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المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

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  • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة F15SA مشاهدة المشاركة
    اخي Hawk 205 متى تتوقع ان نستلم اول طائرة ترانش 3
    ان شاء الله في 2015 بعد الانتهاء من تسليم طائرات ترانش 2


    • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

      لتحسين نظم الرادار التي تزود بها طائرات تايفون المقاتلة. سينفق مبلغ 300 مليون جنيه استرليني على رادار إي- سكان الجديد لمقاتلات تايفون.



      • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

        أول لمحة لرادار كابتور-إي الجديد



        • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

          اليوروفايتر تكشف عن الرادار الجديد AESA الخاص بالتايفون والتي زودت به الطائرة IPA5 ترانش 1 البريطانية اذ تم عرضها خلال معرض فانبرا


          Innovative AESA radar reconfirms Eurofighter as most advanced swing-role/multi-role aircraft available on the market

          Eurofighter GmbH and Euroradar, together with BAE Systems, have delivered and installed the latest generation Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Captor-E radar on an operating Instrumented Production Aircraft (IPA) for flight testing.

          The new capability, installed on Instrumented Production Aircraft IPA5, which flew into the Farnborough International Airshow, was showcased for the first time on a Eurofighter Typhoon in a special facility at the show today, Tuesday 15th July 2014.

          This major development milestone underpins the commitment of the stakeholders to delivering a radar that will fully meet the requirements of the Eurofighter Partner Nations and export customers operational needs to beyond 2040.

          Eurofighter CEO Alberto Gutierrez said: “This AESA radar capability will further improve the Eurofighter Typhoon's combat effectiveness, allowing Typhoon to continue to maintain its superiority over other available combat aircraft. The radar will fit both Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 aircraft offering customers the freedom to retrofit their existing Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft when required. In terms of competitive advantage, there is no doubt at all that this is a major step forwards for us and it puts us in a very strong position with regard to existing and future opportunities.”

          This AESA radar will offer a variety of benefits over M-Scan, including increased detection and tracking ranges, advanced air-to-surface capability and enhanced electronic protection measures. The new radar retains the key features of the existing Captor radar architecture in order to exploit the maturity of the current much acclaimed system and will use latest generation technology to concurrently execute a full complement of air-to-air and air-to-surface tasks.

          The key discriminators of the Captor-E are the very large antenna size and the repositioner which gives an extremely Wide Field of Regard (WFoR). The 200 degree field of regard is significantly larger than typical ‘fixed plate’ AESA radars giving Typhoon a significant tactical advantage in air combat and greater situational awareness. The larger antenna allows a greater number of TRMs (transmitter receiver modules) thus greater power and reception leading to earlier target detection and greater utility across the EW spectrum.

          “Put simply,” said the Eurofighter CEO, “we have now bonded a sensor with an unique combination of power and field of view to the outstanding performance of the Typhoon platform. Couple all this with full swing role and mutli-role capability and the flexible stores options available on the Eurofighter and it now becomes clear why the Eurofighter Typhoon has now reached a state of maturity which makes it a highly desirable aerial asset.”

          Both Eurofighter and Euroradar have confirmed that the radar has significant growth potential and existing and new customers will be able to participate in tailoring the radar to meet their individual operational requirements.
          Euroradar is a multi-national consortium lead by Finmeccanica – Selex ES, alongside Airbus Defence & Space and Indra.

          What does E-Scan radar mean for Eurofighter Typhoon? Find out here: E-Scan Radar


          Eurofighter Typhoon is the most advanced new generation swing-role combat aircraft currently available on the world market. Seven nations (Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman) have already ordered the Eurofighter Typhoon. Eurofighter Typhoon is currently the largest military procurement programme in Europe.

          Its high technology strengthens the position of European aerospace industry in the international market. The programme secures more than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies Alenia Aermacchi, BAE Systems and Airbus Defence and Space in Germany and Spain, which are the most important aviation and aerospace companies in Europe.

          Since delivery of the first Eurofighter Typhoon to the Royal Air Force in the United Kingdom end of 2003, a total of 412 aircraft have been delivered to six nations. The 100th Eurofighter was delivered to the Royal Air Force in September 2006.


          • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

            250 الف ساعة طيران للتايفون ,, و 500 الف ساعة طيران لمحركات EJ200


            • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon



              • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                المجلة الرسمية من اليوروفايتر

                Eurofighter World - July 2014

                للتحميل في الرابط التالي

                Download Eurofighter World July 2014


                • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                  Eurofighter Typhoon enters race to replace Denmark’s F-16 fighters

                  التايفون تدخل المنافسة لتحل محل الـ F16 الدنماركية


                  • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                    أعلنت شركة الينيا ايرماكي الايطالية انه قد تم بنجاح الانتهاء من المرحلة الاولى لعملية دمج صواريخ Storm Shadow على التايفون

                    اولى رحلات دمج الستورم شادو قد بدأت في 27 نوفمبر 2013 على طائرة الاختبار الثانية IPA2 التابعة لشركة الينيا ايرماكي الايطالية

                    وبعد الانتهاء من المرحلة الاولى والتي شملت جمع البيانات الديناميكية للصاروخ وهو على التايفون ، فان المرحلة التالية ستكون اختبارات القاء صاروخ هيكلي من الطائرة (Inert Drop-Tests) ثم ستتبع باختبارات جمع البيانات المحيطية (Environmental Data Gathering Tests)

                    وبعد ذلك سيتم تنفيذ طلعات جوية متعلقة بالكترونيات الطيران لاختبار التكامل الوظيفي وستشمل عمليات اطلاق للصاروخ Storm Shadow وهذه آخر جزء من عملية دمج الصاروخ على التايفون بشكل كامل

                    والجدير بالذكر انه خلال معرض فانبرا الجوي الشهر الفائت تم توقيع عقد دمج الصاروخ Storm Shadow بين ائتلاف اليوروفايتر الصانع للتايفون وبين وكالة NETMA


                    Italy’s Alenia Aermacchi has confirmed that the first phase of tests for the integration of the Storm Shadow long-range missile onto the Eurofighter Typhoon has been completed.

                    Storm Shadow is a long range, all-weather, high precision, stand-off weapon already in service on Royal Air Force Tornados. It has been proven in operations to great effect in Iraq and Libya neutralising hardened command bunkers and other high value targets. The stealthy weapon design allows it to penetrate layered air defences whilst the long range of Storm Shadow allows it to be launched outside those defences increasing the launch aircraft survivability.
                    In the deep attack role Eurofighter Typhoon will carry two Storm Shadow missiles whilst maintaining the ability to carry 8 air-air missiles. This will enable Eurofighter Typhoon to fight its way in and out of the combat area.

                    Alenia Aermacchi, one of the three Eurofighter Partner Companies behind the Eurofighter Programme today (August 4th) confirmed details behind the tests confirming they first began in December 2013 with development aircraft IPA2.
                    The tests have already covered a number of aspects of aeromechanical missile integration onto the aircaft and further flight trials are planned as the programme moves through to full integration. The next step in the Programme will be ‘inert drop-tests’ followed by environmental data gathering tests. Avionic flights will then be performed to test funtional integration including dedicated missile release tests.

                    Alberto Gutierrez, Chief Executive Officer of Eurofighter, said: “After these flight tests and after the completion of the qualification process Storm Shadow will enter into the list of available payloads. This will see the realisation of a further consolidation of the Eurofighter Typhoon’s air-to-ground capabilities. It is another significant step on the capability enhancement routemap.”

                    At the Farnborough International Air Show earlier this month, Eurofighter confirmed that NETMA, the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency, had officially placed an order with it to integrate the Storm Shadow long range attack missile onto the aircraft.

                    Under the terms of what is known as a ‘Contract 4’ order from NETMA, Eurofighter will work with the three Eurofighter Partner Companies (Alenia Aermacchi, Airbus Space & Defence, and BAE Systems) and their supply base – including MBDA, the makers of the Storm Shadow missile on the integration programme.

                    Background information:

                    Eurofighter Typhoon is the most advanced new generation multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft currently available on the world market. Seven customers (Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman) have already ordered the Eurofighter Typhoon. With 571 on order, Eurofighter Typhoon is currently the largest military procurement programme in Europe. Its high technology strengthens the position of the European aerospace industry in the international market. The programme secures more than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies; Alenia Aermacchi, BAE Systems and Airbus Defence and Space in Germany and Spain, which are the most important aviation and aerospace companies in Europe.

                    Since entry into service of the first Eurofighter Typhoon at the end of 2003, more than 412 Eurofighter Typhoons have been delivered to six nations: Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria and Saudi Arabia. In December 2012, Oman became the seventh customer ordering a total of 12 aircraft. Eurofighter Typhoon is currently in service with 20 operational units in the Northern and Southern hemisphere and to-date the whole fleet has completed more than 250,000 flying hours worldwide.


                    • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                      تم خلال المعرض توقيع عقد بين شركة اليوروفايتر ووكالة NETMA لدمج الصاروخ Storm Shadow على التايفون ,, وفي مهام الهجوم العميق تستطيع التايفون حمل صاروخين Storm Shadow مع الحفاظ على قدرتها لحمل بجانبهما 8 صواريخ جو - جو


                      FARNBOROUGH, UK, 17th July 2014: Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH today (July 17th) confirmed that NETMA, the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency, has placed an order with it to integrate the Storm Shadow long range attack missile onto the Eurofighter Typhoon.

