كانون2/يناير 19, 2025

Harris Corporation to Showcase Connected Battlefield Technologies at IDEX 2017

شباط/فبراير 16, 2017 1749

(Harris Stand: 03-C22) — Harris Corporation (HRS) will showcase its broad range of advanced products and integrated systems that help customers connect the battlefield during the 2017 International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX), Feb. 19-23, in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Harris will exhibit and demonstrate its proven solutions that meet urgent security challenges associated with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) issues and that offer new opportunities for modernizing force structures. Harris is uniquely capable of providing individual and fully integrated solutions, with key offerings such as digital command and control, tactical communications, persistent surveillance, night vision, robotics and more. Solutions that will be showcased include:

Harris has supported customers in the Middle East/Northern Africa region for more than 50 years — delivering customized, innovative solutions that anticipate the warfighters’ needs. Around the world, Harris technologies are used every day in mission operations by thousands of warfighters in every domain. They provide secure communications, digital command and control, and reliable intelligence for a distinct tactical advantage. As military requirements expand and evolve in today's current environment, Harris is developing and deploying solutions that protect critical information and enable real-time action.

الامن الوطني العربي نافذة تطل على كل ما يتعلق بالعالم العربي من تطورات واحداث لها ارتباط مباشر بالمخاطر التي تتهددنا امنيا، ثقافيا، اجتماعيا واقتصاديا...

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