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مناورة سيف عبدالله

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  • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

    اعتقد ان الشاحنات التي تسحب الصواريخ هي شاحنات تاترا المصنعة سعوديا ... ولاَ


    • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

      موقع defense-update

      نشرت مقال عن قوة الصواريخ الاستراتيجة

      Saudi Arabia unveils part of strategic missile force – a deterrent move against Iran?

      Saudi Arabian strategic missiles display carries messages to Tehran, Baghdad, Islamabad and Washington

      The Chinese DF-3 missile is powered by liquid fuel. Towering to a height of 24 meters, the missile is fuelled before launch, at the launch site. This process is extremely sensitive, requires extensive logistical support and can take up to three hours.
      Saudi Arabia publicly displayed its Dong Feng-3 (DF-3) ballistic missiles for the first time in a 29 April 2014 on a parade that marked the end of the largest ever military exercise held in the kingdom. The military exercise and official display of the ballistic missiles, which were acquired secretly from China in 1987 were clear signals Riyadh is directing to both Washington, Tehran and Baghdad. Riyadh acquired the missiles fromChina during the height of the ‘city war’ phase of the Iran-Iraq, after Washington refused selling short range ballistic missiles to the kingdom.The DF-3 is deployed with the Chinese strategic missile force since 1971. According to IHS Janes Defense Weekly , Saudi Arabia is estimated to have acquired at least 30 missiles. The missiles are based in underground shelters, There were unconfirmed reports that Saudi Arabia has been upgrading its strategic missile force since 2007, introducingDF-21 (CCS-5) ballistic missiles, also carrying conventional warheads. The advanced DF-21 has a shorter range of 1,100 miles (about 1,700 km) but higher accuracy, which makes it more useful as a conventional weapon. Carried in a Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) canister it is set to deploy quickly from its underground hideouts and launch within very short time. Its terminal speed is believed to be Mach 10, which makes it highly difficult to engage by missile defense.
      According to press reports Since 2007 Saudi-Arabia has augmented or replaced the DF-3 (CSS-2) with more accurate, solid fuleled DF-21 (CSS-5) ballistic missiles that are stored in ready to launch canisters, moving on all-terrain transporters.
      The Saudi Arabian strategic missile force currently operates ballistic missiles located at least in three bases south and west south west of Riyadh. Bases with similar facilities were located since the early 2000s north of Al Sulayyil, and at a mountain range in Al Jufayr, the third base near Al-Watah was reported only recently. As part of its modernisation the Royal Saudi Strategic Missile Force has moved in 2010 into a new and modern headquarters facility located in Riyadh. The main advantage of this missile is that it is solid-fuelled, therefore being more responsive and survivable. The CSS-2 is powered by liquid fuel, and therefore requires a lengthy preparation before flight. Through the fuelling process that could take up to three hours the missiles are vulnerable and exposed to pre-emptive attack. Although an old and relatively inefficient missile, Dong Feng-3 (CSS-2) is considered the biggest and most potent ballistic missile currently operational in the Middle East. The Chinese built missile was developed to carry nuclear warhead, although China has provided the US guarantees that the missiles delivered to Saudi Arabia were modified to carry only conventional warheads. The missile’s range is 1,646 miles (2,650 km) and its payload weight is around two tons.
      DF-3A ballistic missiles unveiled at a military parade in Saudi Arabia April 29, 2014
      According to the Saudi media, the exercise, code-named Abdullah’s Shield, involved Saudi troops. The manoeuvres were held in the kingdom’s Eastern province at King Khaled Military City, in Hafr al-Batin, facing Iran and Iraq, and were timed to coincide with the ninth anniversary of King Abdullah’s ascension to the throne. A preeminent guest at the exercise and parade was Gen. Raheel Sharif, the Pakistani chief of Army Staff According to persistent rumours spreading in the Arab media, Pakistan has helped Saudi Arabia to equip some of its ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.The Saudis wanted to signal several things with the exercise and their guest list.” Bruce Riedel, the director of the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution wrote in Al Monitor, “First is a message of deterrence to Tehran and Baghdad. The Saudis see the two Shiite-dominated states as existential foreign threats to the kingdom and view the increasingly tight alliance between them as a clear and present danger.Such Saudi commentators as former intelligence chief Prince Turki bin Faysal have been outspoken in warning that if Iran obtains a nuclear capability, Riyadh will have to develop its own. As one of the architects of the Saudi-Pakistan alliance in the 1970s and 1980s, Turki’s remarks implicitly and deliberately signal where and how Riyadh would acquire its deterrent.” Another message is directed at the White House, Bruce Riedel continues, “US-Saudi relations are far from broken, but they remain strained. Riyadh wants Washington to be tough on Iran and to keep the sanctions regime in place even if a nuclear deal is reached. It fears Iranian mischief-making and subversion as much as nuclear blackmail. Abdullah remains astonished at how naive the United States was in promoting Shiite majority rule in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, an error in judgment the king finds irresponsible to this day. He likes to remind American visitors that he warned against it for years before the war. “


      • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

        مثل ماقلنا الثقافة يوغسلافي ترجموا ياشباب ^


        • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

          ايران وبغداد وواشنطن ..


          • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة ابو محمد مشاهدة المشاركة
            مثل ماقلنا الثقافة يوغسلافي ترجموا ياشباب ^
            ابشر بترجم بس بايجاز لنقاط المهمة ..


            • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

              يقولون ان التطوير الاخير لـ DF-3 يبلغ سرعة انقضاضة 10 ماخ ,,
              وهنا يبطي عظم اي منظمة دفاعية ان تتصدى لة ..

              مع السلامة ايتها القبة الحديدية و منظومة شيهاناز حسينية



              • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alrougi مشاهدة المشاركة
                موقع defense-update

                نشرت مقال عن قوة الصواريخ الاستراتيجة

                Saudi Arabia unveils part of strategic missile force – a deterrent move against Iran?

                Saudi Arabian strategic missiles display carries messages to Tehran, Baghdad, Islamabad and Washington

                The Chinese DF-3 missile is powered by liquid fuel. Towering to a height of 24 meters, the missile is fuelled before launch, at the launch site. This process is extremely sensitive, requires extensive logistical support and can take up to three hours.
                Saudi Arabia publicly displayed its Dong Feng-3 (DF-3) ballistic missiles for the first time in a 29 April 2014 on a parade that marked the end of the largest ever military exercise held in the kingdom. The military exercise and official display of the ballistic missiles, which were acquired secretly from China in 1987 were clear signals Riyadh is directing to both Washington, Tehran and Baghdad. Riyadh acquired the missiles fromChina during the height of the ‘city war’ phase of the Iran-Iraq, after Washington refused selling short range ballistic missiles to the kingdom.The DF-3 is deployed with the Chinese strategic missile force since 1971. According to IHS Janes Defense Weekly , Saudi Arabia is estimated to have acquired at least 30 missiles. The missiles are based in underground shelters, There were unconfirmed reports that Saudi Arabia has been upgrading its strategic missile force since 2007, introducingDF-21 (CCS-5) ballistic missiles, also carrying conventional warheads. The advanced DF-21 has a shorter range of 1,100 miles (about 1,700 km) but higher accuracy, which makes it more useful as a conventional weapon. Carried in a Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) canister it is set to deploy quickly from its underground hideouts and launch within very short time. Its terminal speed is believed to be Mach 10, which makes it highly difficult to engage by missile defense.
                According to press reports Since 2007 Saudi-Arabia has augmented or replaced the DF-3 (CSS-2) with more accurate, solid fuleled DF-21 (CSS-5) ballistic missiles that are stored in ready to launch canisters, moving on all-terrain transporters.
                The Saudi Arabian strategic missile force currently operates ballistic missiles located at least in three bases south and west south west of Riyadh. Bases with similar facilities were located since the early 2000s north of Al Sulayyil, and at a mountain range in Al Jufayr, the third base near Al-Watah was reported only recently. As part of its modernisation the Royal Saudi Strategic Missile Force has moved in 2010 into a new and modern headquarters facility located in Riyadh. The main advantage of this missile is that it is solid-fuelled, therefore being more responsive and survivable. The CSS-2 is powered by liquid fuel, and therefore requires a lengthy preparation before flight. Through the fuelling process that could take up to three hours the missiles are vulnerable and exposed to pre-emptive attack. Although an old and relatively inefficient missile, Dong Feng-3 (CSS-2) is considered the biggest and most potent ballistic missile currently operational in the Middle East. The Chinese built missile was developed to carry nuclear warhead, although China has provided the US guarantees that the missiles delivered to Saudi Arabia were modified to carry only conventional warheads. The missile’s range is 1,646 miles (2,650 km) and its payload weight is around two tons.
                DF-3A ballistic missiles unveiled at a military parade in Saudi Arabia April 29, 2014
                According to the Saudi media, the exercise, code-named Abdullah’s Shield, involved Saudi troops. The manoeuvres were held in the kingdom’s Eastern province at King Khaled Military City, in Hafr al-Batin, facing Iran and Iraq, and were timed to coincide with the ninth anniversary of King Abdullah’s ascension to the throne. A preeminent guest at the exercise and parade was Gen. Raheel Sharif, the Pakistani chief of Army Staff According to persistent rumours spreading in the Arab media, Pakistan has helped Saudi Arabia to equip some of its ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.The Saudis wanted to signal several things with the exercise and their guest list.” Bruce Riedel, the director of the Intelligence Project at the Brookings Institution wrote in Al Monitor, “First is a message of deterrence to Tehran and Baghdad. The Saudis see the two Shiite-dominated states as existential foreign threats to the kingdom and view the increasingly tight alliance between them as a clear and present danger.Such Saudi commentators as former intelligence chief Prince Turki bin Faysal have been outspoken in warning that if Iran obtains a nuclear capability, Riyadh will have to develop its own. As one of the architects of the Saudi-Pakistan alliance in the 1970s and 1980s, Turki’s remarks implicitly and deliberately signal where and how Riyadh would acquire its deterrent.” Another message is directed at the White House, Bruce Riedel continues, “US-Saudi relations are far from broken, but they remain strained. Riyadh wants Washington to be tough on Iran and to keep the sanctions regime in place even if a nuclear deal is reached. It fears Iranian mischief-making and subversion as much as nuclear blackmail. Abdullah remains astonished at how naive the United States was in promoting Shiite majority rule in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, an error in judgment the king finds irresponsible to this day. He likes to remind American visitors that he warned against it for years before the war. “
                العنوان لوحدة يختصر الكثير
                ( السعودية تكشف عن جزء من قوة الصواريخ الاستراتيجية - وهي خطوة رادعة ضد إيران )
                اكثر التقارير اشارة الى ان هناك استعراض لايقل خطورة من روية الصواريخ الا وهو السيد رحيل شريف

