كانون2/يناير 31, 2025


آذار/مارس 07, 2016 1659

7 March 2016 - Abu Dhabi, UAE: The Global Aerospace Summit got off to a flying start this morning with C-level executives from aerospace and defence industries, senior decision makers, military personnel and government officials in attendance. Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, Group CEO and Managing Director, Mubadala Development Company welcomed the attendees to the 3rd edition of the Summit.

Keynote speeches highlighting the overarching theme of innovation and partnerships were presented by Marillyn Hewson, Chairman, President and CEO, Lockheed Martin, H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al Ahbabi, Director General, UAE Space Agency, Bernard Charlès, President and CEO, Dassault Systèmes and Mauro Moretti, CEO and General Manager, Finmeccanica.

Topics addressed included: if the commercial aerospace industry is doing enough to avoid an economic downturn, how to get the next one billion passengers in the sky and how far the aviation industry is going to ensure safety?

Day 1 Highlights:
L to R: Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, James Hogan, Marillyn Hewson, H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al Ahbabi, Bernard Charlès and Mauro Moretti

Plenary Session: Inspiring Young people to choose science: H.E Dr. Mohammed Al Ahbabi Director General, UAE Space Agency

 The Global Aerospace Summit gives us the perfect opportunity to focus on what has been achieved in our industries so far and look ahead at where we want to go and what we want to accomplish.

The UAE has become a hotbed for innovation and development within the aviation, aerospace and space sectors and it is well suited to welcome the top players within these fields to deliberate and analyse these industries.

The summit is important as it’s a chance to forge partnerships, learn lessons and further raise the profile of Abu Dhabi and the UAE as a destination and as a vibrant centre for business growth and development.

The development of space technologies and the space sector are catalysts for economic development and diversification. It creates job opportunities and allows us to enable scientists and engineers to become pioneers of an industry that can bring huge benefits to our daily lives. Many technologies that we use today stem from the developments made within the space industry.

Today, the UAE operates more than seven satellites for commercial, defence and government use, and we are keen to expand on this strong foundation. Emirati scientists  are  working in this field.  DubaiSat 2 which was launched into orbit in 2013, was 70% designed by Emiratis. KhalifaSat will be 100% developed by Emirati engineers in South Korea, and all further development, manufacture, and testing will be moved to EIAST headquarters in Dubai.The program began in 2013.

We have made some significant achievements in the past year, including the official launch of the UAE Space Agency and its development into a fully-fledged federal agency. We have also created  several partnerships with Space Agencies across the globe.

Our ambition is to continue developing the space sector in the UAE by working with our key stakeholders such as Thuraya, Yahsat and MBRSC, as well as through strategic international partnerships.

The mission to Mars is our first major mission and that is our main focus in terms of space projects.

All key aspects of the project will have involvement of UAE engineers to ensure we achieve our main objective of knowledge gain and transfer. UAE engineers are involved in the development of the spacecraft bus and its key components and the instrumentation. The contribution of UAE engineers in system design will be 30%.

We recently signed a significant memorandum of understanding with the United Kingdom Space Agency, aiming to facilitate cooperation between the two agencies in the short and long terms.

The MoU covers collaboration in various aspects of space exploration, including space science, technology, applications, policy, law, regulation and human capital development in the space field and related areas. In addition to this, the MoU encourages the establishment of joint working groups to examine and define proposals for joint programs in the areas decided upon by the two agencies, which supports the space programmes in both countries.

The MoU covers the promotion of educational activities in space science and technology as well as the promotion of the use of products and services developed under the two agencies programmes.

The UAE Space Agency has signed similar MoUs with space agencies from France, India, China, Russia, Italy and will look to continue working with international players in the industry.

We believe that we are unique in our region because we are setting the highest ambitions and goals that have been set in our region, to have a successful Mars mission that will coincide with our 50th anniversary and to develop a space sector that will play a leading role in international space exploration.

Our national investment in space technology continues to grow. The UAE’s investment in space technology is already substantial exceeding AED 20 billion. In U.S. dollar terms that is 5.44 billion.

Plenary Session: Interview with Bertrand-Marc Allen, President, Boeing International

 What are the places to really invest in technology – not just to invest in newness for newness’ sake?

