كانون2/يناير 30, 2025

Toward the next generation of cyber defenders

شباط/فبراير 22, 2016 1733

Raytheon launches global Cyber Academy program with events in the UAE

Students attend a science, technology, engineering and mathematics summer camp at Khalifa University's Abu Dhabi campus. The camp was designed as a platform to inspire high school students interested in pursuing a career in engineering or the technology sector.
Students attend a science, technology, engineering and mathematics summer camp at Khalifa University's Abu Dhabi campus. The camp was designed as a platform to inspire high school students interested in pursuing a career in engineering or the technology sector.

To help bridge this talent gap, Raytheon will premiere a global cyber education program with two key events in the United Arab Emirates:

  • UAE Security Forum: Bridging the Cybersecurity Talent Gap – a one-day event focusing on development of cyber talent on Feb. 21. The seminar will bring together government, academic and cybersecurity industry leaders to identify actions needed to develop cyber talent.
  • A four-day cyber educational workshop at Khalifa University, Feb. 22-25. This workshop will teach students new cybersecurity skills and test them with a competition on the last day.

“As a global cybersecurity leader with more than three decades of experience, I believe we have a responsibility to help address this international security challenge,” said Dave Wajsgras, president of Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services. “This groundbreaking program, which we’re launching in Abu Dhabi, helps partner nations secure their cyber space by developing the next generation of cybersecurity experts and leaders.”

The students at Khalifa University will be taught by some of the best cyber experts from the United States: two members of the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security at the University of Texas-San Antonio, who will conduct the workshop. The University of Texas at San Antonio cybersecurity program recently was named best in the U.S. by a national survey of certified information technology security professionals.

"Teaching cybersecurity is challenging because it's a moving target," said the center's Dwayne Williams, who also serves as director of the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition, an annual contest for cybersecurity student teams. "Technology and the methods of attack change so quickly. Skills needed 10 years ago are obsolete today. We're always playing catch-up with the bad guys, so universities need to evolve constantly to keep up."

Williams hopes to expand cyber competitions internationally. He believes the Raytheon-sponsored UAE Security Forum and cyber academy at Khalifa University will help generate interest from colleges and universities in the region.

"Khalifa University is a great partner in this effort because they are one of the leaders of cybersecurity training in the Middle East," Williams said.

Raytheon has also partnered with The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington and the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security at the University of Texas - San Antonio. The CIAS team is Raytheon's partner for the annual NCCDC student competition in the United States.

Dave Wajsgras, president of Raytheon's Intelligence, Information and Services business, joins Coach Tom Nedorost and the 2015 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition winners from the University of Central Florida. Raytheon's events in the UAE are seen as the first steps toward a global cyber competition.
Dave Wajsgras, president of Raytheon's Intelligence, Information and Services business, joins Coach Tom Nedorost and the 2015 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition winners from the University of Central Florida. Raytheon's events in the UAE are seen as the first steps toward a global cyber competition.


Last modified on الإثنين, 22 شباط/فبراير 2016 16:36
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