslo has not actually signed a firm contract yet, but has initiated a deal to allow purchase of long lead items on some of the aircraft.If the program proceeds, Norway expects the first aircraft, a conventional takeoff and landing F-35A, to arrive at its Orland Main Air Station in 2017 ahead of an expected initial operating capability in 2019.Four of the Norwegian F-35As will be based in the US for training and conversion purposes.The British, meanwhile, are in advanced talks with Lockheed Martin for the purchase of a squadrons worth of the F-35B short-take off and landing variant. A deal for between 12 and 18 aircraft is expected in the fourth quarter.The first production aircraft are expected to be delivered in 2016 for initial operation from a US air base in 2016 with the first UK-based operations planned for 2018.
Three operational evaluation aircraft have already been delivered to the British and an order for a fourth could be announced as early as next week as one of a number of contracts to be rolled out at the DSEi defense exhibition which gets underway in London Sept 9
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
نورثروب جرمان تصمم نظام تشويش ليزري ضد الصواريخ للف35 ..................
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
بريطانيا تلتزم بشراء النسخة F-35B فقط عكس ما أتفقت عليها سابقا بشرائها للنسخة F-35A+F-35B
The UK will not field a mixed-variant fleet of Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) combat aircraft, as had previously been suggested, a senior government minister confirmed on 12 September.
Speaking at the DSEI defence and security exhibition in London, Philip Dunne, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, said a split buy of F-35B short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) and F-35A conventional take-off (CTOL) aircraft was no longer being considered for the UK Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Navy (RN).
"We had very agonising discussions on which variant [of F-35] to buy [when the F-35B was briefly dropped in favour of the carrier-variant F-35C in 2010], and we have no intentions of reopening those discussions [with regard the F-35B and F-35A]," he said.
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة typhon99 مشاهدة المشاركةبريطانيا تلتزم بشراء النسخة F-35B فقط عكس ما أتفقت عليها سابقا بشرائها للنسخة F-35A+F-35B
ولا توجد اي طائرة اخرى جاهزة لبريطانيا لتعمل على حاملتها القادمة
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة alfaroq مشاهدة المشاركةاصلا هي مجبرة على شراء النسخة بي وليس لديها اي خيار اخر
ولا توجد اي طائرة اخرى جاهزة لبريطانيا لتعمل على حاملتها القادمة
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
هولندا تشتري 37 طائرة F-36
حسب جريدة التلقراف فتكلفة الشراء ستصل ل4.5 مليار جنيه إسترليني مع تكاليف صيانة تصل ل270 مليون دولار سنويا
The Netherlands will go ahead with the purchase of the controversial JSF jet fighter, despite objections, the Telegraaf reports on Tuesday. The decision brings to an end 18 years of political dithering about the wisdom of spending so much money on an aircraft when the defence ministry is struggling to find €1.33bn in cuts, the paper says.
The Netherlands will buy 37 JSF jets which will keep the cost within the €4.5bn special budget set aside for the purpose. They will cost an additional €270m a year to keep in the air, the Telegraaf reports, quoting sources in The Hague.
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
[B][CENTER][SIZE=5]غالبية الشعب الهولندي يرفض الصفقة ويرى أنها غير مجدية ,, أظرف إحتجاج هو ما عمله فنان هولندي بأن صنع نموذج منسوخ من الطائرة F-35 وبدأ بالدوران به وسط الأسواق والمحلات لحشد الرأي الشعبي لرفض الصفقة
Dutch artist Arthur van Poppel created a perfect replica of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and you'll be happy to know it's not just a replica, but a cool contraption. Built to scale and in
رد: متجدد : متابعة تطورات مشروع الf-35
البنتاقون يكشف عن 343 عيب مصنعي في الF-35 ويطلب من شركة لوكهيد مارتن معالجتها !!
Lockheed F-35 Quality Failings Cited by Inspector General
(Source: Bloomberg News; published Sept. 25, 2013)
The Pentagon’s inspector general has flagged hundreds of deficiencies and corrective actions needed for Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 fighter, the military’s costliest program.
The watchdog office’s “quality assessment” outlines what it calls ineffective management by Pentagon oversight personnel and insufficient attention to quality assurance in the design and manufacturing phases of the $391.2 billion F-35 program, according to a summary obtained by Bloomberg News. The full report may be issued as soon as Sept. 30.
Since May 2012, the inspector general has been reviewing adherence to quality assurance standards by Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed and five subcontractors: Northrop Grumman Corp., BAE Systems plc, L-3 Communications Holdings Inc., Honeywell International Inc. and United Technologies Corp.
The inspector general’s audit said the F-35 program office should modify its contracts to “include a quality escape clause, to ensure the government does not pay for nonconforming product,” according to the summary.
Lockheed and the subcontractors are taking specific steps to respond to 343 findings and recommended corrective actions, the summary said, without disclosing the nature of the failings found. (end of excerpt)
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