                      Representatives from NETMA, Eurofighter, and the four core nations of the Eurofighter Programme (the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Germany) convened for the Contract Signing Ceremony in the Eurofighter Pavilion at the Farnborough Air Show on Thursday.

                      Under the terms of what is known as a ‘Contract 4’ order from NETMA, Eurofighter will work with the three Eurofighter Partner Companies (BAE Systems, Airbus Space & Defence, and Alenia Aermacchi) and their supply base – including MBDA, the makers of the Storm Shadow missile - to integrate the weapon on the aircraft. The Contract will form part of what is known as the P2E enhancement package. Flight trials with Storm Shadow on Typhoon have been progressing since late 2013 and, working with Eurofighter operators, we expect to deliver an operational capability in line with their requirements.

                      Storm Shadow is a long range, all-weather, high precision, stand-off weapon already in service on Royal Air Force Tornados. It has been proven in operations to great effect in Iraq and Libya neutralising hardened command bunkers and other high value targets. The stealthy weapon design allows it to penetrate layered air defences whilst the long range of Storm Shadow allows it to be launched outside those defences increasing the launch aircraft survivability.

                      In the deep attack role Eurofighter Typhoon will carry two Storm Shadow missiles whilst maintaining the ability to carry 8 air-air missiles. This will enable Eurofighter Typhoon to fight its way in and out of the combat area.

                      Graham Farnell, General Manager of NETMA said: “We are delighted to be able to place this Contract with Eurofighter and we look forward to still further enhancements as the Programme progresses.”

                      Alberto Gutierrez, Chief Executive Officer of Eurofighter, said: “This is yet further evidence of a solid roll-out of capability from Eurofighter and also demonstrates the value of forward investment by industry to ensure a progressive and pro-active approach to weapons systems enhancement.”

                      Background information:

                      Eurofighter Typhoon is the most advanced new generation multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft currently available on the world market. Seven nations (Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Oman) have already ordered the Eurofighter Typhoon. Eurofighter Typhoon is currently the largest military procurement programme in Europe.

                      Its high technology strengthens the position of European aerospace industry in the international market. The programme secures more than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies Alenia Aermacchi, BAE Systems and Airbus Defence and Space in Germany and Spain, which are the most important aviation and aerospace companies in Europe.

                      Since delivery of the first Eurofighter Typhoon to the Royal Air Force in the United Kingdom end of 2003, a total of 412 aircraft have been delivered to six nations. The 100th Eurofighter was delivered to the Royal Air Force in September 2006. The 200th aircraft was handed over in November 2009 to the German Air Force. The 300th aircraft was delivered to the Spanish Air Force in November 2011 and the German Air Force received the 400th Eurofighter in December 2013.

                      In the past 10 years the Eurofighter fleet has demonstrated its high operational effectiveness in international missions and training exercises and has accumulated more than 250,000 flying hours.


                      • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                        التايفون البريطانية سوف تحمل صواريخ Storm Shadow في منتصف عام 2016

                        FARNBOROUGH: RAF Typhoons to get Storm Shadow

                        RAF Typhoons will from mid-2016 be armed with MBDA’s long-range bunker-busting Storm Shadow cruise missile, following a contract signing tomorrow to integrate the weapon with the service's fleet.

                        Defence minister Philip Dunne was at the Eurofighter pavilion on Wednesday to announce the deal. Storm Shadow, which proved effective in Libya and Iraq, is already carried by the Panavia Tornado and Dassault Rafale combat types.

                        According to Eurofighter capability manager Paul Smith, RAF and Italian air force Typhoons have already flown with the weapon on board, so integration is well underway. About a year of test flights are to come – including drop tests - before the stand-off missile can be delivered to the RAF.

                        Along with the weapons upgrade, Typhoons will also get the new Captor-E electronically scanning radar. RAF aircraft IPA5, on display at Farnborough, has been modified with the unit and will commence flight testing next week after its return to BAE Systems's site in Warton.

                        Storm Shadow does not rely on Captor-E, but the improved radar will dramatically improve aircraft survivability in hostile territory by increasing situational awareness, says Smith, who flew Typhoons for the RAF until his recent retirement.

                        RAF Typhoons will from mid-2016 be armed with MBDA's long-range bunker-busting Storm Shadow cruise missile, following a contract signing tomorrow to integrate the weapon with the service's fleet.


