آذار/مارس 31, 2025

Raytheon joins international partnership on cybersecurity

شباط/فبراير 17, 2016 1727

Company sponsors cyber-focused UAE Security Forum and university Cyber Academy

DULLES, Va., Feb. 17, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) will conduct a week of cybersecurity events in the United Arab Emirates as it partners with government leaders to help build the nation's cyber defense expertise.

"As a global leader in cybersecurity with more than three decades of experience, I believe we have the responsibility to help address this international security challenge," said Dave Wajsgras, president of Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services. "Our partnership in the United Arab Emirates joins our larger effort to further aid allies of the United States to secure their cyber space by developing the next generation of cybersecurity experts and leaders."

Cybersecurity experts from government, academia and industry will gather for the Raytheon-sponsored UAE Security Forum on Feb. 21 in Abu Dhabi. The forum, hosted by the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, will drive dialogue on building cyber expertise in the UAE.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the UAE Marcelle M. Wahba, president of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, said one of her organization's key strategies is "to bring together policymakers and experts from the United States and our Gulf partners to foster understanding and solutions to a myriad of complex problems and challenges."

Given the increasing, global threats of cyber crime and cyber warfare, "we understand the high importance placed by UAE leaders on establishing a world-class cyber defense capability," she added.

Raytheon will also launch its Cyber Academy, a global initiative to help create the next generation of cybersecurity talent. The four-day workshop, which begins Feb. 22 at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, will provide students with new skills and knowledge to secure cyber domains. Instructors from the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security at the University of Texas - San Antonio will be at Khalifa University to conduct the Raytheon workshop. The University of Texas - San Antonio is home of the top-rated cyber education program in the U.S.

"Khalifa University is a great partner in this effort as they are UAE's leading university in science and technology, and increasing their emphasis in cyber programs," said Dwayne Williams, director of the annual CIAS-led National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, which is sponsored by Raytheon. "Building this partnership is a great first step because cybersecurity is truly a global problem. Universities need to evolve curriculum constantly to keep up with threats and innovation in cyber solutions."

More details on The UAE Security Forum: Bridging the Cybersecurity Talent Gap are available at www.uaesf.org.

Last modified on الأربعاء, 17 شباط/فبراير 2016 14:52
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