 China has declared a path to the moon that makes it seem pretty predictable that China will be next to put a man on the moon.

 The real answer to who will be next on Mars, however, is likely to be a global consortium. We have all seen in our respective environments the pressure of innovation in space… and it seems likely that governments of the world will band together for a great undertaking.

 It will take significant political will, and significant political goodwill.

 Plenary  Session: Rethink innovation! We’re in the experience economy

Bernard Charles, President and CEO. Dassault Systemes

 I’m delighted to be here give you a perspective about what we observe around the world as we serve about 200 thousand enterprises on way 1.5 trillion of innovation program based on Dassault Systemes software

 Clearly there is a conscious today that product is no longer enough, product does not make the difference . We believe at Dassault Systemes that the value lies on the experience, the usage of the product

We believe that we have moved from a product service economy to an experience economy where by the digitalization is going to play a role that goes far beyond optimization. It is about the world of imagination.

 Whether medical or scientific, the view of the world that man constructed is always logic following imagination

 I think that the day we started many years ago to look at powders, atoms,  and decided that one day we could 3d print parts was  clearly a dream, it wasn’t a technical challenge. It was this kind of belief that things can be done differently

 In the near future most of the of the part aerospace will be 3d printed. In the near future most of the body and tissue in humans will be 3d printed and that’s not far away.

 The world of innovation is changing and we and we started whether it is about science, exploring the possibilities, whether it is about industry, the art of the making or whether it is about innovation, the art of connecting points. And that’s the new world of open thinking for innovation, of connecting  the dots.

 At Dassault Systemes  we started 30 years ago we made the bet that one day the computer will represent complex models we mad the bet that drawing will not be needed anymore that we would have the computer representing the behavior of an airplane. that’s us 30 years of transformation in the industry which have changed the world of aerospace moving from physical prototyping with the amazing digital plane that we did for the Boeing 777 in 89.

 The roll out of the plan in 94 was the first ever plan with 3d parts put together without physical prototyping. it has changed the world of aerospace forever and the world of the industry. And you see now that the future of manufacturing not only in 3d printing it will become manufacturing as a service a giant plan to produce many things.

 And we see in every area where the extreme capabilities of the digital world is replacing the not only the product design, manufacturing, in terms of planning creating amazing digital experience that validate very

 This is the experience economy, welcome to this collaborative world

The question is where is innovation going to come from: is it going to be the expansion of what we did in the past, no.. it was invented because there was a belief that things should be used differently , the society is facing amazing challenges when it comes to energy , resources, life science, health, education, everywhere in those challenges the thought process of innovation is becoming completely different. It is becoming the projection of  what is the value of use the experience economy

 FDA a few weeks ago decided as a regulator to adopt the digital platform for heart surgery. Digital world modeling and simulation, date science is changing the way things are done.

 What is the message behind all of that?

 The message is that innovation is about purpose, innovation is about people, innovation is about platforms, innovation is not about one man action, it is the power of multiple disciplines who have never been able to understand each other but now can better understand each other because you can visit, experiment in the digital world. So our work has moved from a world of tool to improve to digital imagination to create, produce, and serve and this is changing all industries that we serve 12 of them.

 We are replicating the Boeing 777 story once again for the most complex product human kind have created where by, by 2050 7billion people will be living and this product is called a city.

 This is about experimenting the world in a different way. And this is happening in all industries

Aerospace have changed the world of manufacturing now the world of manufacturing is changing aerospace it is the other way around. Whether it is about what you see here with 3d printing, digital experience for consumers or customers inside a plane, or whether it is about training, education.

 Everything is going digital not from a tooling perspective but from an experience one.

 We have reached a point that where the structure like are so light that this typical

 There is no need for warehouse, there is no need for spare parts, so the entire complex of companies are going to change and that’s where we see peak of innovation. Connecting different worlds together, connecting different things together, and we are back to connecting art, science and technology.

 Panel Discussions - The commercial aerospace success story - is the industry doing enough to avoid economic downturn?

 Dane Kondic, CEO, Air Serbia

 Here’s a fact about our airline: next year, we’ll be celebrating our 90th anniversary. That makes us about the 8th oldest airline in the world, which is a little-known fact.

 The deal [between Etihad Airways and Yat Airways] was important because it saved the airline.