                        • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                          التايفون البريطانية سوف تحمل صواريخ Storm Shadow في منتصف عام 2016

                          FARNBOROUGH: RAF Typhoons to get Storm Shadow

                          RAF Typhoons will from mid-2016 be armed with MBDA’s long-range bunker-busting Storm Shadow cruise missile, following a contract signing tomorrow to integrate the weapon with the service's fleet.

                          Defence minister Philip Dunne was at the Eurofighter pavilion on Wednesday to announce the deal. Storm Shadow, which proved effective in Libya and Iraq, is already carried by the Panavia Tornado and Dassault Rafale combat types.

                          According to Eurofighter capability manager Paul Smith, RAF and Italian air force Typhoons have already flown with the weapon on board, so integration is well underway. About a year of test flights are to come – including drop tests - before the stand-off missile can be delivered to the RAF.

                          Along with the weapons upgrade, Typhoons will also get the new Captor-E electronically scanning radar. RAF aircraft IPA5, on display at Farnborough, has been modified with the unit and will commence flight testing next week after its return to BAE Systems's site in Warton.

                          Storm Shadow does not rely on Captor-E, but the improved radar will dramatically improve aircraft survivability in hostile territory by increasing situational awareness, says Smith, who flew Typhoons for the RAF until his recent retirement.

                          RAF Typhoons will from mid-2016 be armed with MBDA's long-range bunker-busting Storm Shadow cruise missile, following a contract signing tomorrow to integrate the weapon with the service's fleet.


                          • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                            شركة رايثيون الامريكية تعرض قنابل القطر الصغير SDB II لتسليح التايفون و F-35B البريطانية كبديل لصواريخ برنامج SPEAR 3

                            صواريخ SPEAR 3 على حامل رباعي صنع شركة MBDA الفرنسية

                            Raytheon takes aim at UK Spear deal with SDB II

                            Raytheon will offer its SDB II precision-guided bomb for the UK’s Spear Capability 3 requirement to arm the Eurofighter Typhoon and Lockheed Martin F-35B, taking on European rival MBDA.

                            “We anticipate that SDB II will absolutely be a viable capability for that [UK] requirement, and expect to put forward a proposal,” says Mike Jarrett, the company’s vice-president, air warfare systems.

                            The 113kg (250lb) weapon is equipped with a tri-mode seeker, making it suitable for use against stationary and moving targets. “Flight testing is progressing nicely. We have had a number of successful firings where we have prosecuted targets,” Jarrett says.

                            “We’re making great progress towards a system verification review in the coming months, and anticipate a ‘Milestone C’ decision before the end of the year,” he says. Once secured, this decision will clear the way for the weapon to enter low-rate initial production for the US Air Force.


                            Raytheon in August 2010 received a five-year engineering and manufacturing development phase contract from the USAF, and Jarrett says there is already considerable interest in the weapon from numerous potential export customers.
                            “We don’t travel anywhere where there isn’t a discussion,” he told Flightglobal while attending the Farnborough air show. Deliveries to international buyers could potentially begin in 2017, he adds.

                            MBDA – which supplies the Brimstone air-to-surface missile for the Royal Air Force’s Panavia Tornado GR4s, and also is to integrate the system with the Typhoon – is also pursuing the Spear Capability 3 requirement.

                            The European company most recently competed with its US rival for a UK guided weapons deal during the precision-guided bomb contest more than a decade ago. This resulted in the Ministry of Defence selecting Raytheon Systems to provide its Paveway IV.

                            ​Raytheon will offer its SDB II precision-guided bomb for the UK's Spear Capability 3 requirement to arm the Eurofighter Typhoon and Lockheed Martin F-35B, taking on European rival MBDA.


                            • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                              اخبار ساره اخي Hawk 25 الغريب في الصوره ان الستورم شادو مثبت على الاجنحه وليس في وسط المقاتله كالترنيدو مع ان الصاروخ ثقيل نسبيا. نقطه اخرى متى تتوقع موعد دمج الستورم شادو على التايفون السعوديه


                              • رد: المقاتلة الأوروبية يوروفايتر تايفون Eurofighter Typhoon

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Hawk 205 مشاهدة المشاركة
                                شركة رايثيون الامريكية تعرض قنابل القطر الصغير SDB II لتسليح التايفون و F-35B البريطانية كبديل لصواريخ برنامج SPEAR 3

                                صواريخ SPEAR 3 على حامل رباعي صنع شركة MBDA الفرنسية

                                أيهما الأفضل ولماذا أمريكا عرضتها ..

                                طبعاً عرضتها لكي تغنم حصتها من سوق السلاح الدولي ..

                                لكن السؤال هل ما عرضته أمريكا أفضل من السبير الفرنسي ..


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                الأعضاء المتواجدون الآن 295. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 295.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

