كانون2/يناير 23, 2025


كانون1/ديسمبر 22, 2015 1330

Defence and security company Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) for the upgrade and enhancement of the heavyweight torpedo system, Torpedo 62. The deliveries will take place during the period 2016-2017.

The order comes under the terms of the Letter of Intent (LoI), signed between Saab and FMV on June 9 2014, regarding support for the Swedish Armed Force´s underwater capabilities. With this order the Torpedo 62 system will be upgraded with new and enhanced functionalities. The contract also includes an option for additional orders.HWT Torpedo System Saab

“Saab develops the systems together with its customers in order to meet the challenges that they face. We have a very strong relationship with FMV and through this order, we will deliver a modern and powerful torpedo system”, says Agneta Kammeby, head of business unit Underwater Systems within Saab business area Dynamics.

The Torpedo 62 is an advanced heavy weight torpedo for combating surface targets. The Torpedo 62 is equipped with an advanced propulsion system capable of high speed and long endurance together with a state of the art homing system.

Saab has established a unique expertise to developed underwater systems for shallow waters and for the specific environment found in the Baltic Sea, including customised propulsion systems, communication systems and target seekers. Some of these are world leading systems within its segment. Saab has a longstanding partnership with FMV and has provided underwater solutions for weapon systems, sensors, autonomous underwater vehicles and mine hunting.

Last modified on الثلاثاء, 22 كانون1/ديسمبر 2015 19:59
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