                فالسعودية كانما تقول بان السلاح النووي قريب لوضعه في رئوس الموت التي ترونها هذا اذ لم تكن موجودة اصلاً !


                • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                  طبعا التقارير اللتي استند عليها هذا الخبر ان DF-21 بالفعل ادخلتها السعودية منذ 2007

                  بمعنى الله يعطينا ويعطيكم طولة العمر وبنشوفة بعد 30 سنة ,,,


                  • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                    العموم المتواجدين تابعو MBC في اسبوع الان

                    عن سيف عبدالله


                    • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                      المقال ينشر ويحدد 3 قواعد لقوة الصواريخ الاستراتيجية


                      • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                        المقال هذا اشار ان هذا العرض والرسالة موجهة فقط الى طهران وبغداد .


                        • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                          اهم جزئية بالتقرير الي وضعه الاخ الروقي هي
                          :: على الرغم من أن الصواريخ القديمة نسبيا ، دونغ فنغ -3 (CSS -2 ) ويعتبر أكبر و أقوى الصواريخ البالستية العاملة حاليا في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. وقد تم تطوير الصاروخ الصيني بنيت لحمل رؤوس نووية ، على الرغم من أن الصين قدمت ضمانات أمريكية أن صواريخ تسليمها إلى المملكة العربية السعودية تم تعديلها لحمل رؤوس حربية تقليدية فقط. مدى الصاروخ هو 1،646 ميل ( 2،650 كم) والوزن حمولتها حوالي طنين ::


                          • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله


                            • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                              المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Alrougi مشاهدة المشاركة
                              المقال هذا اشار ان هذا العرض والرسالة موجهة فقط الى طهران وبغداد .
                              وهذا هو الصح .. من الغباء و الحميره فتح جبهة مع المعسكر الغربي في هذا الظرف التاريخي


                              • رد: مناورة سيف عبدالله

                                المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة عـابر مشاهدة المشاركة


                                ما الذي يحدث


                                الأعضاء المتواجدون الآن 231. الأعضاء 0 والزوار 231.

                                أكبر تواجد بالمنتدى كان 182,482, 05-21-2024 الساعة 06:44.

                                من نحن

                                الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا... 

                                تواصلوا معنا

                                للتواصل مع ادارة موقع الامن الوطني العربي



                                لاعلاناتكم على موقع الامن الوطني نرجو التواصل مع شركة كايلين ميديا الوكيل الحصري لموقعنا