 We had six weeks until we were going to make our maiden flight to Abu Dhabi on the 6th of October. So we had six weeks, in effect, to refleet, retrain, rebrand, and resize.

 The secret to our success was both shareholders being aligned with the vision they had around the business.

 Two and a half years down the road, what have we achieved? We’ve doubled the size of the airline.

 Last year, we closed the year out with 2.55 million passengers, which is a significant improvement.

 We’ve increased our profitable situation – again, we closed the first year out with a -73 million Euro loss, and in our first year we achieved a 2.7 million Euro profit.  

 Our partnership is something different. It provides real tangible value to the customer and the airline.

 We're in the throes of finalising a lease for an aircraft from Jet Airways. Our crew are being trained here in Abu Dhabi.

 For a small airline like ours, I see big problems [with protectionism]. It is making it more difficult for small airlines like ours to fly across the Atlantic. Point to point opportunities in our business are there, but they’re limited.

 Alex Thursby, Group CEO, National Bank of Abu Dhabi – NBAD

 On a broader platform, running an airline – we have a specialty in aviation. We all know it’s one of the toughest industries.

 On the optimistic side, we see continuation of huge growth, providing all the facilitators around airport administration, airport building traffic, global traffic systems, etc.

 We see that possibly by 2035, there could be up to 7 billion annual passenger flights. From that perspective, it’s very good.

 I think there is a huge complex set of factors that have to be managed by an airline.

 The competitiveness of airlines now is looking like those who hedged and those who did not. In addition, airlines have to consider the revaluation of their hedges.

 15-20 years ago, you were seeing airlines, mainly in the far east, hedging 3 to 5 years of fuel. When the market went down, their capital was affected, their earnings were affected, and competitive position was affected.

 Unfortunately, price elasticity is very fragmented.

 When is a good time to hedge? It’s a very important decision to make, and there is no easy answer. My feeling at the moment is, if I see oil under 30 dollars, I would hedge for 3 years. The problem is, no one knows. So it’s a little bit of luck, and little bit of guessing.

 The model that Etihad has created - it's really disruptive for the rest of the industry. The success of the timing has turned out to be correct.

 The capacity of this model has only just begun, and I think Etihad is doing a great job of incrementally going through all parts of the business, and saying, “how can we implement the progress of our partners?”

 In an intriguing way, you have, in this part of the world, the huge organic, built, successful airline of Emirates. Now, you find another business model that may be as successful [in reference to Etihad].

 It is a new model, and I think what they’ve done – their timing of putting equity into these ventures was amazing. The turnaround of Jet has partly been because oil prices have gone down like that.

 Arif Wibowo, President and CEO, Garuda Indonesia

 Of course, we’ve benefitted from fuel as a tailwind – and we do hedge, very carefully.

 At the end of Q2 last year, we hedged only 27%. After that, we just followed the volatility of the oil prices.

 55% Rupiah revenue, and 45% non-Rupiah revenue. Among the non-Rupia revenue, we rely on the US Dollar by 30%, and the remainder is still heavily affected by the US Dollar.

 We are aiming to have a stronger market share.

 Even though the yield on average is a little bit decreased, the total traffic continues to increase by over 13% - and that’s critical for us.

 We are thinking of the fleet plan on a 10-year strategy. We have to keep maintaining the growth in terms of capacity; we have to add both narrow- and wide-bodied planes.

 Richard Welford, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer, TATA Technologies

 We do a lot of business to support our customers, and our suppliers themselves.

 The investor way is always an interesting challenge.

 From a supplying perspective, you need to be careful that whatever you are investing is ultimately sustainable.

 The key flavour for me would be: enjoy the optimism at the top of the tree, but at the same time make sure your model for response is accurate enough. Be careful.

 Everybody has to be stronger. Every country has to have more open skies.

 We have to compete with others, or we have to cooperate.

 Richard Welford, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer, TATA Technologies

 We do a lot of business to support our customers, and our suppliers themselves.

 The investor way is always an interesting challenge.

 From a supplying perspective, you need to be careful that whatever you are investing is ultimately sustainable.

 The key flavour for me would be: enjoy the optimism at the top of the tree, but at the same time make sure your model for response is accurate enough. Be careful.

Last modified on الإثنين, 07 آذار/مارس 2016 14:13
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