شباط/فبراير 23, 2025

Finmeccanica: Tetra PIT contract with Italy’s Interior Ministry

كانون2/يناير 01, 2016 1453


Rome, 31 December 2015 – Finmeccanica today signed a contract with the Italian Ministry of the Interior, extending the Tetra PIT Programme to implement a Tetra-based mission-critical national mobile radio service assuring secure communications for Police Forces.

The contract aims to provide Police Forces with greater technological and operational uniformity, in line with the Government's investment policy in the security sector and in combatting terrorism.

The Tetra PIT system guarantees the confidentiality of Police communications and assures optimal management and coordination of units deployed across the territory, it is a leading-edge programme in technological development for national security.

Last modified on الجمعة, 01 كانون2/يناير 2016 00:33
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